(((This review is only my opinion about the journey while palying this game, I have very unique views that most of the people wont have, So this review is pretty much for myself. I think the good points still apply. As for the bad points I mention, those can be subjective, they depend on personal tolerance and expectations from each person. If you are lucky and you are not like me, this is a very in the high tier of all the stories of this site. If you are like me, you will aknowledge the parts that are awesome, and also the parts that are not. I rate the actual content of what I played, not the future or what I believe it will become. That will come later when it is released and re-reviewed)))
But bein so picky is still 4/10, and I never got so lucky durinf my academic years, cause when a teacher was picky about my works, he would rate me 2/10 or 1. Take it into account, and play it, a normal person I dont think could have many complaints.
The story in this one is very well told, very very, that whould be out of the way,a dn if the game/story kept its higher quality threshold at all times, this would be massive masterpiece.
But this guy is way too retarded, and the girl in some plot convenient moments also gets retarded and inconsistent in her behavior without a decent explaantion as to why. There there are moments that dont have payoff, like the over under bed scene, and it was done in a very retarded and tropy way. The usual thing where someone comes inside a room, touches an adult and the adult has very poor sight, no sense of smell at all, and very poor hearing.
I mean, I pretty much can tell when my neighbour is leaving the house if I ahve the windows open, cause there is a thing called perfume that has a very strong propagation. I hate when something well written falls into this shitty stuff, and i ahte it more when it doesnt pay off.
A lot of moments that dont have much logic, clearly constrained by the plot, and a lot of stretching in this drama.
At some point after certain scene the story pushes the breaks, the writing quality falls massively, the drama becomes repetitive cause the characters also have always the same strength in their reactions, it becomes flat and repetitive.
And the end of CH5 is another thing without logic that also fell flat, where you clearly see the design of someone carefully guiding the decisions of the characters and their actions, and not the actual behavior of human beings acting according to the rules previously established and the context.
Cause 2 people attracted to each other, with pent up emotions, and drunk, I asure you that they won't take turns to perform stuff to each other and be done with it, but a developer in early stages of a project will sure limit them to that, that being the tropy sex milestone book.
Once again, the creator of this novel, made a scene focused around wine and used it as a tool to make them open up under the stars and all that, but only to open up, the wine only affects what the writer wanted. But doing that fucked up the payoff, there is not another chance, so the story has been ruined.
And this thing really stands out, cause when the writer was in the arly stages of the story is clear that he pays attention to many details, I dont believe that he failed with the logic of something so simple, and that is when my suspension of disbelief couldnt take it anymore.
Absolute masterpiece of writing, when the writer wanted it to be that way.
Masterpiece of visual storytelling, the same case as the above.
Absolute trash of Mc who is constantly rejecting every single thing, making it very hard for the reader to relate to him.
MC is abusive many times and passive aggresive, he even dares to throw tantrums, when it is the girl who is clearly being phisically and emotionally hurt.
Anyway, the plot doesn't move forward after the big scene, it gets back to what it was before, so instead of having a scene that could move the plot forward, we got an oasis of a scene that didnt change the characters at all, and in the end it became a fan service scene. After that al the scenes that we previsouly had of them exploring feelings and stealing glances at each other, are swapped by just fanservice shots, so there will be still panty shots and perky tits shots (cause of course every 15 20 30 and 40 year old have perky tits), butt shots and all
It pains me seeing the wasted potential, but the story has beein the exact same since CH1.2 I think, with only scenes that in the moment would make you think they were moving thigns forward but turned out to be just fanservice, cause one of the characters is completely dismissing their existence,a nd continues to being an asshole and shouting at the other, and it has been the same since that bathroom "incident", that character hasnt moved an inch, only to get his dick sucked, to later continue with his attitude. I dont know how can I root for this mf and enjoy this story really.
What I am sure is if that attitude and behavior are considered "love" it should definitely be forbidden.
If the dev tells me that he wanted to write a manipulative, hipocryte and abusive psychopath, I will eat my words and give this game 5 stars, But so far I think that he did it unintentionally
As a recomendation, you can play untill the bathroom incident, and that will leave you wanting more, but with a good feeling, an almost masterpiece feeling. If you continue playing, I can not guarantee your satisfaction. Personally I will wait until it is completed, and hope for the best. The dev is way more cool than I am, im horrible, so I wish him luck and inspiration
Sorry, it is what it is, and that is how I think
But bein so picky is still 4/10, and I never got so lucky durinf my academic years, cause when a teacher was picky about my works, he would rate me 2/10 or 1. Take it into account, and play it, a normal person I dont think could have many complaints.
The story in this one is very well told, very very, that whould be out of the way,a dn if the game/story kept its higher quality threshold at all times, this would be massive masterpiece.
But this guy is way too retarded, and the girl in some plot convenient moments also gets retarded and inconsistent in her behavior without a decent explaantion as to why. There there are moments that dont have payoff, like the over under bed scene, and it was done in a very retarded and tropy way. The usual thing where someone comes inside a room, touches an adult and the adult has very poor sight, no sense of smell at all, and very poor hearing.
I mean, I pretty much can tell when my neighbour is leaving the house if I ahve the windows open, cause there is a thing called perfume that has a very strong propagation. I hate when something well written falls into this shitty stuff, and i ahte it more when it doesnt pay off.
A lot of moments that dont have much logic, clearly constrained by the plot, and a lot of stretching in this drama.
At some point after certain scene the story pushes the breaks, the writing quality falls massively, the drama becomes repetitive cause the characters also have always the same strength in their reactions, it becomes flat and repetitive.
And the end of CH5 is another thing without logic that also fell flat, where you clearly see the design of someone carefully guiding the decisions of the characters and their actions, and not the actual behavior of human beings acting according to the rules previously established and the context.
Cause 2 people attracted to each other, with pent up emotions, and drunk, I asure you that they won't take turns to perform stuff to each other and be done with it, but a developer in early stages of a project will sure limit them to that, that being the tropy sex milestone book.
Once again, the creator of this novel, made a scene focused around wine and used it as a tool to make them open up under the stars and all that, but only to open up, the wine only affects what the writer wanted. But doing that fucked up the payoff, there is not another chance, so the story has been ruined.
And this thing really stands out, cause when the writer was in the arly stages of the story is clear that he pays attention to many details, I dont believe that he failed with the logic of something so simple, and that is when my suspension of disbelief couldnt take it anymore.
Absolute masterpiece of writing, when the writer wanted it to be that way.
Masterpiece of visual storytelling, the same case as the above.
Absolute trash of Mc who is constantly rejecting every single thing, making it very hard for the reader to relate to him.
MC is abusive many times and passive aggresive, he even dares to throw tantrums, when it is the girl who is clearly being phisically and emotionally hurt.
Anyway, the plot doesn't move forward after the big scene, it gets back to what it was before, so instead of having a scene that could move the plot forward, we got an oasis of a scene that didnt change the characters at all, and in the end it became a fan service scene. After that al the scenes that we previsouly had of them exploring feelings and stealing glances at each other, are swapped by just fanservice shots, so there will be still panty shots and perky tits shots (cause of course every 15 20 30 and 40 year old have perky tits), butt shots and all
It pains me seeing the wasted potential, but the story has beein the exact same since CH1.2 I think, with only scenes that in the moment would make you think they were moving thigns forward but turned out to be just fanservice, cause one of the characters is completely dismissing their existence,a nd continues to being an asshole and shouting at the other, and it has been the same since that bathroom "incident", that character hasnt moved an inch, only to get his dick sucked, to later continue with his attitude. I dont know how can I root for this mf and enjoy this story really.
What I am sure is if that attitude and behavior are considered "love" it should definitely be forbidden.
If the dev tells me that he wanted to write a manipulative, hipocryte and abusive psychopath, I will eat my words and give this game 5 stars, But so far I think that he did it unintentionally
As a recomendation, you can play untill the bathroom incident, and that will leave you wanting more, but with a good feeling, an almost masterpiece feeling. If you continue playing, I can not guarantee your satisfaction. Personally I will wait until it is completed, and hope for the best. The dev is way more cool than I am, im horrible, so I wish him luck and inspiration
Sorry, it is what it is, and that is how I think