Title: Shojo Dakkan - Ojou sama o Lady ni
Release date: 2007/06/29
Company: インターハート
Thanks for reading my post. Sorry my English is not that good.
I recently downloaded this game from the Internet and got a .I00, a .I01 and a .MDS files. Please forgive me that I don't understand Japanese and have no concept of how these files work. But I managed to combine these files into a .EXT file with Altap Salamander 4.0 and rename it as a .ISO file. Then I installed the game by reading its installation guideline. After that, I couldn't run the game properly which it showed the black screen at the beginning of the game. I randomly right-clicked my mouse to get to the menu and selected a new game. But it only showed the same warning screen.
The game I downloaded is a crack version. I wanna know if the files I downloaded are broken or I just install the game incorrectly. I would appreciate if someone can provide me a solution to run this game normally. Thank you.
I have shared the download link in case someone wanna investigate these files. The original link is from a Chinese website which is not convenient to download.
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