3.20 star(s) 13 Votes


Active Member
Feb 3, 2018
Looks good so far, I played v0.01 and enjoyed it as a tech demo. Time to smash that download link.
Art looks fine, it's not quite the same but it's close enough to evoke the vibe of the original and looks cleaner, frankly. Hope we have lots of MC customization options eventually.


New Member
Jun 21, 2017
Good luck with the project. Hopefully preg content returns and that female MC comes sooner rather than later. Though honestly, I just hope this finishes. It was such a massive let down for me when the original just stopped being supported.


Active Member
Jul 30, 2017
Isn't that an old game called Simbro?

View attachment 2771136
Hence the word "resurrection" at the end of the game name...

Simbro was one of the first lewd games I've played and was the first I ever became a Patron of, many years ago it seams..
That game was part of the golden Dev days, where ppl were happy to donate a few bucks a month, $10 a month if you wanted the cheat codes, for small updates as long as they were consistent.
It got a lot of patrons, made a vast amount of money every month and had a team of Devs at some point.. however the quality and consistency of the updates dropped in tandem with the money it earned, meaning Devs became lazy.. at team members argued until there was only 1 left, as I recall it..

However many patrons waited a long time before they quit paying, after all it was just a few bucks a month, I was one of them.. but when my patience was gone I canceled ofc, at that time it fast went from $20K to $5k a month and stayed there for long, even as the project had died.

I even helped out a little with text corrections, pro-bono, so had a more direct contact with Marune, the creator, but that ended before I canceled my subscription.

I recall his response when I told him I had subbed for 10 months and by then payed him $100.
"Thanks, I'll drop them down a strippers thong!"
So clearly he didn't starve at that point ;)

Am glad to see someone has chosen to make this game alive again, with a new platform, wishing them all the best :)


Nov 13, 2017
This is nice, it always saddened me to know SimBro was likely forever abbandoned by its original dev.


Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018
i think that would depend on what programmes were used to create the original, how deep original devs pockets are and if they even had the copyrights to begin with. not many here do, just think they do.

i was a bit of a fan of the first game, downloading updates through pirate bay on my not great mobile phone ;)
oh them were the days...:LOL:

looking forward to see if this one hits a nostalgia button or two
good luck dev/s
It works like anything you create. If you have any material saved, on any external, computer, tablet, phone, or cloud, anywhere, and that material is date and time stamped, then you have evidence that you had possession of that material as of the date and time that was stamped on your files. If your files predate the other person's files, then you can pursue such a case.
Thing is...who is going to actually go to court over something like a porn game, on a pirate site, that likely wasn't bringing in any money? ...especially if whatever little money it DID make was less than the cost of court/lawyers?
I don't see ANYONE taking ANYONE to court over this. The original creator abandoned it, anyway.


Mar 18, 2018
So much nostalgia in here, it's looking good even for just a demo
Looking forward for more updates, just the capacity of re-living those moment like the old simbro it's priceless.

There will be one point where the game will be just like the old one, hoping that doesn't just end there and expand it even more.
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Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
TheGentleViking Congratulations on getting to release! I've been watching your progress for a long time, and I'm glad you've reached this goal. Well done!


Jun 12, 2019
very interesting. No point in downloading now but this could definetely be something good in a couple years
3.20 star(s) 13 Votes