"Been shit since day 1" "I've played it since v1.x" LOL I started playing it when it was on 0.5, Marune not only kept ....
That's what I've been telling people for a long while now.
It was clear at one point the actual developer of the game stopped.
Before that point, they updated the Blog, they updated the Patreon, they updated the game on a regular schedule with decent content between each version.
THEN a long drought, a crapton of bugs and no progress what so ever.
Not only in new content, but also in bugs that never go away.
It's obvious the person or people that run it now took on developing a Flash game and don't have the first clue how to develop in Flash.
They would have been far better moving it to another engine and language, but considering they didn't even do that, I'm fairly certain that whomever does the coding now isn't even any good at doing that.
This game will never go anywhere, especially not anywhere waranting the amount of money it makes, with the current person or people heading its development.