Shitpost, and general thoughts on ero- RPG


Mar 8, 2020
TL;DR: when you are fapping, you are an audience, not an active player. You are seeking a good story, not real "gameplay", so what's the point of using an RPG as a game body that wastes precious time which can be used on Plot progression? such as VN? or if you want more choice, the format of "that slave girl adoption game which I truly can't remember the name of"

WARNING: this is going to be a notoriously long and messy shitpost, decide for yourself if you want to waste the time reading this crap.

This is more of a shower thought, but here's the point:

"Why RPG?" (For the most part)

The game body of RPG, any type really but in general "RPG maker eros", offers some very unique benefits, (such as, well, you get to role-play, how surprising), but it also comes with a massive drawback, which is the time you are spending with the MC is actually very short, in comparison to any other popular ero game body. I know this seems odd at first glance but hear me out.

What is an ero? Well it's a game where, you, a loser, get to watch animated tiddies in front of a screen in your mom's basement. At its core. Otherwise, it's called an ordinary game with R18+ contents (although a lot of ero do fall into this category, such as that something something sora game where you get to have sex with your possibly illegally aged imoto). And this is where the core satisfaction comes from. This also suggests any ero game would be mainly story-driven (if there is any, *cough* Miel *Cough* HS2), or at least, character-driven. Furthermore, this would also suggest that you are more or less in an audience mindset when playing these games- you want to "see something happen", not wanting to "do the deed". (Good RPG eros are a bit different but we will touch on that later)

So how about an RPG? The game where you get to role-play as a character? In my oponion the satisfication source is different. Classic RPG has its core satisfication based on character progression, watching your character get better and better at something. Look to Kingdom Come: Deliverence for what I am referring to, or even Tarkov- that thrill of head eyeing that meta chad from 25 meters away using a Makarov, and successfully ratting those goodies into your inventory- I'm getting off topic here. But you get what I meant. Or, alternatively, the pure interest of "doing the deed"- the whole thing, would you do it, how would you do it, why would you do it, what would happen and what happened. Look at Fallout, ES, or in an extreme case, Detroit.

Can we find something in common between the 2? Yes. Character progression (almost) directly leads to the ero community's pride and joy, corruption and NTR, and...... no. In my opinion we are not really interested in how the MC interacts with the event, but the outcome of it, where she probably gets fucked in the arse regardless of how she handled the event. But here's the thing, in KCD it's YOU who controlled Henry to kill that fully armoured knight with nothing but a single stick, in Tarkov it's YOU who head eyed that chad and got perma- banned for "suspected to be hacking". But in ero RPGs? Is it you that wanted to be fucked in the arse for doing literally anything? I suspect not, at least not with the neckbeard body you have now. So this goes again back to my previous point of you are playing the game with an audience mindset. well then...... what's the point of role-playing if you are doomed to be not even immersed in the character?

You would be able to show character progression of any type, yes, NTR and corruption included, through any media. It's a central pillar of almost any drama (well I use the word drama very loosely here), and other common ero- bodies arre of no exception.

You see, the time you are spending with the MC in an RPG is very short in comparison to other bodies such as VN. A lot of precious time that can be spent on character building or plot progression was wasted on running from map to map. That's fine in normal RPG, as you will always have plenty of decisions to make, items to explore (that offers some interesting qualities like further information on the fluff, i.e. Dark souls), and time spent can be awarded with character stat progression (say, even pokemon) or loot (Fallout blah blah blah).

These are, however, irrelevant in ero RPG. As the only decision to make is how would the MC be fucked in the arse and by who, the only item to explore is items that can add (or restore) the corruption level of the MC, and character progression is typically depicted in terms of how much the MC would like to be fucked in the arse. But none of these involves you, as the player. And there are plenty of other ways to depict these values. Take senshamendan (that bishop game) as an example, things to explore are just as much as a normal ero RPG offers, but with the body of VN, in the time an ero RPG takes to corrupt one MC, you can read in details and be more immersed with how 2 or even 3 characters got corrupted.- Not time was wasted, it's packed full of girls being fucked in the arse, plot and character development. It probably also cheaper.

I will continue this essay (if you'd call it that) tomorrow. Getting late here.