
Sep 3, 2018
In game when i go to sleep and woke up i some times don't see Emilly for like 7-8 hours doesn't happen always cant be located anywhere usually in morning around 06-00 to somewhere around to 15-00 like every 2-3 days is this in game stuff or a bug?


New Member
Jun 12, 2020
I stucked at tutorial, trying to find the conversation button, scrolled the wheel until conversation, did the conversation, but can't change action anymore, can't open menu or anything whatsoever, forced to Alt + F4. PLease help


Oct 3, 2019
Walkthrough Tutorail guide

BACK TO : navigation through my tutorials
click=> <=click​

!! english is not my first language !!
! ! ! For detailed information click on the spoilers ! ! !
time plans / time acts of Emily
time act.jpg
time plans / time acts of Emily
when are they where and what are they doing
info :
08:00 (am) Emily leaves the house, goes to work (job unknown)
16:00 / 04:00 (pm) Emily comes back from work

these scenes will be renewed
(With the introduction of the neighborhood, waypoints must be adjusted or new scenes created)
monday - friday
06:00 (am) - 19:00 / 07:00 (pm) [dinner]
where is emily​
what dose emily
where is emily next​
what dose emily next
06:00 (am)​
parentsroom :​
changes clothes
livingroom :​
07:00 (am)​
prepare breakfast
(go to the kitchen)​
livingroom :​
08:00 (am)​
parentsroom :​
changes clothes
go to work
(she leave the parents room)​
and she leaves the house​
16:00 / 04:00 (pm)​
she comes home :​
goes in the parents room
parentsroom :​
change clothes
17:00 / 05:00 (pm)​
livingroom :​
clean the house
- - -​
- - -
18:00 / 06:00 (pm)​
living room / parentsroom :
(location is random so far)​
reading book
- - -​
- - -
19:00 / 07:00 (pm)​
(go to the kitchen)
prepare dinner :​
- - -​
- - -
19:00 / 07:00 pm (dinner) Emilys paths begin to split
depending on what choice you make
sitting at the table and talking to emily :
time actpath split.jpg
"i´ve finished reading......"
"nothing special"
- - -​
massage practice on Emily
you need :
- min. 20 massage XP
(you readed the massage books)i
you miss dinner
(or ignore it)​
drunk path
that is the :
Journal chapter : Emily addiction

you need :
- Journal chapter : Sinstory
(entrys #1- #3)
- bottle of whiskey ( at 20:00 / 08:00 (pm))
20:00 / 08:00 (pm)​
emily waiting for you : parents room​
for a massage practice (on Emily)
living room :
she drinks a bit
but not so much​
how you get emily (mom) drunk ?
21:00 / 09:00 (pm)​
partents room : change clothes
goes to
livingroom : sit on couch and watch TV

you can sit next to her : that's it so far
<= the same​
<= the same
22:00 / 10:00 (pm)​
partens room : change clothes
(she puts on towels)

she goes to the bathroom
bathroom : takes a shower

she goes back to the partensroom :
stands for here bed (with towels)
<= the sameshe lies drunk on the sofa=> grobe
Journal chapter:
Emily addiction #2 + # 3
23:00 / 11:00 (pm)​
living room: sit on the chouch (side)
and goes to bed (parents room)

you can offer here a foot massage
(min. relation 30)*

link to the post

<= click
( V0.7.27 )
<= the same<= the same
24:00 / 00:00 /
12:00 (pm)
06:00 (pm)​
sleeping :sleep:<= the same<= the same
*since the introduction of this scene, it is no longer possible to ask Emily if you can sleep with her,
emily sleeps.jpg
because Emily just doesn't want to get up from the couch, which wasn't bad ;) you weren't allowed to do that
mother door action.jpg
but I found something in the game that isn't activated yet
(it isn't active yet because the animation that makes Emily get up from the couch to go to her parents' room is still missing
and what are you doing there if you can't do anything yet)) sinstory v0-9-21

Saturday / Sunday
Journal chapter : emily´s sunbathing

(should be random if she sunbathes or she swims)​
08:00 (am)
she leave the house​
12:00she (comes) IS back (no home coming scene)
13:00 / 01:00 pmsunbath (sun lounger) pool
14:00 / 02:00 pmsunbath (sun lounger) pool
15:00 / 03:00 pmunknown ?
16:00 / 04:00 pmshe comes back wherever she was
(scripted she was at work)
goes to the parents room
and stands in front of the wardrobe
17:00 / 05:00 pm : from here on it is like Monday to Friday​

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Apr 7, 2020

Time Act by Emily

Monday - Friday
where is emily / what she does​
06:00 (am)​
changes clothes (parentsroom / wadrobe ) =>for yoga => yoga at the livingroom​
07:00 (am)​
prepare breakfast => breakfast​
08:00 (am)​
prepare and go to work​
16:00 / 04:00 pm​
- day 1 - toturial -
back from work (change clothes / stands in front of the wardrobe)​
18:00 / 06:00 pm​
reading book (living room)​
17:00 / 05:00 pm​
- day 2 : phone call -
clean the house​
18:00 / 06:00 pm​
reading book (living room / parentsroom)​
19:00 / 7:00 pm​
- speaking to tyrone -
prepare dinner => dinner​

here the paths begin to split
depending on what choice you make at dinner

massage path
drunk path
20:00 / 08:00 pm​
massage practice (parents room)​
"nothing special" (she is bored)​
21:00 / 09:00 pm​
change clothes => watch TV
"she want to drink" OOOHH alcohol ;)
22:00 / 10:00 pm​
change clothes => shower
23:00 / 11:00 pm​
sit on the sofa and goes to bed
24:00 / 00:00 pm​
sleeping :sleep:

give me some time to fill this table

Saturday / Sunday
Ask for a way to make a scene to watch TV.
Nov 18, 2021
How have people progressed so far as to getting jobs and stuff? I can't get past the tutorial where after unzipping her and undressing her, camera gets stuck and I can't do anything to massage her or tell her to lay down on the bed. It's frustrating.


Oct 3, 2019
Walkthrough Tutorail guide

BACK TO : navigation through my tutorials
click=> <=click​

!! english is not my first language !!
! ! ! for detailed information click on the spoilers ! ! !​

you can collect relation points with
emily and madison
but so far only the points with emily are shown at your profile

+ poitive relation
Madison (neighbor)

+ poitive relation
Emily (mom)
You can use it as Emily's storyline
(sorted by the best way)​
you start with 15 relation points​

links / description-​
you can do it

(sorted by the required minimum relationship points)

if you have :
min. relation
with emily

(icons are linked)​
- negative relation

you will
lose points

don't do the following :
journal chapter :
Swinging Secrets #1

day 1

compliment emily +5
01 compliment emily.jpg

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- - -​
general don't use answers like:

you want to fuck her (n)

see her breasts (n)

you can get
a negativ score
journal chapter :
Secrets #2

1 week later

talk with Emily at the dinner +5
"...... like every day ...."
02 its like every day.jpg
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- - -​
- - -​
- - -​
offer emily a gift (yoga mat) +5

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YOGA with Emily
you need
min. 30

yoga sex with emily

POST : sex at home
- - -​
- - -​
journal chapter : Emily addiction

make emily drunk +10
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- - -​
-don't wake emily
- - -​
journal chapter : Emily's sunbathing #1
journal emily sun bathing.jpg <=click
cream here +5
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- - -​
- - -​
- - -​
journal chapter : Emily's sunbathing #2 + #3
journal emily sun bathing.jpg
the white bikini +10
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shower with emily
you need
min. 50

POST : sex at home
- dont take a shower with
the door open (n)
- - -​
journal chapter : Emily addiction #2 + #3
convince emily not to wear pantyhose +10
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you lay on your bad and jerking off.
emily joins you
you need
min. 60


POST : sex at home
- dont lay on your bed and
with a open door
- - -​
sex massage with emily +10

POST : sex at home
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- - -​
- - -​
- - -​
you spy through
keyholes you get caught
and you lick her 2 x 10= +20
POST : sex at home
you need
min. 60

POST : sex at home
- dont spy here
and get caught
- - -​
journal chapter : Emily's sunbathing #5
journal emily sun bathing.jpg <=click
be at emily in the pool 2x5 = +10
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is a bit bugy
tested so far 80 relation and higher

you watch a porn
get caught :

POST : sex at home
-dont watch a porn (TV)
and get caught
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Active Member
Dec 19, 2019
she leaves the house
and goes to work (unknown job so far)
Time Act by Emily

Monday - Friday
where is emily / what she does
06:00 (am)
changes clothes (parentsroom / wadrobe ) =>for yoga => yoga at the livingroom
07:00 (am)
prepare breakfast => breakfast
08:00 (am)
prepare and go to work
16:00 / 04:00 pm
- day 1 - toturial -
back from work (change clothes / stands in front of the wardrobe)
17:00 / 05:00 pm
- day 2 : phone call -
clean the house
18:00 / 06:00 pm
reading book (living room / parentsroom)
19:00 / 7:00 pm
- speaking to tyrone -
prepare dinner => dinner talk to here =>
massage path
drunk path "nothing special"
you miss dinner (or ignore it)

here the paths begin to split
depending on what choice you make at dinner

massage path
drunk path
you miss dinner (or ignore it)
20:00 / 08:00 pm
massage practice (parents room)
(she is bored) "she want to drink" OOOHH alcohol;) (wiskey)
she drinks a bit
21:00 / 09:00 pm
change clothes => watch TV
change clothes => sit on sofa and watch TV
change clothes => sit on sofa and watch TV

22:00 / 10:00 pm
change clothes => shower
she lies drunk on the sofa => grobe
change clothes => shower =>
stands for here bed (with towels)
23:00 / 11:00 pm
sit on the sofa (side) and goes to bed
sit on the sofa (side) and goes to bed
sit on the sofa (side) and goes to bed

24:00 / 00:00 pm
sleeping :sleep:
sleeping :sleep:
sleeping :sleep:

Saturday / Sunday
08:00 (am) - 12:00​
@ work (no home coming scene?)​
@ work (no home coming scene?)​
13:00 / 01:00 pm​
sunbath / sun lounger / pool
sunbath / sun lounger / pool
14:00 / 02:00 pm​
sunbath / sun lounger / pool
sunbath / sun lounger / pool
15:00 / 03:00 pm​
How did you do that nice layout?
I want to use something similar for a walkthrough in another game.
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Oct 3, 2019
special days.jpg
sorted by day number + time + earliest possibility
I did not take into account the money needed, experience points or relationship points​
weekdays : day number
EVENTS / Jourmal chapter / links​
monday day: 1
16:00 / 04:00 (pm​
- toturial
- day dream => post : sex at home
monday day: 1
17:00 / 05:00 (pm)​
Madison & Jenifer
knocks on the door
backyard => she swings

Jourmal chapter :
swining secrets entry #1
monday day: 1
18:00 / 06:00 (pm)​
- the phonecall -
you sneak and peak
through key hole
of the parents room
journal chapter : Sinstory #2
journal sninstory.jpg
monday day: 1
18:00 / 06:00 (pm)​
at home go to backyard
- max looks over the fence -

journal chapter :
Neighborly shenanigans #1
monday day: 1
19:00 / 07:00 (pm)​
sit on the chair
talk to Emily ; Emily... i need to know the truth
journal chapter :
Sinstory #3
monday day 1
20:00 / 08:00 pm
22:00/ 10:00 pm​
- vist max & lily -
between 08:00 pm / 20:00
and 10:00 pm / 22:00

journal chapter :
Neighborly shenanigans #2
monday day 1
after you visited max and Lily
the time when you can go home
depends of course
when you went to max and lily
go home, go to your room,
lie down (bed) to sleep
- Lily looks in at your window -
,,,,then you have a little fun with her

journal chapter :
Neighborly shenanigans #3
day: not relevant but the time=>
19:00 / 07:00 (pm)​
you are @ home : livingroom
tyrone is speaking to emily
Of course you need the first two entries #1+#2

journal chapter :
fucking candy # 3
journal fucking candy.jpg
monday day: 8
17:00 / 05:00 (pm)​
- monkey climb -
comes for a visit
- you are at living room
- Madison goes with
you into the backyard,
she wants to go on the monkey climb

Jourmal chapter :
swining secrets entry #2
monday day: 8
start: 18:00/ 06:00 pm
END : 18:00/ 06:00 pm​
you visit madison:
- you get the key for the house -
monday day: 8 to
tuesday day: 9
24:00 / 00:00 / 12:00 (pm)​
you go to
Jenifer & Madison´s house
and you have fun
Jourmal chapter :
swining secrets entry #3
tuesday day: 9
18:00 / 06:00 pm​
- a deal with madison -​
you visit madison
you pay madison 500 bugs,
so that she is between
18:00 / 06:00 pm
and 20:00 / 08:00
at max

for this you need first
journal chapter :
swining secrets #3

than you get
journal chapter :
Neighborly shenanigans #4
tuesday day: 9
18:00 / 06:00 pm
20:00 / 08:00 pm​
- you meet lily on the veranda / porch -
(max and lily´s house)
after this lily is ready for every night at 01:00 (am) at there house
tuesday day: 9
01:00 am​
- have fun with lily -
go to max and lily´s house
journal chapter :
Neighborly shenanigans #4
Wednesday day : 10
01:00 am​
fuck madison
your room :
madison climbs naked over the fence of max and lily's house and wants more
=> post : sex at home
*I'm not 100% sure about the last 4 but I don't have the time to check at the moment
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Oct 3, 2019
BepInEx_x64_5.4.22.0 for sinstory.​
here I want to show how to use BepInEx_x64_5.4.22.0 for sinstory.

I forgot its for a 64bit windows version !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the next few days I have to see how I can do this with a 32bit version

what is BepInEx?
well, search engines spit this out:
BepInEx is a very popular open source plugin and modding framework that allows players to add mods to a number of games that traditionally do not support official modding.

1. Download the zipped file (Attachments)
2. Unzip the file into your game folder

I compressed it with win rar and hope that it works.
(the only thing I "changed" from the original BepInEx file, I put a plugin folder in it so that it works in this game too)

This is what your game folder looks like originally game folder 01.jpg
This is what the game folder should look
like once you have unpacked the downloaded file there
game folder 02.jpg
I simply downloaded the zipped file into the game folder.
and unzipped it there.

How you do this in detail is up to you.
The main thing is that you know which folder you downloaded it into and that the file(s) belong in the game folder.

how do you use BepInEx
what can you do with it​
First of all, I have to say that I'm not a professional at this.
I can only show you a few things that I've been able to do with it so far.

the most most most important thing
if you are not sure what you have just changed...

it can destroy your entire save game

1. start the game
2. load any save file
3. wait 15-20 seconds (you dont need to do anything just waiting)
4. close the game complete (leave the game)
5. start the game aggain
6. you can test it => in the main screen


the BepInEx menu opens

press aggain
F 12
to close it
BepInEx in main menue 001.jpg
7. disable mouse inspect mouse inspect.jpg
The "Mouse Inspect" dropdown in the "Inspector" panel allows you to inspect objects under the mouse.

To put it simply, it shows you the names of objects in 3D space using a mouse overlay.
Leave this thing off for now until you've played around with this tool a bit more.
8. main sreen => click on scenes
(the main screen got 2 scenes)
click at active and look whats happen ;)

the main menu jumps back and forth
between the scenes depending on what you want.
(just to illustrate how to activate and deactivate something)

if the second scene doesn't work as it should
don't worry,,, it's going crazy for me too
BepInEx in main menue secens 001.jpg
9. main screen =>
you can also go to these scenes
just click on the box

The boxes show you a sub menu / folders like in Windows Explorer

play around with it a bit

activate and deactivate what you want..

since nothing can be saved here
you can't destroy much

make Ethan disappear and strip Emily naked

or put other things on her
BepInEx in main menue secens 002.jpg
10. main screen =>
move objects
try to recreate that
move objects.jpg

If I find a good video tutorial, I'll share it here.
next stop what can I do in the game (just nonsense) :ROFLMAO:
activate the cheat menu in the game without using the cracked versionopen the game, load any safe file, sit on the computer
press F12
write in the search field : cheat
click on : CHEATS MENU (so that it is marked)
click in the box ACTIV and show whats happen
actiate the cheat menu.jpg

even if you save your game here
the cheats will not be saved until the next game start.
(unfortunately this is only temporary)
that means the next time you start the game
you have to start the whole thing again
use the debug menuwrite in the search field : debug
you can jump forward and BACK WARD in time (Within a day you can go back and forth in time by the hour (no days)
the hour you want -1 hour
xTIME-1h= your time
click than wait / skipp and welcome in time
actiate the debug menu.jpg

wirte in the search fieldwhat it doses
momroomdoorlet the partensroom door disappear
emilyyou get some search results
usually it's the third one ;)
if you're not sure if you have the right one
make her clothes disappear ;) (not Emily because animations can stop)

- try it when emily cleans the house and she only wears high heels -

you can do the same with the supporting characters
enter the name, be in a room / position with them
and do stupid things ;)
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Reactions: Hubo1986


Oct 13, 2020
i can't pass Do you have a save before the event?
I finally found a way to do it, because it really wasn't clear. After you've been to the pool with her, talked to her in the evening and bought a movie - just wait until the evening (21:00) when she sits down to drink whiskey again. You can sit next to her and talk that she has enough for today, then in an hour she will change clothes and sit down to watch TV) Start watching TV and you will have a new dialogue with her about the film)

Sorry for English, I am a resident of another country.

Desktop Screenshot 2023.01.20 - Desktop Screenshot 2023.01.20 - Desktop Screenshot 2023.01.20 - Desktop Screenshot 2023.01.20 -


Apr 7, 2020
I finally found a way to do it, because it really wasn't clear. After you've been to the pool with her, talked to her in the evening and bought a movie - just wait until the evening (21:00) when she sits down to drink whiskey again. You can sit next to her and talk that she has enough for today, then in an hour she will change clothes and sit down to watch TV) Start watching TV and you will have a new dialogue with her about the film)

Sorry for English, I am a resident of another country.

View attachment 2325628 View attachment 2325629 View attachment 2325630 View attachment 2325631
oh thanks friend


Apr 7, 2020
I finally found a way to do it, because it really wasn't clear. After you've been to the pool with her, talked to her in the evening and bought a movie - just wait until the evening (21:00) when she sits down to drink whiskey again. You can sit next to her and talk that she has enough for today, then in an hour she will change clothes and sit down to watch TV) Start watching TV and you will have a new dialogue with her about the film)

Sorry for English, I am a resident of another country.

View attachment 2325628 View attachment 2325629 View attachment 2325630 View attachment 2325631
My safe seems to have a problem. Can you help us?
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