4.40 star(s) 38 Votes


Mar 20, 2018
"I don't really know much about Nulkan yet, and I'm not 100% in love with him, but he just got a monster erection and explained to me about Ohgizz's curse so I guess I gotta 'help' him with that teehee! Me so hooorny!!" *undresses*
First time you met Saraith this is basically what she tells you:


What is the "Emperor's Touch"?

So it's a bit surprising that suddenly this is a problem. When in the prologue Taifun gave us the excuse and the explanation to this sex dates mechanics.

What do you mean half baked? This was declared since the beginning a "Commissions Update". They had lots of pending commissions and decided to do it this way. About the twins part, they just decided to advance some needed work for the Siann update and introducing the last main girls of the game. That was the original plan and that's what we received. So I don't understand the half baked thing.

Taifun's workload is snowballing into a bigger and bigger problem every update as he tries to add more content every time. Will it all work out once the game is completed? Who knows.
The game is right now at the 77% of its completion. In other words, 23% of the content to develop Siann and going Arax, that very likely will take a couple of updates. This is not anything they didn't face with Space Paws and they always delivered.

This was a great update, with a lot of new content and interesting characters. And I can't wait to reach Siann and punch Wellion's face one time and another. And this is something you ONLY achieve with a good narrative.
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May 9, 2018
So it's a bit surprising that suddenly this is a problem. When in the prologue Taifun gave us the excuse and the explanation to this sex dates mechanics.
Personally I find this explanation very lazy, especially since we've since this "Emperor's Touch" in action with multiple girls already. It's just a lazy way to explain away a lack of exposition or buildup in any of the routes.

What do you mean half baked? This was declared since the beginning a "Commissions Update". They had lots of pending commissions and decided to do it this way. About the twins part, they just decided to advance some needed work for the Siann update and introducing the last main girls of the game. That was the original plan and that's what we received. So I don't understand the half baked thing.
I mean, didn't you just answer your own question here? They chose to introduce the Siann girls without developing Siann yet. Because of this, the progression from "meeting the twins" to "getting a handjob from them" feels faster than usual.


Mar 20, 2018
Personally I find this explanation very lazy, especially since we've since this "Emperor's Touch" in action with multiple girls already. It's just a lazy way to explain away a lack of exposition or buildup in any of the routes.

I mean, didn't you just answer your own question here? They chose to introduce the Siann girls without developing Siann yet. Because of this, the progression from "meeting the twins" to "getting a handjob from them" feels faster than usual.
I can understand that feels faster than usual, because they are the first main girl with this treatment. But as I explained, we are probably 3 updates aways from the end. Delaying their stuff more doesn't sound a better alternative. Taifun usually develops 1 date per update. That would mean date 3 on v1.0. So, no time to develop the level 10 animations or other stuff for them.

A previous comment was questioning if Taifun would be able to handle with all the pending work. It's to me pretty obvious they added the foxes in this update to advance content, and now we are questioning if that was a good decision because it feels rushed.

Do you see guys if you are not mad at something you are mad at something else?


New Member
May 13, 2018
Also English isn't Taifun's first language. While there are proof readers, the story may flow better in Spanish (Taifun's native language.) The proof readers just adjust grammar, and they are most likely not looking at the whole script either. So they don't have the whole story to go over and be like actual editors.
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May 12, 2020
English is not my first language either, so I don't feel anything weird in the writing. Sometimes I even find it a bit difficult to understand because I'm not familiar with some expressions, but I get the idea with context, so no problem.
Also, dyra always says what I think, which makes me feel that I'm not crazy, lol! Thank you.gif
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Aug 19, 2019
Wow I completely forgot about this "Emperor's touch" thing since it's been about 2 years since I touched the prologue. The game should mention it again sometime later, like Nulkan saying "wow these girls fall for me too easily due to the emperors touch" or something like that. Or maybe make it part of the story a bit more, making Nulkan wonder if the girl loves him for who he is, or if it's just the "Emperor's touch" (and the girls will of course say they love him). It's such a forgettable part of the story briefly mentioned in the start that it should come back up sometime later.

While I believe having a superpower is an easy/lazy way out to explaining why Nulkan has a harem of lovely ladies, I ultimately don't care that much because it's a sex game first and foremost. Taifun can just say "idk Nulkan is hot as fuck" and I will give it a pass. I read manga with more bizarre stories before. It's not gamebreaking or anything like that. I'm not as upset like that other dude.

If every single member of the harem got a Dynae-style fleshed out romance story, the game would take at least 10 years to finish.

Finally, I said this update is half baked because I usually expect a new world + story progression per update, which is the norm. Although the H scenes are appreciated, I don't really care about the commission side chicks, which Taifun admitted he's way behind schedule on when he declared a "commission update." Anyway I'm a freeloader so whatever. Taifun is working hard and deserves all the money he can get.
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New Member
Feb 22, 2021
Wow I completely forgot about this "Emperor's touch" thing since it's been about 2 years since I touched the prologue. The game should mention it again sometime later, like Nulkan saying "wow these girls fall for me too easily due to the emperors touch" or something like that. Or maybe make it part of the story a bit more, making Nulkan wonder if the girl loves him for who he is, or if it's just the "Emperor's touch" (and the girls will of course say they love him). It's such a forgettable part of the story briefly mentioned in the start that it should come back up sometime later.

While I believe having a superpower is an easy/lazy way out to explaining why Nulkan has a harem of lovely ladies, I ultimately don't care that much because it's a sex game first and foremost. Taifun can just say "idk Nulkan is hot as fuck" and I will give it a pass. I read manga with more bizarre stories before. It's not gamebreaking or anything like that. I'm not as upset like that other dude.

If every single member of the harem got a Dynae-style fleshed out romance story, the game would take at least 10 years to finish.

Finally, I said this update is half baked because I usually expect a new world + story progression per update, which is the norm. Although the H scenes are appreciated, I don't really care about the commission side chicks, which Taifun admitted he's way behind schedule on when he declared a "commission update." Anyway I'm a freeloader so whatever. Taifun is working hard and deserves all the money he can get.
For one, it's comically lazy. Nulkan has the personality of a brick, and he shifts from sub to dominant really fast, shifts from acting like a horny teenager with his highschool crush and to a grizzled, world-weary man in seconds depending on which girl he's with. This game is explicitly set on the ROMANCE aspect, yet also acts like it's totally not a harem, despite it clearly being one. So it has the worst of both worlds while not having any of the strong suits of either genre.

None of the writing around this guy is consistent. His losses don't feel genuine, and he's not portrayed to be hyperintelligent or have any particular tactical literacy, we're not told why or how he's so good and why he should be emperor beyond Hazel telling him that Izuin is always part of his destiny (which isn't true, the Night Queen's introductory scene disproves that) and that he's just "a good man".

Your point about the ET is particularly sailient. And personally, if a game goes out of it's way to have a pre-story story in the way of explaining Shuggerlain, include a small mythos and it's past and go so far as to have a story well into the 20-30K word range, I believe it's alright to hold it to an actual standard and stop treating it as JUST an H-game.

Space Paws did not have this problem because it did not have stakes, character deaths, and overall had a very lighthearted tone save for Alison scenes/the ending romances. The non-sequitur of "Oh it's just a sex game" WOULD work there, because the story is an afterthought.

Also, even Dynae's romance is dogshit. Nulkan gets over the whole "assisting in the genocide of my people" thing too quick and is mighty comfortable with her like a day later, no resentment or lingering distrust and acts buddy-buddy with her immediately.

She also has no reaction to the Emperor's Touch. I mean ffs she's right there.

Then their relationship blooms (first sex scene) because...they killed Tregor together. And that scene felt even weirder because later on they espouse how revenge is bad and how they're gonna be as bad as their enemies if they do that but it's never brought up again that Dynae stabbed this guy in the chest with the express purpose of giving him a slow death while both of them screamed and shouted about how they're gonna get them all. Feels like this should be rewritten lol. Also the anachronism of how Dynae knows about a collapsed lung and the medical term associated with it despite this being a medieval fantasy. Again, just another writing mistake.

Then, the most hilarious bit is just a bit later, just before the ceremony.
Talking with Nadine has her ask if Dynae is his gf, then Nulkan answers no, which is logical- at that point, it's CANONICALLY 5-6 days into the story (you can't get to that point earlier or later. You're still on-rails.)
Talking with Dynae then has him ask "are we breaking up"?! when she tells him things are gonna change which is...yeah. You can probably play the laugh track now.

And if you go on a date with her after that, you get arguably the worst scene. She reveals she has the added borderline deus ex machina ability to essentially peer into the past with 100% accuracy if it's her own memories, and Nulkan sees that she has a 0 perception stat because she missed Tregor with a giant energy ball "by a few meters" which ended up destroying the wall, thus KO'ing Nulkan and allowing the Araxians to quickly overwhelm them and exterminate the entire village.

You are given two choices upon this revelation- immediately forgive her, or don't (and if you don't it's like the MILDEST possible breakdown. Not even a backhand or a shouting match.)

If you don't, Saraith the promiscuous cow-a literal DEMON- comes to lecture you for being too hard on Dynae because...she indirectly led to the slaughter of your entire village, including your son, but she's a strong girl and you should be good to her.
This scene has no impact on their relationship. (not that there IS much of a relationship beyond that. Dynae has a sudden character shift into being really wise/petulant at random moments. You get two extra sex scenes but one of them requires you do a boring fetch quest and the other is in Syqua. And neither of those change anything. Dynae becomes a plot device after ascending into an Oracle. The most entertaining scene with Lolynae is in Syqua where they play a boob gag and it's actually kind of funny.)
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New Member
Feb 22, 2021
I can't find any succubus at all how to find them?
Misha: Have breakfast twice in Littanos, then walk twice with Dynae.
Gifrix: Exactly on day 7, you have to use your final action point in exploring the surroundings of the camp.
Ione: I think you need to spend 5-8 days in Nocverchis and you'll just get this event to pop up on it's own.
Zoe: Talk to Nadine twice while being in Eldrien, refuse Zoe twice.
Anwen: You need affection 3 with Yrraselle, wait 5-6 days after the battle of Fernia and STAY in Fernia, then you'll get the event where she comes with Anwen to tell you about the camp's defenses. Idk if the choice her matters, but save to be sure. Then you need to spend AP until nighttime to get the chance to visit Anwen while she's on duty. Decline both offers.

Ulathiel: Get NQ affection to 3, wait 5 days after the battle in Necrosia, then go talk to her. She'll tell you about her friend. Then NQ's sprite will be in the camp. Talk to her again. After that wait 2 more days and just use ur AP in walking the camp surroundings and you'll get attacked. She's a bit harder than the rest because she has 1150 hp.

Maple and Khara don't ally with either faction in Dirklou and set the patrol (this will take 4 days). That's it. Though be warned this fight is REALLY hard, they have 1750 HP. So either use an autoclicker or max out ur sex training. This fight will also prevent you from getting either of the dirklou units in that playthrough, but you'll get both girls.

Aries:I think you need at least 4 succubi to be freed, but I recommend freeing them all anyway. You need to be in Kemeq and explore the camp surroundings, that's it. She's arguably harder than Maple and Khara- she has 1500 hp but it's way harder to free yourself, she gives you way less time to attack, and also needs you to click a fast moving icon across the screen to free yourself otherwise you need to start clicking again. She additionally skips kissing and licking so she deals way more damage overall and has higher chance of landing more dangerous attacks.
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Jason rex

May 9, 2024
Misha: Have breakfast twice in Littanos, then walk twice with Dynae.
Gifrix: Exactly on day 7, you have to use your final action point in exploring the surroundings of the camp.
Ione: I think you need to spend 5-8 days in Nocverchis and you'll just get this event to pop up on it's own.
Zoe: Talk to Nadine twice while being in Eldrien, refuse Zoe twice.
Anwen: You need affection 3 with Yrraselle, wait 5-6 days after the battle of Fernia and STAY in Fernia, then you'll get the event where she comes with Anwen to tell you about the camp's defenses. Idk if the choice her matters, but save to be sure. Then you need to spend AP until nighttime to get the chance to visit Anwen while she's on duty. Decline both offers.

Ulathiel: Get NQ affection to 3, wait 5 days after the battle in Necrosia, then go talk to her. She'll tell you about her friend. Then NQ's sprite will be in the camp. Talk to her again. After that wait 2 more days and just use ur AP in walking the camp surroundings and you'll get attacked. She's a bit harder than the rest because she has 1150 hp.

Maple and Khara don't ally with either faction in Dirklou and set the patrol (this will take 4 days). That's it. Though be warned this fight is REALLY hard, they have 1750 HP. So either use an autoclicker or max out ur sex training. This fight will also prevent you from getting either of the dirklou units in that playthrough, but you'll get both girls.

Aries:I think you need at least 4 succubi to be freed, but I recommend freeing them all anyway. You need to be in Kemeq and explore the camp surroundings, that's it. She's arguably harder than Maple and Khara- she has 1500 hp but it's way harder to free yourself, she gives you way less time to attack, and also needs you to click a fast moving icon across the screen to free yourself otherwise you need to start clicking again. She additionally skips kissing and licking so she deals way more damage overall and has higher chance of landing more dangerous attacks.
Thank you
May 12, 2020
The new succubus Nuditon is the hottest of all of them, my god!! I thought Aries was the best, but after seeing Nuditon, fuuuuuck I think she wins! If only her breasts were a tad smaller, like Aries. But I'll forgive her.
Also, the newest battles are way more challenging, a bit too difficult I'd say, playing on a laptop doesn't help so it could be me idk. The resist phase with that flying thing is a pita. Even doing all the sex training, I wish we could have more HP to play more relaxed.
Anyway, she can kill me if she wants, I don't mind


Aug 19, 2019
For one, it's comically lazy. Nulkan has the personality of a brick, and he shifts from sub to dominant really fast, shifts from acting like a horny teenager with his highschool crush and to a grizzled, world-weary man in seconds depending on which girl he's with. This game is explicitly set on the ROMANCE aspect, yet also acts like it's totally not a harem, despite it clearly being one. So it has the worst of both worlds while not having any of the strong suits of either genre.

None of the writing around this guy is consistent. His losses don't feel genuine, and he's not portrayed to be hyperintelligent or have any particular tactical literacy, we're not told why or how he's so good and why he should be emperor beyond Hazel telling him that Izuin is always part of his destiny (which isn't true, the Night Queen's introductory scene disproves that) and that he's just "a good man".

Your point about the ET is particularly sailient. And personally, if a game goes out of it's way to have a pre-story story in the way of explaining Shuggerlain, include a small mythos and it's past and go so far as to have a story well into the 20-30K word range, I believe it's alright to hold it to an actual standard and stop treating it as JUST an H-game.

Space Paws did not have this problem because it did not have stakes, character deaths, and overall had a very lighthearted tone save for Alison scenes/the ending romances. The non-sequitur of "Oh it's just a sex game" WOULD work there, because the story is an afterthought.

Also, even Dynae's romance is dogshit. Nulkan gets over the whole "assisting in the genocide of my people" thing too quick and is mighty comfortable with her like a day later, no resentment or lingering distrust and acts buddy-buddy with her immediately.

She also has no reaction to the Emperor's Touch. I mean ffs she's right there.

Then their relationship blooms (first sex scene) because...they killed Tregor together. And that scene felt even weirder because later on they espouse how revenge is bad and how they're gonna be as bad as their enemies if they do that but it's never brought up again that Dynae stabbed this guy in the chest with the express purpose of giving him a slow death while both of them screamed and shouted about how they're gonna get them all. Feels like this should be rewritten lol. Also the anachronism of how Dynae knows about a collapsed lung and the medical term associated with it despite this being a medieval fantasy. Again, just another writing mistake.

Then, the most hilarious bit is just a bit later, just before the ceremony.
Talking with Nadine has her ask if Dynae is his gf, then Nulkan answers no, which is logical- at that point, it's CANONICALLY 5-6 days into the story (you can't get to that point earlier or later. You're still on-rails.)
Talking with Dynae then has him ask "are we breaking up"?! when she tells him things are gonna change which is...yeah. You can probably play the laugh track now.

And if you go on a date with her after that, you get arguably the worst scene. She reveals she has the added borderline deus ex machina ability to essentially peer into the past with 100% accuracy if it's her own memories, and Nulkan sees that she has a 0 perception stat because she missed Tregor with a giant energy ball "by a few meters" which ended up destroying the wall, thus KO'ing Nulkan and allowing the Araxians to quickly overwhelm them and exterminate the entire village.

You are given two choices upon this revelation- immediately forgive her, or don't (and if you don't it's like the MILDEST possible breakdown. Not even a backhand or a shouting match.)

If you don't, Saraith the promiscuous cow-a literal DEMON- comes to lecture you for being too hard on Dynae because...she indirectly led to the slaughter of your entire village, including your son, but she's a strong girl and you should be good to her.
This scene has no impact on their relationship. (not that there IS much of a relationship beyond that. Dynae has a sudden character shift into being really wise/petulant at random moments. You get two extra sex scenes but one of them requires you do a boring fetch quest and the other is in Syqua. And neither of those change anything. Dynae becomes a plot device after ascending into an Oracle. The most entertaining scene with Lolynae is in Syqua where they play a boob gag and it's actually kind of funny.)
Look man, I agree that the story has a lot of inconsistencies and plot holes, but it's passable for what it is. It's pretty good for a sexy adult game- most other games are far worse than this. You're reviewing this game's story like you would review a full novel or a movie. The scrutiny is way too much.

When I open the game the first thing I do is pull down my pants. During gameplay, so much of my blood is in the penis that my brain doesn't get enough to really think about plot holes and story quality. Therefore, my attitude and expectations for this game is very different from yours. I'm just wanting to have a good time with sexy scenes with some sort of OK story to roll on, while you're almost playing this game like it's a graphic novel where H-scenes are NOT the main attraction when playing the game. If you're here for a great story, H-games are not it. You either have to change your expectations, or you have to change what you're playing/reading.

I suggest you stop playing sex games and instead read greatly written books and watch story-free porn that goes straight to fucking whenever you need to jerk off. That way you satisfy both your desire for a good story and good porno. I don't think you're happy whenever a porno tries to have a good story (because they're never good).
You argued that we shouldn't treat this like "just another H-game" because the game kinda has world building, prologues, high volume of back story, expositions, etc. However, it is still just an H-game despite all that. Despite this game's above-average attempt at a real story, it's still not Tolkien- it's still just an amateur-written story by a sex game dev who thought "hmm my sex scenes probably need a story with them." If you believe that this game's attempt at a story was a failure, just don't treat it as a serious story. Just watch the sex scenes, jerk off and forget about it. Yes, the story could be better, but it's not. IDK what else to say.

(This post was edited a few times for polish/clarification)
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New Member
Feb 22, 2021
Look man, I agree that the story has a lot of inconsistencies and plot holes, but it's passable for what it is. It's pretty good for a sexy adult game- most other games are far worse than this. You're reviewing this game's story like you would review a full novel or a movie. The scrutiny is way too much.

When I open the game the first thing I do is pull down my pants. During gameplay, so much of my blood is in the penis that my brain doesn't get enough to really think about plot holes and story quality. Therefore, my attitude and expectations for this game is very different from yours. I'm just wanting to have a good time with sexy scenes with some sort of OK story to roll on, while you're almost playing this game like it's a graphic novel where H-scenes are NOT the main attraction when playing the game. If you're here for a great story, H-games are not it. You either have to change your expectations, or you have to change what you're playing/reading.

I suggest you stop playing sex games and instead read greatly written books and watch story-free porn that goes straight to fucking whenever you need to jerk off. That way you satisfy both your desire for a good story and good porno. I don't think you're happy whenever a porno tries to have a good story (because they're never good).
You argued that we shouldn't treat this like "just another H-game" because the game kinda has world building, prologues, high volume of back story, expositions, etc. However, it is still just an H-game despite all that. Despite this game's above-average attempt at a real story, it's still not Tolkien- it's still just an amateur-written story by a sex game dev who thought "hmm my sex scenes probably need a story with them." If you believe that this game's attempt at a story was a failure, just don't treat it as a serious story. Just watch the sex scenes, jerk off and forget about it. Yes, the story could be better, but it's not. IDK what else to say.

(This post was edited a few times for polish/clarification)
This is a pretty pisspoor response lmao
Having a good story and being an hgame aren't mutually exclusive, and I never said it had to be Tolkien; you can write erotica AND write it well so it doesn't appear to be created by a frat bro, and the bar for story in h games is super, super low. MGQ,Seeds of Chaos, Being a DIIK all are developed by small studios, have a long dev time, are H games, and yet they actually put effort into their story. And hell, SoC is also a medieval fantasy (ableit dark) just like Shuggerlain, and has been in development for like 6-7 years at this point (i think)

If this game didn't have attempts at character development, worldbuilding, a pretentious title, a coherent narrative, stakes, an actual protagonist with a backstory, consequences and choices, I wouldn't be bothering to review it seriously. And yet it does and tries to pass itself off as a romance game, despite the romance being shit and this game actually having shades of being a harem whilist actively denying it at every turn.

At this point I'm not sure what's even the point of dedicating resources and time to the story department instead of just finishing all the H scenes and being done with it.

The story also directly interferes with your H scenes and forces you to play through the game multiple times for the H scenes, (yes, even skipping it is an interaction and having to do the fights also is an interaction.). You can't just shag every character- you need to actively interact with them in a grindy quiz or give gifts which require obscure fights to get the currency for, and you can even lose/fail to get/retain some of them like Ragna, Yraselle, Koa, Luth, Izuin, Vex, NQ, Teagan or Hazel. Dynae you practically lose for the rest of the game after the prologue for story reasons and need to do a secret quest or reach Syqua for more h scenes, and even those are treated as bittersweet and you need to actively go look for them. You need to skip minutes of story content, then do a fight in order to get most of the characters.

If the story actively impedes me and forces me to play by it's rules, I may as well judge it. After all, whoever wrote it in must have thought it to be good if it influenced the h scenes and your rate at getting them/IF you get them. Disregarding it feels kind of odd and disingenious and almost an insult to whoever thought this was a good idea. Space Paws, again, did not have this problem, despite lacking a skip button.

You could input a cheatcode for the gallery hack, but at that point why download a gygabyte of content?
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Aug 19, 2019
This is a pretty pisspoor response lmao
Having a good story and being an hgame aren't mutually exclusive, and I never said it had to be Tolkien; you can write erotica AND write it well so it doesn't appear to be created by a frat bro, and the bar for story in h games is super, super low. MGQ,Seeds of Chaos, Being a DIIK all are developed by small studios, have a long dev time, are H games, and yet they actually put effort into their story. And hell, SoC is also a medieval fantasy (ableit dark) just like Shuggerlain, and has been in development for like 6-7 years at this point (i think)

If this game didn't have attempts at character development, worldbuilding, a pretentious title, a coherent narrative, stakes, an actual protagonist with a backstory, consequences and choices, I wouldn't be bothering to review it seriously. And yet it does and tries to pass itself off as a romance game, despite the romance being shit and this game actually having shades of being a harem whilist actively denying it at every turn.

At this point I'm not sure what's even the point of dedicating resources and time to the story department instead of just finishing all the H scenes and being done with it.

The story also directly interferes with your H scenes and forces you to play through the game multiple times for the H scenes, (yes, even skipping it is an interaction and having to do the fights also is an interaction.). You can't just shag every character- you need to actively interact with them in a grindy quiz or give gifts which require obscure fights to get the currency for, and you can even lose/fail to get/retain some of them like Ragna, Yraselle, Koa, Luth, Izuin, Vex, NQ, Teagan or Hazel. Dynae you practically lose for the rest of the game after the prologue for story reasons and need to do a secret quest or reach Syqua for more h scenes, and even those are treated as bittersweet and you need to actively go look for them. You need to skip minutes of story content, then do a fight in order to get most of the characters.

If the story actively impedes me and forces me to play by it's rules, I may as well judge it. After all, whoever wrote it in must have thought it to be good if it influenced the h scenes and your rate at getting them/IF you get them. Disregarding it feels kind of odd and disingenious and almost an insult to whoever thought this was a good idea. Space Paws, again, did not have this problem, despite lacking a skip button.

You could input a cheatcode for the gallery hack, but at that point why download a gygabyte of content?
Some people are simply better at writing stories than other people. Some people are more tolerant of bad writing than others. You really, REALLY hate this game past the point of no return, so just drop it. This game is not going to change dramatically this late in the development. You need to forget about this game and move on.

This is no longer a debate about the game; this is life advice.

I had a seething hatred for this one manga I was reading, and I kept reading it due to sunken cost fallacy. I spent a lot of time criticizing it, but then I realized that I didn't have to ruin my own day by spending time hating something I disliked. I just dropped the manga, forgot about it and my day was better.


Dec 25, 2022
Now that I think about it, should we include an incest tag for the fox twins? And a warning as well.
The Question is when is Incest, Incest? Right now they havent done anything visible to each other. And Nulkan and the twins are also not sister and brother.


Mar 20, 2018
Some people are simply better at writing stories than other people. Some people are more tolerant of bad writing than others. You really, REALLY hate this game past the point of no return, so just drop it. This game is not going to change dramatically this late in the development. You need to forget about this game and move on.

This is no longer a debate about the game; this is life advice.

I had a seething hatred for this one manga I was reading, and I kept reading it due to sunken cost fallacy. I spent a lot of time criticizing it, but then I realized that I didn't have to ruin my own day by spending time hating something I disliked. I just dropped the manga, forgot about it and my day was better.
Man, I mostly agree with you. But here goes an advice. Don't feed the troll. You tried to be constructive and you got nothing. Don't lose your time.
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Aug 19, 2019
Man, I mostly agree with you. But here goes an advice. Don't feed the troll. You tried to be constructive and you got nothing. Don't lose your time.
I planned that as my last reply to him. If he replied again, I was going to say something like "ok I'm going to follow my own advice and drop things that make me upset. I'm ignoring you"
4.40 star(s) 38 Votes