This is on version 1.1.11.
I recently revisited "Sisterly Lust" after some time, and despite the obvious bias involved in my username, I do have to say that it is amongst the best games on this site.
Now, many aspects of it are nothing to write home about: It reuses many of the assets we've seen dozens of times, and the character models themselves are maybe just a touch above average.
But what it does have, and what it does well, is character. Each character is clearly distinct from each other, which branching pathways on their routes and a sensible timeline that intermingles.
Surprisingly, both because it's a sister-centric porn game and the fact that I typically stay as far away from men as possible in anything resembling erotica, I'm going to talk about a dude. "Sisterly Lust" has managed the impossible, to write an actually likeable sidekick character. It's impressive just how much having a likeable character for the MC to banter with does for the enjoyment of the game.
Of course, there are a few aspects of the game I don't particularly like. While the MC's dialogue is typically passable, it does occasionally delve into the "stupidy" territory we've all come to dread.
I chose not to engage with the mother's content, due its focus on
, which while it may be some people's cup of tea, I primarily take issue with because it's very out there in an otherwise rather vanilla incest game. It just doesn't feel like it fits.
The actual sexual content for each character is a bit on the low side, which I can largely forgive due to more of a focus on the narrative, but I still believe more sexually engaging choices would have been very beneficial to the game.
But overall, while I would not call "Sistery Lust" a perfect experience by any measure, I would certainly call it a good game.