3.50 star(s) 25 Votes


Mar 11, 2018
a succubus without sexual intercourse, is like a fish without water! shame about the sexy succubus. but looks very good. the succubus are one of my favorite fairy tales. they don't care what you look like, the main thing is that she can suck your (soul) out ;), no matter what body opening the succubus use!


Oct 1, 2017
Beautiful game, cool graphics, lights, models, animations and sound, the one hand weapon animation is excellent like all game design. Rightly finished and with much personality the developer. Only I have compliments for this game.


Dec 15, 2018
I think there may be some issues with these mountains (level 8)


The buff statues you can buy in furnitures don't work.
They're also called "angle" instead of "angel", same in the description of the magic one.
The angel of gold thumbnail shows the angel of blood instead.

My character is stuck there, surronded by invisible walls in level 11


Level 12 was the strangest. First, I don't loot anything for the whole level, except 2 life pots. Then, I went into a big round room, killed every ennemy there, and then nothing. No other path, backward path still blocked and no ennemy left.

And my bad, there actually is a way to go back home without losing everything. Just go back to main menu then load. But I don't think it's intended.

Also, isn't there any "helmet" item in the game ? This item slot is empy for me since the beginning and I didn't find anything I could put there. Also didn't find any purple rarity weapons or ring (EDIT : I finally looted a purple sword).

Level 13 is also looting only potions.

There is also a bug in level 11 that everything you loot in the level also loot at the beginning of the level, so if you go back you can basically double loot

Well, basically the game is super bugged in the latest levels

Overall, the level I struggled on the most was level 4, I had to farm level 3 for a bit to pass it but then once you start getting enough armor the game is pretty simple.
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New Member
May 2, 2019
The game looks great, Animations don't support the sexy/powerful theme, instead, they're generic run/swing animations. Combat feels awful. No cleave on 2-handed weapons. No strong/light/directional attack, just click m1. No hyper armour (from what I can tell), Flinch mechanics feel awful. Blocking feels awful. No lock on. Enemies just charge and try and surround you. What magic you get seems RNG. Feels having to choose between skimpy better-looking armour and better stats, especially when it's not a trade-off like higher armour = more weight = slower. a quick fix could be to have a cosmetics tab or have the ability to imbue one item's stats into another. The maps really don't offer much at the moment and don't fit the theme.
Overall, it's a working game. Given allot of work it could turn into something good, Animations are really important! (look and nier automata)


Mar 17, 2019
Extremely well made game for a 0.11 level release. It is aesthetically fantastic, combat is classic hack-n-slash, it reminds me a lot of games like Gauntlet and Champions of Norrath.

The following are issues with the game that I found that I think ought to be improved on in future builds, and some suggestions on how to improve them.
Before anyone loses my intentions in translation, my intent is to be as constructive as possible. Because misunderstandings happen when interpreting written form.

- I am guessing the dev is a not a native English speaker? Your introduction window is full of grammatical errors. Consider using this instead:
"Welcome to your castle. Take your time to prepare for all of your upcoming battles here. From this location, you can buy weapons, armor, and items you may need. You can store extra items, and also buy furniture to decorate your home.
When you are ready to fight, go up to the gate, press the "interact" button, and choose the battlefield on the map you want to play on. Be warned, your enemies are merciless and you will lose all of your gold and gear if you die. However, any items you have stored away in your castle are saved."
- I about lost my shit when I saw "loose" instead of "lose" in your weapon shop menu. I'm tired of seeing people make this error. The word "loose" is for things like "loose pussy" or "stray dog on the loose!" You want "lose" for whenever something is dropped, lost, or taken. But I digress. Try this instead:
"Consider your purchases with care. There is no perfect weapon. Learn how your enemies move and choose the weapon you need to fight them."
Your weapons shop should probably always have arrows available.
- For the armor section:
"Your outfits utilize both form and function. Enjoy ;)"
- The personal storage chest, wardrobe, and furniture store need "Close" buttons. Also, would like to be able to back out of them via game pad. I haven't found the button to do that yet, if there is one.
- A number of your other in-game pop-up windows are redundant. You could probably lose most of them, like the one that pops up over the battle map for example. You don't have to tell us we risk losing all our gear three times. We got it the first time.
- Some of the weapon hit boxes are pretty bad. I've only tried short sword, mace, club, and longbow so far. A lot of the swing animations are too high and right-side biased. More centralized hit boxes would be preferable. The longbow is extremely useful, but doesn't work at all with a game pad. You have to use a mouse and keyboard if you use the longbow.
- Combat is missing the mandatory block button. Unless I need a shield? I haven't been able to buy one yet, but I know trained swordsman can totally block without a shield.
- Some kind of "focusing" camera effect would be nice to have. In this free form, I have to manually make sure my character is facing the enemy. It's easily manageable, but a very dated issue. Being able to toggle focus on and off, and switch between enemies would make combat better.
- The loot menu currently does not work with game pad. I have to switch between controller and mouse and keyboard to pick up items. I think implementing an auto-pickup would be better, as it would eliminate the need of an extra menu entirely.
- I do not see the point of the timer after killing the boss/last enemy. I won, let me loot in peace!
- Accidentally using a potion while at full health can be an issue, especially with game pads. Please disable being able to use health potions when at full health.
- Similarly, the game will not let me change the button designations on the game pad because one is already in use. Please consider being able to clear all the default keys/buttons so we can fully customize the controls to our preferences.
- The game is excruciatingly difficult to get back into when you die. I guess that's the point? But even if you replay lvl 1 again and again, having nothing but an ancient sword, working back up from below square one is killer and you'll probably just end up dying again. Might be kinda over doing it?
- I have yet to find any explanation as to what the buffs do. That information is way too important to be left out. (edit, I figured it out eventually)

Looking forward to the next build! (y) :cool:
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Amor et crux

Mar 11, 2018
I think the game was released too soon. The prologe is missing. (Why the mc starts killing the creatures?) The safe system is crap. (If you return home you lose everything does not matter if you died during the mission or not). You cannot save manually that button is missing from the menu this is a huge mistake. When you go back the main menu all of the misc settings go zero. Mouse sensitivy, music etc. The loot is freezing if you push the tab to much. I know this is a beta version but becouse of these annoying bugs exists the game is not playable very well. The game is screaming for another beta testing. The conception of the game is good.
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New Member
Dec 17, 2017
Game's pretty ok as it is, but I would really appreciate some kind of lock-on feature to make the combat less hectic


Mar 17, 2019
Also, those of you complaining about how there is no way to save your game - the game auto-saves so you can't reload and get all your stuff back when you die. Honestly, that is probably something the dev should have made clear in game.


Mar 12, 2018
This game is pretty grindy and you lose everything in your inventory when you die. That's not a good design, honestly. You either make things easy to get because you lose everything when you die or you don't lose anything and that makes the grind worthwhile. Otherwise it makes the player not want to leave the base with good gear or spend any of the hard earned gold, and boy, is it hard to earn with this combat system. This game really needs a lock on target mechanic to make combat not so clunky. On the good side, the character is hot and there are plenty of good looking armor to try if you're not afraid of wasting your time grinding for something you can lose in one second because you got hard locked by 7 enemies surrounding you.


Dec 15, 2018
I have yet to find any explanation as to what the buffs do. That information is way too important to be left out.
You can find the buff effect by hovering over it in the menu. One loots more gold on ennemies and the other two are HP and mana buff.
The safe system is crap. (If you return home you lose everything does not matter if you died during the mission or not). You cannot save manually that button is missing from the menu this is a huge mistake.
You can go back home while keeping your actual inventory by going back to the main menu and then loading. The game auto-save when you do it, but it doesn't save the fact that you're in a level so you're teleported home instead, even if I don't think it's an intended mechanic.
You can also just alt f4 the game so it doesn't save and then you can load your last safe, which should be when you last cleared a level or left the game.


Game Developer
May 6, 2020
Oh man this looks amazing, especially the UI stuff. How many people are working on this project? Looks really time intensive, good job!


Sep 3, 2019
is it better than grim dawn?

ps - but seriously. never seen succubus girl fighting with sword and shield. this is something
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Mar 17, 2019
The more I play this game, the more I find myself disliking the combat. I really do hope it gets polished with a target/focusing mechanic of some kind among other things.
I've also found that:

- Rolling is almost completely useless. I might use it more if it actually bump-staggers enemies or something.
- There are no skills (yet?). Just attack-attack-attack and hope you hit. I hope attack skills get added.
- You better hope they stagger on the first hit.
- Burnt zombies are cunts because their move --> attack has virtually no delay.
- The difficulty spike from lvl 3 to lvl 4 is enormous because of those fire throwing skeletons, and electric skeletons. You will die to persistent burning damage if you're not careful. I died in the first zone of level 4 on both of my attempts that way already and have lost any desire to keep going. They either need to be nerfed or the player needs to be prompted when burning so they know to take potions until burning goes away.
- Magic Barrier is useless. It blocks ranged attacks from a stationary position. That's it. You're better off using natural barriers and walls.
- Since Magic Barrier is the only spell I've come across, mana potions are completely useless.
- Why does my succubus have wings if she can't fly?
- There are no tools for dealing with swarms of enemies. You'd think the big swords would have a wide arc that hits lots of enemies, but they don't. The best you can hope to do is run and try to thin out the horde. But that doesn't work because all the bad guys run at the same speed, except regular zombies. So you can't spread them out.

- Your castle chest is your best friend. It will hold onto your extra gear, and surplus of health potions. If you don't use it, dying even just once makes it almost impossible to get back into the game. If that's the case, you might as well start a new game because you'll start with more that way. But even if you do store extra gear in it, it's likely going to be subpar, and you'll have to grind early stages another 20 times to reacquire your old gear before reattempting harder levels. It's more grinding than I'm interested in.

I doubt I'll play this game again until these problems have been addressed. I hope my input has been helpful.

Amor et crux

Mar 11, 2018
You can find the buff effect by hovering over it in the menu. One loots more gold on ennemies and the other two are HP and mana buff.

You can go back home while keeping your actual inventory by going back to the main menu and then loading. The game auto-save when you do it, but it doesn't save the fact that you're in a level so you're teleported home instead, even if I don't think it's an intended mechanic.
You can also just alt f4 the game so it doesn't save and then you can load your last safe, which should be when you last cleared a level or left the game.
So every time must go back to main menu to save all your stuff when the situation is bad! Sounds pretty annoying to me. It is more illogical than logical. I know its just two more mouse clicks but who likes that? Using every time the alt f4 combination will cause severe damage in the game experience. Not to mention the anger issues for the players. Need to wait a more stable version or the devs must create a money cheat to erase the pain after death.


Dec 15, 2018
So every time must go back to main menu to save all your stuff when the situation is bad! Sounds pretty annoying to me. It is more illogical than logical. I know its just two more mouse clicks but who likes that? Using every time the alt f4 combination will cause severe damage in the game experience. Not to mention the anger issues for the players. Need to wait a more stable version or the devs must create a money cheat to erase the pain after death.
Well, I think the intended way of playing is to just start over when you die, so saving all your stuff with 2 mouse clicks is pretty good in comparison but yeah, I agree it would be better just not to lose your stuff


Sep 9, 2017
Audio is horrific, gameplay is buggy... so why the hell can't I stop playing!!! This game is seriously addictive!! Well done man, seriously, well done!
Also, fantastic job on the model and level designs!


Mar 19, 2019
i like it very much i kind of getting addicted to this game but here weak point it will be great if you can make auto target system enemy who is near or little far should auto lock when attacking player attack different way and it wasting time and turn looks noob and yea as every one saying ill say same here add some hot stuff and when player die man.. :( lose every thing and even there is no retry option when i try to go home it loses everything do something about it and item like clothes and shield anything that is bigger size it occupied whole space in inventory it shouldn't be like this ? make it as same other icon size so we can use more items in inventory 1 sword equipped 9 boxes in inventory wth hope in next version this game will come up with nice content Good luck
3.50 star(s) 25 Votes