Sinful Summer - GAME IS OUT! (15-2-2024) [Development Thread]


Developing: Sinful Summer
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
Been working on the menu, interface, fonts and started with the script already.

The main menu:

Options menu:

Save menu:

Intro and font example:

Choosing a character's name:

I got a few drafts of the whole story and a few scenes already, I will finish writing the intro and then start to render it put it all together!

Does it look nice so far? Feedback is appreciated.
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Developing: Sinful Summer
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
The intro is written! There's 4000 words so far. It will have some dialogues but it's mostly narration. And now it's time to render, add sounds, music, and so on...

I always hope for good written incest story, so...

If you promote the writing, it should be shown as a preview too.
I think this is a nice but short sneak peek of a few lines so you can judge the writing quality:

"As the moon rose high in the sky and cast its silver light over the villa, Erik and Lyna slept peacefully, unaware of the storm of emotions and desires that were about to engulf them during their secluded stay on the Mediterranean paradise."
"The next morning, the sun shone brightly as it rose over the sea. Erik had woken up early, drawn outside by the allure of the island's stunning beauty."
"He found himself sitting by the pool, his eyes half-closed as he savored the tranquility of the scene before him. The water shimmered under the sunlight, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of the flowers on their garden, hanging heavy on the warm breeze."
"It was the perfect start to a day filled with promise and possibility. Little did he know that his sister would soon join him, adding a new dimension to this idyllic setting."
"Lyna emerged from upstairs wearing a towel wrapped around her slender frame. She had chosen a one-piece swimsuit for the day, hoping to enjoy some sun and relaxation in their private pool."
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: Hagatagar


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2019
The intro is written! There's 4000 words so far. It will have some dialogues but it's mostly narration. And now it's time to render, add sounds, music, and so on...

I think this is a nice but short sneak peek of a few lines so you can judge the writing quality:

"As the moon rose high in the sky and cast its silver light over the villa, Erik and Lyna slept peacefully, unaware of the storm of emotions and desires that were about to engulf them during their secluded stay on the Mediterranean paradise."
"The next morning, the sun shone brightly as it rose over the sea. Erik had woken up early, drawn outside by the allure of the island's stunning beauty."
"He found himself sitting by the pool, his eyes half-closed as he savored the tranquility of the scene before him. The water shimmered under the sunlight, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of the flowers on their garden, hanging heavy on the warm breeze."
"It was the perfect start to a day filled with promise and possibility. Little did he know that his sister would soon join him, adding a new dimension to this idyllic setting."
"Lyna emerged from upstairs wearing a towel wrapped around her slender frame. She had chosen a one-piece swimsuit for the day, hoping to enjoy some sun and relaxation in their private pool."
Okay... this is going to sound harsher than it's intended to be, so please bear with me.

I assume all these lines will have corresponding images, it won't be just text, right?

You are making a visual novel, take advantage of this. If you can show things instead of describing them, then do it.
Many of these lines can/should be shortened if what is described is already shown.
I know, a lot of the depth of your writing may be lost, but if everything is wirtten out it makes the visuals moot and vice versa.

Show, don’t tell” is the most powerful tool in visual media and is unfortunately neglected far too often, even in the professional sector.

This is a good example:
"Lyna emerged from upstairs wearing a towel wrapped around her slender frame. She had chosen a one-piece swimsuit for the day, hoping to enjoy some sun and relaxation in their private pool."
In the corresponding image we can probably already see her coming down the stairs wrapped in a towel and if she is also already wearing her swimsuit, it is certainly peeking out from underneath. Should she also carrying a bottle of sunscreen and a pair of sunglasses, it's quite clear what she's up to. We already know she will go to their private pool, because we've seen Erik in the scene before sitting next to it.
So technically, this scene wouldn't even need any text.

If all these lines were without images, they'd be plenty good. So if you adapt your writing style to the medium, you will surely succeed. ;)
  • Heart
Reactions: Ruykiru


Developing: Sinful Summer
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
I assume all these lines will have corresponding images, it won't be just text, right?

If all these lines were without images, they'd be plenty good. So if you adapt your writing style to the medium, you will surely succeed. ;)
Of course! It's a visual novel like you said! But I'm a bit new with the rendering software so I think the writing is my forte for now. I don't have the time yet to make massively curated renders and many of them, so I want to do something different and focus more on good writing which many VNs here lack. Also I want to focus more on the narration than the dialogues, which will be more scarce like in a book.

For example, instead of showing 2 or 3 renders for each of those lines, I'd just do 1 detailed one and be more descriptive in the text. I did the writing first so I might adapt some stuff when I actually render the scenes but I think it's a good base. The H-Scenes will be that descriptive or even more though, I want to go all out there :p

Thanks for the awesome feedback!
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Developing: Sinful Summer
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
Ton of progress with the renders in the intro, got +50 already! This software is quite hard to use but feels rewarding. Here's some sneak peeks:
ch1_30.jpg ch1_57.jpg HS2_2024-02-10-17-18-40-253.jpg HS2_2024-02-10-17-20-40-552.jpg HS2_2024-02-10-17-58-12-772.jpg
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Developing: Sinful Summer
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
Done +100 renders already! This was quite the weekend... First version is gonna have around 200. Some nice ones:


Developing: Sinful Summer
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
Rendering is almost done! There's some beautiful songs now too! I will finish the renders tomorrow and then I need another day to add the sounds and check everything is alright... I will have a release before this weekend probably :p
ch1_172.jpg ch1_185.jpg ch1_198.jpg


Developing: Sinful Summer
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
I might be having to much fun making this game :LOL:

This one will be on the credits and as a welcome for the SuscribeStar and itchio pages


Developing: Sinful Summer
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
THE GAME RELEASES TOMORROW! (in my SuscribeStar and itchio pages, and here whenever the moderators post it)
It's almost ready, only some proofreading and audio adjustments left!
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Developing: Sinful Summer
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
Hopefully here soon, but you can find it already in my itchio:

And SuscribeStar:


Dec 17, 2018
You should post it here yourself and help you get some traffic on your game.