Character statistics panel(as like level 10, str 10, attk this, etc) doesn't really make sense to make as there are no complicated calculatable stats(beside maybe armor). So for now no, but in future it might become required. As for player statistics(ghouls killed, time spent, etcs), it's needs tracking which is not essential as well for now.
Personally, i'm a person of numbers, so it's just convenient for myself. To see armor overall value, attack value, some probabilities and so on. I didn't intend it sound like i rush you into anything. It was just a suggestion that i would love to see to be implemented later or even later.
As overall, my comment was more how i feel about the game in current state. I perfectly understand that there is much going on behind and in dev corner, just honest opinion to have something to look at. In additional even as myself i would do the same way, firstly implemented mechanics then polish it and adding solid content, it's a norm for dev side.
Ah, about a tutorial. IMO again, but adding for example a couple of pictures with simple instruction would make a much more easier entry for most of the people. Which will not be against the game setting about "learning on the way", but will give player a bit of based knowledge. Maybe it will be a crude example, but it's almost the same as you need to learn how to drive, before actually driving right? Same here, the lack of understanding which button is for and what you can actually do in some cases, is what give me a feeling how the game lacks a tutorial.
And it becomes a bit lengthy, but oh well. I don't want to impose any of my feeling or views on you as a dev. It's your game and you doing it your way and how you want. All my words and pure suggestion that comes from personal opinion.