My pleasure! Too lazy to hyperlink though, sorry.
My Top 5:
Dead Moon Survival - GOAT...for now
Sinful Summer (really great, dev deserves more support)
Ms Denvers (my contender for GOAT if the dev can make it to the finish line)
A Wife and Mother (didn't stick the landing the way I had hoped but at least it's there)
Her Desire (dev deserves credit for timely updates and getting M/D to finish line. I just think the pacing was too fast)
Contenders for Top 5:
Word of Mouth (would be on Top 5 but missing that sweet M/D content as of now)
Secrets of the Family (tragically bugged but pure M/D)
With Rain Comes the Flood (same dev and needs help) and redux
WRCF Redux
Dog Days of Summer (currently under rework, need to play old version. Rushed M/D)
Ariana's Perverted Diary (rushed M/D. Has mostly skippable futa at the moment)
Sweet Affection (there is an ungodly amount of repetitive script)
Honorable Mentions:
Mother's Devotion (nothing crazy yet but I like where it's headed)
The Evil Within Her (hot scenes but...well, eh)
Free Pass (earlier version daughter is way hotter with better pacing IMO, but the rework does have rushed M/D)
Desert Stalker (very hot scenes, but not into Father protag personally...although you can name relation)
Bad Memories (dev snuck in M/D, kinda rushed, but hot enough)
Lust and Power (would be in contender list but the rework took out the M/D and is taking forever. Play old version)
Midlife Crises (as you mentioned, but again, I personally don't like to play as a father)