I wonder if it's possible to cheat even without patreon codes ^^
It is. The cheats are in the js files, so you can read it either via text editor on the files themselves, or via developer tools.
The cheats are under
js/UI/CheatPanel/CheatPanelInit.js, so its as easy as reading it.
You can then use that code to your advantage.
For example, if you wanted the "Almost Immortal" cheat, as defined in that js file:
cheatPanel.appendChild(CreateCheatButton("Almost Immortal", "You get healed every five minutes. Which does meant that it's still possible to die in battle.",
function () {
let playerPanel = $("#PlayerPanel")[0].PlayerPanel;
playerPanel.TickEvents["AlmostImmortal"] = function () {
$("#PlayerPanel")[0].PlayerPanel.player.health = 100;
You can input the following into the console of devtools and it will perform the same thing as (presumably) a button in the cheat panel itself:
let playerPanel = $("#PlayerPanel")[0].PlayerPanel;
playerPanel.TickEvents["AlmostImmortal"] = function () {
$("#PlayerPanel")[0].PlayerPanel.player.health = 100;
There are other cheats listed in that js file, just pull them out as needed.
Personally, I've ran the cheats for health, hunger, thirst and stamina.
The cheat codes are actually listed in CheckPatreonCode.js.
const FactionLeaderCode = "TzXzJEc7M6yPJddb7lvd";
const VirtualCode = "8R0drwWJBHxZ42jX14B9";
const VeteranCode = "RR2b6h3MDV08ARGrkWIr";
The check is like so:
export function CheckVeteranPatreonCode(value) {
if (value === false)
return false;
return (atob(value) === VeteranCode);
Simply base64 encode the values of the codes to get the cheats to accept, and save yourself 16 dollars.