Unity - Siren of the Dead [v0.7.2] [Silkynomaly]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Alp Er Tunga

    Gore is not my type but since its completely avoidable it was playable for me.
    The animations are really nice and i really like defense games the problem is that the method to escape from grabs needs too much focus to enjoy the animation.
    The progress feels a little slow too like upgrading the weapons.
    One last thing is i hope that maggots can be turned off, its kinda disgusting for me.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    If you loved "last stand" and wanted to see actual zombie porn then you'll love this game.

    Wish there's a suicide option rather than waiting 3x6 scenes to lose and unlock the gallery scenes. So far it's 10/10
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    [Review of v0.6.6 on 12/12/2023]

    This is basically a lane defense game with just an ever-so-slight amount of jankiness in pretty much every facet.

    If the maggots and bloody corpses weren't a hint, there's a strong focus on guro in this game. It's completely avoidable, but you'll be skipping most of the sexual content if visceral deaths and necrophilia aren't your kinks. It honestly made me uncomfortable, since this is very much outside of my wheelhouse, but I at least took a look through the gallery to see how many animations there were -- a decent number, considering there's very little difference from zombie to zombie.

    Minor grammatical issues, a questionable accuracy system that punishes you for thinking you can aim better than the character, and somewhat lackluster animations/character models bring this game down. Still, I'd say this game just about passes as serviceable.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The story and writing is pretty nice, and dialogue continuation buttons are there to compensate for a lack of options. There are, however, instances where you through the dialogue system/box make choices, that either impact your character or the city you're defending.

    Sound design is minimal yet satisfying. Zombies groan quite a bit, although I haven't noticed any variation, there are some variable factors that introduce new zombie groans, or should I say moans. The MC moans during intercourse as well, in which there's quite a bit of variation. During those instances there are also dialogue for every continuation.

    The mechanics are simple, nice, yet have their challenges. The weapons are varied to a pistol, rifle, and a shotgun, which all can be upgraded, at either the cost of currency or reputation. The pistol is mediocre at best, and it's accuracy is terrible. How good it gets fully upgraded I know not, but it does compensate a little by having unlimited ammo. Rifle excels at all ranges, while the shotgun excels short and mid-range.

    The graphics are nice, although it's not like they're of UE5 quality. I did question some of the zombie design in regards to their internal anatomy, as some of the zombies have their spine exposed to a large degree, and parts of muscles, fat, etc. missing, which would probably render the zombie immobile or at least partially immobile.

    Overall the game is actually pretty decent. I'm excited to see future progress. :)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    it's a good game, nice animations and sets of dificulty (global dificulty and you can choose how many zombies do you want to fight in one night). But I defnitly cannot recommend playing this without some autoclicker, you'll need it since the acurracy of the weapons it's shit so there will be times when a zombie gets too close and triggers a sex scene. You can scape the sexs scenes by clicking a spot on the screen, the zombie will be teleported away and you will not lose health. If you lose health it will trigger another scene and if you scape it will insta kill all the zombies in the room, you can also heal yourself. It's pretty forgiving and it's a good strategy to let one zombie get you so can kill the others, plus you get to see the scenes so it's a good gameplay loop.

    The animations are good, there a few for now but I really liked them, and the protagonist is really hot. Her police clothes look kind of weird but you can change them in game.

    There's gore, I don't like it but it's optional. And the animations with the zombies don't contain gore, unless you get game over and choose to see the gore animations.

    For now it's a good start, theres a chunk of story with scenes here and there, but these are the ones that generally contain gore. Most of them aren't animated and you can skip them. There's potential here, I really want to see more monster and less gore if possible.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    simple game
    with choice, but choices dont punish you so hard, that you want to quit
    nice 3d animations
    potential is big
    recommended for trying, sure its a take of fresh air, due to having a inuque non renpy or rpgm style game, but i shooter on unity, also it runs smoothly
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Good base, pretty fun. Don't personally mind the actual zombie designs much, so long as nothing gory itself actually happens to the player character, which IS possible to see in this game, especially if you get a patreon version, however its entirely avoidable as well. Biggest suggestion currently would be further mix ups to the gameplay (maybe a quicker, but low health enemy like a dog or something similar. Maybe flying enemy type to aim higher?) and camera angles. Would prefer just being able to move the camera how we please, since some angles offer almost nothing in terms of viewing pleasure. Look forward to seeing more in the future though!
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Tried it out for a bit.
    It's...ok? Not great, not even good. Just... acceptable. A solid foundation, I guess? But it needs some variety in the lewd department, and better feeling gameplay in the shooting bits
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    the concept is interesting. but the execution made the game very unpleasant to play and it feels like it's riddled with "this seems neat or something cool" without actually reflecting WHY it's being done or really SHOULD it be done. Honestly the general feel and gameplay itself was so bad I didn't even bother seeing any of the sex scenes.