Not counting the solution being mentioned on this page, I went back 1 page and found it mentioned for most likely the 10th+ time.
Skill issue, took me less than a minute.
I just looked even more, other than page 113, it's on page 111.
edit: So, I just went back and counted total how many times, I've seen this "illusive" solution:
Starting from this page, it's:
page 114 (most recent page), 113, 111, 108 (3-4 times alone on this page), 106, 103, 101 (1-2+ times), 99, stopped here, I'm sure there's more.
I'm not even getting on your case, I'm just tired of how little effort I put into looking all the way back page by page to 99 and stopped there, and found the solution multiple times, yet this is a hard thing to find apparently, even though it's mentioned every other page.