I remember they published a post talking about this. I searched for it and here it is. Sorry, but you're wrong. This was posted on March 3, 2020
A year ago? Well, no wonder I'm really wrong.)
So rather, you'll excuse me for doubting your words.
Of course, it's a matter of taste. But i think we're talking about the same. You probably feel it's a little simplified because there's less fredoom. That's what I meant when I said that Shuggerlain is more a Visual Novel than a Dating Sim, at least so far.
I also miss a bit more of point'n'click, but damn I LOVE succubi battles with all those animations. That was a big improvement imo.
And it's true that I also miss some more Furry girls. We only have 1, Vex. The other two are secondary, but they said the final game will have 50% furry girl 50% humanish girls, so I guess they will be adding more furry girls soon.
YES. I agree that I do not have enough freedom. It is not fluffy girls but freedom. Now the plot is completely linear and I can not determine the area in which I want to go. Just as I understand that in the future, I will also have little choice. I won't be able to freely jump around the areas, choose in what order to communicate with the girls and all that. Still, in the space paws, I could land even on a desert planet
On the one hand, this is a completely correct and logical decision, but on the other hand, it forces me to go on rails and kills the feeling of the researcher and experimenter.
About the battle with the succubus, I also agree - it's quite an interesting find) It's nice to replay it, in an attempt to find all the poses. This greatly fuels the interest in the replay.
But with a normal battle, so far, it's not very good. She's... hmm. It's like she's completely independent of you. You can't visually assess what and who will act to adjust. If you remember the fight in the Oasis, then I would like to see the battle of the armies in a similar plan. Well, or even more difficult
but it is also perfectly understandable at first glance.