
Oct 12, 2017
Ok, i try the game but it's kinda a little too hard, all stats (drink, food, sleep, ...) decrease too fast.
If you are not lucky, you can't have good supply in the house or other places.
Another problem, money for repairing the weapon ... It is a really pain on the ass.
The only solution is close the game and reload the game with your safe for better supply in house.

May be, you need a "easy mode" for the beginning ... Divide the decreasing by 2.

The game have a nice potential but do something about the survival. It is a bit too difficult.


Apr 23, 2020

I was wondering if there is any way to put the game on full screen?

thanks for your time


Game Developer
Dec 2, 2019
Ok, i try the game but it's kinda a little too hard, all stats (drink, food, sleep, ...) decrease too fast.
If you are not lucky, you can't have good supply in the house or other places.
Another problem, money for repairing the weapon ... It is a really pain on the ass.
The only solution is close the game and reload the game with your safe for better supply in house.

May be, you need a "easy mode" for the beginning ... Divide the decreasing by 2.

The game have a nice potential but do something about the survival. It is a bit too difficult.
There is a problem with that some other people point out too. Will be adding some places specifically with food. I personally don't like games with several difficulties, but something like intended and easy will be in the game at point.
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Reactions: nhorack


Oct 18, 2017
The workforce behind the game is really thin so you don't have time to balance things out in gameplay but you have time to make sure people can't cheat in the game without paying.

Here's a few things to consider:
1. It's an unfinished game. Not polished, there will be bugs, there will be softlocks, there will be all kinds of issues
2. If the game is really grindy to succeed at, it takes a lot of time to get to the same place where you got the softlock.
3. The above two combined means the player experience absolutely sucks. Cheats scould make dealing with softlocks and bugs easier because you don't have to spend a lot of time to get back to where you were.

The full game may not be intended to be played with cheats, when you have everything working properly. When games are in the early stages of development, cheating is not cheating, it's exploring what's there to see if it's worth putting money into.

I know developers spend many hours making the games, but the same can't be expected of players with no incentive. There are many games that got abandoned during development. People get tired of giving money to projects that will never finish. Ergo people need a reason to have faith that you are going to finish this.

What does it say about the development when you take no steps toward balancing the game but take steps as soon as someone discovers a way to cheat, to prevent that? Does this say that you're interested in finishing the game, or does this say that you want everyone's money and don't really care about anything else?

If it's the latter, it's completely understandable - but don't expect people who have been disappointed before to throw money at you just because you're good at preventing them from cheating. There are many other games that just do development and don't care when people cheat.

Just my two bits. I am certain that you'll ignore everything I'm saying or you'll respond with some excuse or say that I'm being unfair. Even if that's not how you'll take it, I don't care. What I've seen so far of the development style has already put me off it.

Good luck.


Game Developer
Dec 2, 2019
The workforce behind the game is really thin so you don't have time to balance things out in gameplay but you have time to make sure people can't cheat in the game without paying.

Here's a few things to consider:
1. It's an unfinished game. Not polished, there will be bugs, there will be softlocks, there will be all kinds of issues
2. If the game is really grindy to succeed at, it takes a lot of time to get to the same place where you got the softlock.
3. The above two combined means the player experience absolutely sucks. Cheats scould make dealing with softlocks and bugs easier because you don't have to spend a lot of time to get back to where you were.

The full game may not be intended to be played with cheats, when you have everything working properly. When games are in the early stages of development, cheating is not cheating, it's exploring what's there to see if it's worth putting money into.

I know developers spend many hours making the games, but the same can't be expected of players with no incentive. There are many games that got abandoned during development. People get tired of giving money to projects that will never finish. Ergo people need a reason to have faith that you are going to finish this.

What does it say about the development when you take no steps toward balancing the game but take steps as soon as someone discovers a way to cheat, to prevent that? Does this say that you're interested in finishing the game, or does this say that you want everyone's money and don't really care about anything else?

If it's the latter, it's completely understandable - but don't expect people who have been disappointed before to throw money at you just because you're good at preventing them from cheating. There are many other games that just do development and don't care when people cheat.

Just my two bits. I am certain that you'll ignore everything I'm saying or you'll respond with some excuse or say that I'm being unfair. Even if that's not how you'll take it, I don't care. What I've seen so far of the development style has already put me off it.

Good luck.
I am actually trying to balance the game. It's just not what I am focused all the time as I don't think game is good or finished enough so that balancing it is the main priority. As well as many things are meant to fall in place together.

If you have problems with the game, it's the game's fault. Just put it aside. Give it a couple of months or more, or give your feedback, I am reading all of it and collecting it. It really helps a lot, despite me (probably) sounding dismissive when I am answering on them. I won't know a problem unless someone reports it. Also I am not planning to be the forever dev and work on this game until death of the universe. I am planning to finish it.

I am putting the litteral minimum of work in the cheat prevention(maybe 3-4 workdays in sum out of roughly more than 266 days of development at this point), knowing well from pages of other games that no cheat prevention will prevail if the game is popular enough. I am only doing this because I want the game to be self-sustainable(which it might become soon). Each time there were found ways to access cheat there was a down in money. I don't need all the money in the world, but I need money to keep this project running. There is line beyond which I won't care about cheat prevention and (maybe) I won't be as strict on the 2-week update schedule(aimed at maximizing the visibility gained from f95zone), which ultimately will help with the stability of updates. The latteral is very much maybe as I don't know how It will affect my productivity but time will tell.

I am not really trying to find out an excuse, just telling why things are done that way. I am not going to change how they are done, as I personally see that a steady progress is being made. I am respecting that people can see that as a problem and leaving.


New Member
Jul 22, 2019
My first post on F95 just to say this game isn't fun or engaging. Dying over and over and over and respawning with so little health, food, and no gear really sucks. I never beat the goul in the first hut. I will never find out what this game even holds because it's just unfun.


Game Developer
Dec 2, 2019
My first post on F95 just to say this game isn't fun or engaging. Dying over and over and over and respawning with so little health, food, and no gear really sucks. I never beat the goul in the first hut. I will never find out what this game even holds because it's just unfun.
Maybe you are playing the wrong game for yourself. It is quite easily possible to beat a ghoul without any gear as well as loot minimizing interactions with enemies. Just because there are enemies doesn't mean your have to attack them and kill them.

But the tutorial for now is just horrible, I would recomend to just ignore it for now.


Jan 2, 2019
Update for 2025, Happy New Year Everyone!

If you want to bypass the patreon lock just do this

navigate to this folder resources\app\js\UI\CheatPanel

Open the file CheatPanelInit.js and change the following code to what is shows below. Basically replace the condition in both the if statements that are checking for the patreon code to true so it's always true.

  try {
    if (true) {
  } catch {}
  let div = document.createElement("div");
  div.className = "flexColumn RowButton";

  if (!document.ArePatreonCodesLocked) {

    let divText = document.createElement("div");
    divText.textContent = "Enter Faction Leader tier code";

    let Input = document.createElement("input");
    Input.onchange = function () {
      if (true) {
        document.codes.FactionLeaderCode = Input.value;


New Member
May 11, 2019
Update for 2025, Happy New Year Everyone!

If you want to bypass the patreon lock just do this

navigate to this folder resources\app\js\UI\CheatPanel

Open the file CheatPanelInit.js and change the following code to what is shows below. Basically replace the condition in both the if statements that are checking for the patreon code to true so it's always true.

  try {
    if (true) {
  } catch {}
  let div = document.createElement("div");
  div.className = "flexColumn RowButton";

  if (!document.ArePatreonCodesLocked) {

    let divText = document.createElement("div");
    divText.textContent = "Enter Faction Leader tier code";

    let Input = document.createElement("input");
    Input.onchange = function () {
      if (true) {
        document.codes.FactionLeaderCode = Input.value;
Feb 26, 2020
Update for 2025, Happy New Year Everyone!

If you want to bypass the patreon lock just do this

navigate to this folder resources\app\js\UI\CheatPanel

Open the file CheatPanelInit.js and change the following code to what is shows below. Basically replace the condition in both the if statements that are checking for the patreon code to true so it's always true.

  try {
    if (true) {
  } catch {}
  let div = document.createElement("div");
  div.className = "flexColumn RowButton";

  if (!document.ArePatreonCodesLocked) {

    let divText = document.createElement("div");
    divText.textContent = "Enter Faction Leader tier code";

    let Input = document.createElement("input");
    Input.onchange = function () {
      if (true) {
        document.codes.FactionLeaderCode = Input.value;

theres nothing in there that looks like this to change to true


May 1, 2019
Update for 2025, Happy New Year Everyone!

If you want to bypass the patreon lock just do this

navigate to this folder resources\app\js\UI\CheatPanel

Open the file CheatPanelInit.js and change the following code to what is shows below. Basically replace the condition in both the if statements that are checking for the patreon code to true so it's always true.

  try {
    if (true) {
  } catch {}
  let div = document.createElement("div");
  div.className = "flexColumn RowButton";

  if (!document.ArePatreonCodesLocked) {

    let divText = document.createElement("div");
    divText.textContent = "Enter Faction Leader tier code";

    let Input = document.createElement("input");
    Input.onchange = function () {
      if (true) {
        document.codes.FactionLeaderCode = Input.value;
i cant find any "true" in that section
export function CheatPanelInit() {
  let cheatPanel = $("#CheatsBG")[0]
  cheatPanel.innerHTML = "";
  function _0x1c41(){const _0x3eaefc=['openExternal','https://www.patreon.com/posts/what-is-sine3r-116591637?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=web_share','div','1971225dWCGii','18869288QNQFkN','4733826zajpka','button','Explanation\x20where\x20to\x20get\x20the\x20codes.','textContent','onclick','value','FactionLeaderCode','Enter\x20Faction\x20Leader\x20tier\x20code','The\x20f95zone\x20build\x20doesn\x27t\x20have\x20the\x20cheat\x20options,\x20please\x20download\x20the\x20one\x20on\x20patreon(free\x20or\x20paid)','codes','createElement','1905834LqluyG','1564406BZFjhs','className','885500oiVdcd','appendChild','5948548SelvPH','input','5CBcJkp','onchange'];_0x1c41=function(){return _0x3eaefc;};return _0x1c41();}const _0x5d1657=_0x551d;(function(_0x38ef8d,_0x1b3152){const _0x5dfedd=_0x551d,_0xd3d2cc=_0x38ef8d();while(!![]){try{const _0x1a115b=-parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x19c))/0x1+parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x1b3))/0x2+parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x1a5))/0x3+parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x19e))/0x4*(-parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x1a0))/0x5)+-parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x1a7))/0x6+parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x1b2))/0x7+parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x1a6))/0x8;if(_0x1a115b===_0x1b3152)break;else _0xd3d2cc['push'](_0xd3d2cc['shift']());}catch(_0x3a7c88){_0xd3d2cc['push'](_0xd3d2cc['shift']());}}}(_0x1c41,0xddd31),InitSettings());try{if(CheckFactionLeaderPatreonCode(document[_0x5d1657(0x1b0)][_0x5d1657(0x1ad)])){CheatPanelInitButtons();return;}}catch{}let div=document[_0x5d1657(0x1b1)]('div');div[_0x5d1657(0x1b4)]='flexColumn\x20RowButton',cheatPanel[_0x5d1657(0x19d)](div);function _0x551d(_0x74646e,_0x5da859){const _0x1c41c8=_0x1c41();return _0x551d=function(_0x551d15,_0x2dc660){_0x551d15=_0x551d15-0x19c;let _0x19bcd0=_0x1c41c8[_0x551d15];return _0x19bcd0;},_0x551d(_0x74646e,_0x5da859);}if(!document['ArePatreonCodesLocked']){let divText=document['createElement']('div');divText['textContent']=_0x5d1657(0x1ae),div[_0x5d1657(0x19d)](divText);let Input=document['createElement'](_0x5d1657(0x19f));div[_0x5d1657(0x19d)](Input),Input[_0x5d1657(0x1a1)]=function(){const _0x3e1f86=_0x5d1657;CheckFactionLeaderPatreonCode(Input[_0x3e1f86(0x1ac)])&&(CheatPanelInitButtons(),document['codes'][_0x3e1f86(0x1ad)]=Input[_0x3e1f86(0x1ac)],SaveCodes());};let button=document[_0x5d1657(0x1b1)](_0x5d1657(0x1a8));cheatPanel['appendChild'](button),button[_0x5d1657(0x1aa)]=_0x5d1657(0x1a9),button[_0x5d1657(0x1ab)]=function(){const _0x35f76e=_0x5d1657;document['shell'][_0x35f76e(0x1a2)](_0x35f76e(0x1a3));};}else{let divText=document[_0x5d1657(0x1b1)](_0x5d1657(0x1a4));divText['textContent']=_0x5d1657(0x1af),div['appendChild'](divText);}
  //"position: ;


May 1, 2019
i cant find any "true" in that section
export function CheatPanelInit() {
  let cheatPanel = $("#CheatsBG")[0]
  cheatPanel.innerHTML = "";
  function _0x1c41(){const _0x3eaefc=['openExternal','https://www.patreon.com/posts/what-is-sine3r-116591637?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=web_share','div','1971225dWCGii','18869288QNQFkN','4733826zajpka','button','Explanation\x20where\x20to\x20get\x20the\x20codes.','textContent','onclick','value','FactionLeaderCode','Enter\x20Faction\x20Leader\x20tier\x20code','The\x20f95zone\x20build\x20doesn\x27t\x20have\x20the\x20cheat\x20options,\x20please\x20download\x20the\x20one\x20on\x20patreon(free\x20or\x20paid)','codes','createElement','1905834LqluyG','1564406BZFjhs','className','885500oiVdcd','appendChild','5948548SelvPH','input','5CBcJkp','onchange'];_0x1c41=function(){return _0x3eaefc;};return _0x1c41();}const _0x5d1657=_0x551d;(function(_0x38ef8d,_0x1b3152){const _0x5dfedd=_0x551d,_0xd3d2cc=_0x38ef8d();while(!![]){try{const _0x1a115b=-parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x19c))/0x1+parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x1b3))/0x2+parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x1a5))/0x3+parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x19e))/0x4*(-parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x1a0))/0x5)+-parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x1a7))/0x6+parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x1b2))/0x7+parseInt(_0x5dfedd(0x1a6))/0x8;if(_0x1a115b===_0x1b3152)break;else _0xd3d2cc['push'](_0xd3d2cc['shift']());}catch(_0x3a7c88){_0xd3d2cc['push'](_0xd3d2cc['shift']());}}}(_0x1c41,0xddd31),InitSettings());try{if(CheckFactionLeaderPatreonCode(document[_0x5d1657(0x1b0)][_0x5d1657(0x1ad)])){CheatPanelInitButtons();return;}}catch{}let div=document[_0x5d1657(0x1b1)]('div');div[_0x5d1657(0x1b4)]='flexColumn\x20RowButton',cheatPanel[_0x5d1657(0x19d)](div);function _0x551d(_0x74646e,_0x5da859){const _0x1c41c8=_0x1c41();return _0x551d=function(_0x551d15,_0x2dc660){_0x551d15=_0x551d15-0x19c;let _0x19bcd0=_0x1c41c8[_0x551d15];return _0x19bcd0;},_0x551d(_0x74646e,_0x5da859);}if(!document['ArePatreonCodesLocked']){let divText=document['createElement']('div');divText['textContent']=_0x5d1657(0x1ae),div[_0x5d1657(0x19d)](divText);let Input=document['createElement'](_0x5d1657(0x19f));div[_0x5d1657(0x19d)](Input),Input[_0x5d1657(0x1a1)]=function(){const _0x3e1f86=_0x5d1657;CheckFactionLeaderPatreonCode(Input[_0x3e1f86(0x1ac)])&&(CheatPanelInitButtons(),document['codes'][_0x3e1f86(0x1ad)]=Input[_0x3e1f86(0x1ac)],SaveCodes());};let button=document[_0x5d1657(0x1b1)](_0x5d1657(0x1a8));cheatPanel['appendChild'](button),button[_0x5d1657(0x1aa)]=_0x5d1657(0x1a9),button[_0x5d1657(0x1ab)]=function(){const _0x35f76e=_0x5d1657;document['shell'][_0x35f76e(0x1a2)](_0x35f76e(0x1a3));};}else{let divText=document[_0x5d1657(0x1b1)](_0x5d1657(0x1a4));divText['textContent']=_0x5d1657(0x1af),div['appendChild'](divText);}
  //"position: ;
i be glad if you send edited code with unlocked patreon features
2.50 star(s) 8 Votes