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After the release of the v0.10 of Shuggerlain and some days of rest, we're back to work and we're already starting the new update.
This update is quite important. Plot and Contentwise. The prologue is finished so from now on you'll see the true concept of the game. You've already seen the battles, the animations, the plot... so now it's time to move on. Nulkan and Company will move to Dynae's Country: Yalen. This will be the dynamic of the updates. They will advance to different Nations. You'll see in this update a worldmap of Shuggerlain and there you'll see that Ashtera is a peninsula (Like Florida, Italy or Spain) and Ashtera only borders with Yalen, so it's the only way to go. But Yalen borders with 3 different countries, so after that you'll be able to decide your route (when those 3 countries are added). After leaving Ashtera in this update, you'll have a campsite as your headquarter. The campsite will be similar to Space Paws' spaceship. There you will be able to rest, talk with your troops, and of course, visit girls to improve your relationship with them and date with them. This is not a complete changelog, but all the work we have planned to for this update goes like this:
- Shuggerlain's World Map.
- 5 new H-scenes (for Nadine, Dynae, Saraith and Luth, a new girl).
- 4 remaining animations for Misha.
- 8 new animations for a new sex battle with a new secondary girl (furry, different race than Misha).
- 5 new characters.
- 6 new backgrounds.
- New unit for battles: Yalen Mages Squad.
- New skills.
So there's a lot of animations in this update: 17 with sex battles include. But we have fewer backgrounds and other stuff to do, so it's doable
And now on another subject, we'll announce a new reward/section
TR Quizzes! Ok, you've been playing our games. It's time we play a little bit with you now

Soon we'll make TR Quizzes posts. In those posts we'll basically make a question about our games. For example: which color is Erin's dress on the Dog planet's square? (pretty easy, we know) The first comment saying: it's red! Wins. Simple as that. And which is the reward? The rewards for the winner is a sketch comission about anything Taifun Riders related. For example: I want Vyl Daemith and Nebet making out. Or Alison and Dynae. Or a Pov missionary with Siaren. Or a full body pinup image of Dynae.
The quality of the sketches will be similar to this:
(Basically not clean outlines but not very rough, and no colors, only lines)
-The winner of a TR Quizzes won't be able to win again (let other people have fun).
-The answers should be posted as a comment under that post, not as a private message.
-If the first comment of the post is wrong, the winner will be the second comment. If it's also wrong, the third one, etc.
-The answers should be exact, so the answer to the question "What's the name of the human girl in Space Paws?" should be Alison / alison, not Allison, not Allisen, nor Alyson. Those won't be correct.
-We receive e-mails with your comments so
DON'T modify your replies once they're written. If somebody does that, they won't be able to participate anymore in any TR quizzes.
-Rewards comissions must respect our guidelines: no forbidden content. They can't also be very complex (no threesome, orgies, lots of details...) Max 2 characters (it means girl x boy, or girl x girl, or if it's a full body, only one character).
-All 5$+ patrons will be able to participate in the TR Quizzes.
-All 2$+ patrons will see the sketch reward once it's done.
-The time we post the quizzes will always be different. For example, if we publish one at 6 am, this time is automatically excluded for the next ones. This way patrons of different countries will have similar chances.
Not much more to add. We'll try to make 1-2 TR quizzes every month. If you want a tip, have a Space Paws copy on your pc/mac ready because very likely you'll have to search a little bit some answers. And don't get mad if you never win. Trust in the good taste of our patrons and you'll also enjoy their rewards