Should there be mandatory blurring of NTR/sharing/etc images in threads for games?


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
With rare exceptions like inciting violence, I'm always against censorship of any kind. That includes me supporting the right of other people to say things I don't like or produce media I don't like. I don't have to read or watch it if I don't like it but they have a right to produce it.

I do think there are certain types of content that it makes sense for a dev to put a disclaimer on the main page about though so potential customers know what they're getting. Features like a toggle to disable certain things that you know a good chunk of people won't like also make sense.

Using NTR as an example there are a number of devs out there who have a no NTR toggle for people who are interested in the game overall but don't want to stumble into any NTR scenes. That shouldn't be required, but a dev who does that is potentially going to get some customers who don't like NTR but are still willing to play his game if they know for sure they can avoid it.

For most games I don't think this is that big of an issue anyway. If a dev stays focused on the types of fetishes that naturally go together then most of his potential fans are going to like most of his content. It's when a dev tries to widen the appeal of the game by including fetishes that don't go together as naturally that you're more likely to get people who like one group of fetishes in the game while disliking some other group of fetishes.

For instance throwing some bondage into a game that doesn't really focus on that sort of content is probably not going to work. It's not really a mainstream fetish. People who are into it tend to REALLy be into it, and people who aren't just think it's kind of strange so it wouldn't add anything for them.
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Aug 29, 2019
I'm assuming the OP is trolling, but on the off chance that isn't true, I would say maybe you should learn not to be traumatized by what two (or more) fictional animated characters do to each other.


Jul 26, 2017
Congratulations OP; you get to go into the halls of "wanting to censor someones fetish on a pirate website because it's not my cup of tea." Protip: If you see the NTR tag on a game, you're going to see NTR. If you go through screenshots even after seeing that tag, it's your fault for sticking around when clearly it was marked NTR.

I love it when they post dumb takes and then grandstand like "I'm not the only one!" waiting for some mob of incels who run screaming into the thread about their waifus being violated by the tanned chad; just to find out that usually the other people who take issue with the fetish y'know...go find another game since there's a metric fuckton of them.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Well I think the OP got enough bashing so not gonna add anything on that, to be fair as some people said the thing is that when you start to draw a line it is hard to stop, what can or can't be censored? who decides it?, personally I have an extreme dislike of scat and found a scene of it in a game that didn't have it tagged, what did I do? just close the game and delete it cause it isn't for me.

I believe it would be nice if everyone could just do that and if you find the tag you extremely hate just don't play that game (if it's unavoidable of course, in some cases it can be avoidable or optional, it depends).


Mar 9, 2019
I hate ntr as much as the next man, but its not the end of the world if you see it. If we blur NTR then we should blur all fetishes to be fair. I don't like futa content so let's blur all futa content, it just seems a bit extreme and unfair.

Good troll post though, I'm sure you'll procure lot's of replies.