So ultimately, it's alright. It's a good 3 stars, but it's impossible to give it any more due to how simplistic it is.
Game lasts around 2 hours if you want to watch every ending, it's strictly linear and you have to do everything until the ending choice, where you pick one girl to have intercourse and ending with.
In the vein of every other summer shota game, you just do stuff with your mom, sisters, teacher, doctor and shopkeeper, extremely basic stuff, no further story exist. Translation isn't particularly great, common "you are/your" mistakes, spacing is weird, it's readable and all but something constantly feels off about it.
Art is very pleasant and vibrant, animations are surprisingly good for RPGM, girls are super standart but nice. Except the penis of the MC is extremely small even for his supposed age to the point of ridiculous, definitely a minus.
It's extremely barebones, there is no freedom of action, there is no interactivity, relashionships are just casual sex (well mostly foreplay until ending), it did absolute bare minimum for this genre and was fine with it. What it did however was done fairly well.
There is nothing here you can't find in other summer shota games, but it's a decent waste of 2 hours if you are in the mood for it. You definitely could do worse, but also can do much better.