Unity - Shrink with a Succubus [v0.12.0] [M87124 Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Version under review: 0.12.0

    Amending my review, because I figured out how to avoid a game-breaking glitch that made defeat practically inevitable. The game is still quite dissatisfying to play, however. It feels like the character should be moving a lot faster than they do, and I personally dislike how the cannons only have a 180-degree range aiming inside the bounds of the circle, when the succubus could very easily skirt around that range and stomp you to death. I did, however, manage to beat the game on Casual and Normal modes, so it's by no means impossible.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Since its a small game, and since there arent many games quite like it, and despite the lack of nudity and actual hentai/porn, it was still an enjoyable experience. There is a gallery for the game which requires you to encounter all the moves the Succubus can do.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Jimmy Two Times

    Shrink with a Succubus [v0.10.1] is basically "a good idea executed in a horrid way" case. It is unplayable as of the version v0.10.1. This game incomprehensibly hard, you cannot beat the game due to bugs on top of the difficulty. At least i couldn't. I need to go in details and give spoilers to explain the major flaws, so if you don't take my word for it when i say stay away from this, just play the game and see how awful it is yourself. I also may use strong language in this review because how frustrating my experience was, so if you are squeamish about that, don't read the rest of the review.

    Alright, so you need to bring down this hoe using cannons spread around the map, right? So you manually load the cannon with the cannonballs nearby. You get on the cannon, you damage her, she destroys the cannon you just used after a second or so. Sometimes teleport stomping it. So you gotta gtfo of there after you hear her moan when you first hit her. You gotta be extremely quick or you die. You need to skiddadle out of there and find one of the other two left after she destroys the one you used. If you manage to hurt her again with one of the other cannons, she goes in a state where she falls on all four, and you need to get under her and hit her glowing amulet with your piece of shit crossbow to hurt her again. But you fucking can't because the goddamn crossbow is as accurate as Reuters News, so it is near impossible to do consistently! I've managed to hit that glowing green thing once after 2 hours of playing! And I'm not a bad shot in other games i play. So when you eventually miss the phase because you can't shoot for shit and you can only carry 2 bolts for your crossbow, she goes super saiyan and does some weird voodoo and destroys all the cannons on the map. Despite the description, the destroyed cannons do not spawn no matter how hard you try, you can see the outlines, you can even get stuck in the fucking outlines of would be cannons. So giant sees you, picks you up and you die. You die you die you die. One slip up and you are done. Oh, by the way, there is no sexual content. Do not play this game. Leave it alone.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has sexual content yet.
    It has a bug: somethimes the succubus stucks in the corner of circle.
    Static gameplay: just run and try to hit her.
    Useless weapons: can't aim with cannon.
    At least the succubus is sexy.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I've been waiting for a game like this for a long time.
    What I liked: the gameplay is simple, but original, I haven't seen anything like this on this site (if you have, please email me). Cute succubus. Great potential - in fact, you just need to add a lot of animations and conditions for their creation (AI), and the game will be ready (as I think).
    What I didn't like: the lack of the necessary tags. Seriously, I would like to know about such a wonderful development earlier.
    I hope that the author will develop the project further and more animations will be added. It looks really promising.
    I would put 5/5, but the rules require to be objective, because (only for now) 4. I will be able to change the rating to a higher one with the addition of content.