Flash - Completed - Slave Lords Of The Galaxy [v1.0.1] [Pink Tea Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Story is pretty decent and game works good and will proberly be worth to try it out to see if its for you, but there are some issues...

    First its missing a femdom tag, MC will be forced to do shit by females and call them mistress so it dosent get much more femdom then that why tag isent there i have no clue.

    Next game does have NTR, MCs mistress forces your slave into sexual acts where the mistress fucks her in the ass in front of alot of people which is not something MC or the slave wants in any way, some might claim the slave and MC is not together or in a relationship so its not NTR but i call that bullshit, they have a master/slave relationship and MC loves hes slaves more then hes own life as seen in the start so its clearly NTR and Femdom, but you can deside that for your self just know its there.

    Also the M/M/M/F shit that is forced on you to get musrooms is shitty, why not allow players pick up the million musrooms in the forest instend of forcing people to watch shit they dont want to.

    As for the story its mostly pretty decent but at times it gets absolutly idiotic, i mean when MC goes to the prission to save a girl deamon from the same people who tried to kill him and did kill hes slave in front of him, he has shoots the guards with a sniper, but apprently he has it set to stun?? i mean wtf stun??? why on earth wouldent he set it to kill the bitches after when they did to him and hes slave and they killed hes hole town on top of that...

    To add to the idiotic stuff MC then runs into the very same female who killed hes slave and tried to kill him multiple times, she has 3 guards with her and what happens...she stands around in lala land waiting for MC to finger the deamon 4 fucking times (which you dont even see?) to take down each guard and then the bitch... atleast fucking try to make a decent story instend of just making everything a shitty joke, theres no way on earth she wouldent attack the second MC trys anything....its so freaking stupid its not even funny.
    And then MC runs away? instend of finishing off the bitch that killed hes slave.

    And thats really my main problem with this game, you never get the feeling of revenge on anyone, just making them into sex slaves for MC isent enough they dont even deserve that....MC is just set to be waaaay to vanilla with 0 balls and its boring.

    Game wants you to think of MC as a good guy helping slaves and such but hes really pure evil, he will capture innocent girls and trow them into a tent to get raped over and over by guards....so good? not really...
    And you get to watch it all as well....3 guards fucking one girl...
    On a side note the deamon girl hes supposed to save for her twin sister MC ends up putting her in a chair to be milked like a slave, the same thing MC saved her from to start with....story is just way to bad.

    Also the way MC takes care of the mistress is stupid as fuck as well and he should have been killed the second he tried to blackmail her, its very clear that the story was never ment to be taken serious and its just pointless filling no more.

    Girls 3/5
    Dont take me worng the art is really good but the diversity in builds is pretty poor they almost all got the same builds making it a bit bland.

    Animations 4/5
    Great animations and refreshing to see something other then the standard HS and Daz stuff so its really the strong point of the game.

    Choices 1/5
    There arent any choices that matters, its kinetic and a mindless fuckfest you cant turn anyone down and stuff like anal and foot fetish even M/M/M/F shit is also forced on you, same with girls and even bitches you hate.

    Interface 1/5
    Its annoying, you cant save when you want to, you cant scroll back.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been following PinkTea's work for many years and I am a huge fan. This is the 2nd of his games that I played and it remains one of my favorites along with the original "Slave Lord". I played it for years on flash and recently I purchased it and replayed it. Here is my honest take on this game:

    If I had to rate this game I would give it 9 or 9.5 stars out of 10.
    *Art-I love the art, it is a clean, simple and very appealing anime look with almost everything animated. Some people might prefer 3d models but I prefer hand drawn. Normally I like more of a western style but I really enjoy PinkTeas art, he has a coherent anime style but there is variety and personality and attractiveness in his characters.
    In replaying the game I was enjoying some of the cinematics. PT really creates some nice cinematic effects with the spaceship travelling, the city burning etc that come across really well with simple tools.

    *Sex-The sex is fun, interactive and there is a huge variety. I love the progression with the characters how you start out with simple sexual requests and progress to more depraved interactions. These games introduced me to BDSM. I never had any interest in the subject until I started playing these. PT takes a potentially intimidating kink (BDSM) and makes it fun, interactive and sexy.

    *Story and Characters-The story really shines, there are fun characters like the bitchy empress Kaleena, the insolent slave girl, the fun shop girl and the self-righteous ninja. The game involves simple travel to other worlds with new and interesting characters, plots and worlds.

    *Gameplay-The dev really expanded on the gameplay and interact over his previous game with this version. There are simple and easy to understand stats that are easily accesible from a sidemenu and make for a fun progression with your characters and reactive dialog and poses. The characters respond to how you treat them which makes it fun to redo on different play throughs.

    *Art- Some people might not like the anime style, and the animation is achieved through flash style puppet animation and mesh deformation. I think the effect is very well done, to the point where I didn't even understand how he was doing some of the animations, but some people might not like it. The cumshots are a little mixy, some really nicely done, some look like drawn with a mouse in MS paint. Doesn't really bother me though and still very satisfying.
    *Story-I thought the whole, voluntary slave thing is a little contrived. I would have preferred if the slavers were a little more sinister, but the benefit is that you don't feel like a scumbag after you play it. The point of the game is more of voluntary BDSM interaction, rather than a mean one. I also wish that we had avenged or memorialized the first character that dies in the beginning more.

    Overall I love this game, and it was a direct inspiration for me to get involved in game development. Can't wait to play some more of it!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A decent upgrade to the prequel. Has many references to the prequel and a good sum of humorous content. And you get a lot of girls to duck with. Also the grinding isn't annoying. The story is well made, environment is interactive. There's still some content after completing the game, that you can find. No bugs. The guide shows what to do; and guess what? No NTR content, woohoo. Slaves that are totally into you, that's a W. ;)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Come for the porn, stay for the insanely fucked up dialogue, menatal corruption and the porn, instant 5/5, You play the role of a descendant of the dark lord in a futuristic sci fi setting, you are quite literally pure evil, and you use cruel insanely messed up methods to bend your opponents to your will, now of course like with all of this dev's games you can be kind or cruel, and this affects the personality and dialogue of the characters.

    The H-scenes are smooth as butter and animated.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    It's ok..I suppose?
    Well I'm sure whoever created this game isn't that expert in bdsm, or at least he's pretending to know about it, but fails. The corruption path seems sometimes correct, while on the contrary sometimes you can fuck them(see Selene) after just 1 step and that's rape, not at all a pact of submission or whatever the game is intended to be.

    All in all the whole gameplay could be summed up with GRIND.
    The 2nd or 3rd planet, well where you go full pokemon gonna catch 'em all, is the most boring quest and I don't get where other people found an interesting or detailed story, as to me seems quite superficial at best.
    Dialogues have also lots of cringe and that's a huge turn-off.

    The girls are cute and the pink-haired(dumb) one has also the best poses. Selene and your 1st have also nice sex poses, the redhead I was expecting more.

    If you don't have any other games to play, then give it a try, but that's not something worth to remember, at least for me.

  6. 5.00 star(s)

    human deviant

    Ah... My first real introduction to the wonderful, libertine world of adult games. This game still occupies a fond place in my heart. It has everything a growing boy could want. Cat girls, spanking, capricious queens, and galactic debauchery. I would absolutely, 100% recommend this game to anyone, anywhere, without qualifier.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Like it for undull gameplay and arts of high quality. Almost every scene is animated. Characters' bodies proportions seem to be close to real - I appreciate that. Also there are cheats and gallery available from the beginning.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    its pretty nice i can't find how to make my slave happy though but still pretty damn good also i think that this game should be on steam its really fun and its easy to play as long as you have a mouse and keyboard and half a braincell to match
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Played to completion for the first time. Better than I expected. Still has some typos and jank like the names of the speaker being wrong despite being completed but it isnt engrish every two sentences and the foundation and execution is solid with no flaws. The plot of the game is that you are a slavelord from a planet whose culture for all of its people is being a slaver as a way of life. The sisterhood is a group who set your whole planet a flame and massacred your people due to them being religously and culturally inclined to despise and demonize your culture. (Even if you the mc later explain to her that everything was consensual) and so from there you evacuate and stay on another planet where you must train another slave as favor of the queen regent to gain temporary favor while scheming to get back at the sisterhood (and the queen) going from planet to planet searching for possible ways. The overall tone is fantasy like and a lil goofy such as exploring an ancient ruin with the way into the crypt being inserting a key into the pussy slit of a statue of a naked woman. Fighting off the sisterhood with a dildo in a quick time event. Mind control via succubus pussy juice. The ending was kinda lackluster and im dissappointed we never got to really do anything more as the ruler of pristine and how we couldnt return the ambraxil sister or the succubus to fullfill our promise or even a convo saying that you have found her but that she was ok being stuck as a juice factory. Cuz the mc seems no better than the sisterhood in that regard which takes away his moral highground. Good amount and varitions of gameplay and simple trainer gameplay without any grind or a need for cheats even if there is a cheat mechanic. Good amount of sex positions and male domination content with the option to be a sorta nice dom or a meaner one which I appreciate. Sex scenes are mostly press the position and wait for a whike for the meter to fill before endong the scene. There is also some customization for the girls by letting you choose what outfits to wear.

    All in all a pretty solid game. Would definitely like a remaster that expands the game.
    Likes: mc247
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, pretty much everything has already been said, I mean regarding my opinion of the game. I just came across this game and this Dev. I had never had the opportunity to experience such depth in the world of flash gaming before. Quality story with an impressive amount of content. It's very strong! manage to make a slave trainer out of a story full of humor and love, it's something you don't see every day. A little less seriously, I was tired of patience games like solitaire, minesweeper, mahjong, and other games that take up time in waiting rooms, or when your girlfriend is half an hour late for your date. .. I found a winner who will replace all that making my waiting less boring
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A pretty basic trainer, elevated by the sheer quality, quantity, and variety of content. Individually, each aspect of the game is above average but not overly impressive. Put them all together, however, and you get a game with a rare level of consistent quality, spread over a generous amount of content. It's not without its flaws - there's a fair bit of repetitive grind, and some mechanics aren't super clear. But in comparison, the game gets *so much* right. Again, nothing too extraordinary; just simple little things that go a long way to making the experience more enjoyable. Clear, consistent UI, minimal but effective characters, optional content, personalized sex scenes, mini-games to help with pacing, etc. Overall, this game proves you can do a lot with extremely simple content, and is an exemplar of the genre.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Probably the best of PinkTea's games. Satisfying, funny, and the art is pretty good. Pretty wholesome as far as maledom BDSM heavy games go (not complaining I like both tonally dark and tonally light games like this). The overall gameplay is a bit simplistic, but it is porn. The most frustrating part for me are the repetitive puzzles, which are not difficult, just time consuming. There is no need to have game mechanics for their own sake. Simply describe what the player character did during that time.

    Edit: also it has consistent and good sound effects for scenes, which are surprisingly absent from many games
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Totally fap-able.

    Although there is a bit of a grind (go here, go there) before you get to level them up for the scenes.

    You can spend half a night on it.

    Surprisingly good for a flash game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    great starter game i played years ago. Simple corruption concept, you can set girls on path to becoming sexual deviant slaves, or romance them. Easily replayable. Plenty of things to keep you busy, corrupting the girls one by one, working for money to buy new toys that unlock new animations. While the art style isn't the most appealing, it is still good quality for the time period it was originally released.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A wonderful classic game made with love
    The history is wonderful
    The gameplay is very cool
    The characters are lovely
    The sex scenes are cool and animated
    You haven't played this yet and like classic games give it a try.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite game in the "Slave Lord" series so far:

    - It made the gameplay a bit more varied than the 1st game by adding minigames and puzzles (concepts that should have been added back and improved upon in the next entries, but, sadly, they weren't implemented).

    - The art style may look worse than the ones from their most recent games (Elven Conquest comes to mind), but, TBF, this was one of their 1st games in the "Slave Lords" series (besides, compared to the childish, ugly art style from the 1st game, the artists did improve upon their works).

    - The animations could have been a bit smoother but, they don't bad nonetheless. Also, I really liked some of the positions.

    - SPOILERS; The ending sequence was satisfying AF, with you finally beating, humilliating and raping that strawberry haired bitch (along with the "Empress"). IMO, it was the most part in the series, not only because of the protagonist's master plan to possess his slave's body and cause a chaos, but because of the punishment sequence (like I said), that, IMO, was far better and less rushed than the ending of Elven Conquest 2.

    - The story was alright I suppose, your typical porn game story full of fetishes, slavery and weird stuff, but I liked it nonetheless. I liked that there were more dialogue lines and more stuff happening compared to the 1st game (which had a quite simple plot), or compared to EC2 (which had a lackluster plot).

    In conclusion, the game's not perfect, but even so, it became my favorite game in the series (EC1 comes close though) and, I really hope the developers bring back the puzzles and minigames (but reworked).
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    A fucking classic. What can I say, it's a PinkTea game and I think this is the first of his games that didn't have NTR.

    Would recommend. Yes, it is old and a flash game, but it is still very High Quality and has a better quality than many modern games. If you haven't played this yet, play it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game I have liked all of this developers games he makes really good trainer/corruption games!

    It might feel like your about to go on a grind fest at first but its really not. It can be really fast paced and the amount of options in scenes can sometimes surprise you. Has lots of great art and a lot of scenes. The story was pretty good as well. I wish the ending was played out a little better though but I don't think its something that would get in the way of the game being 5 stars.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    There is so many elements in this game that are not only unnecessary but dissapointing in their unncessariness. Whole "game" is screaming of having idea behind it but barely anything to deliver.

    Art is meh, animation is poor and story is cringy at best. I think that covers the positives. Dialogues are terrible, it reminds me of project someone translated from english to spanish to english dozens of times and later tried to make a sense out of it. Using only interpunction.
    I would go even further and say, someone made whole plot out of these conversations.

    Whole game is based qround slave management system with few stats and unlockable items to further your slave's training. Clunky UI will accompany you through your whole game and try your best not to click too fast or in wrong places because this is great way to lock your game out of predetermined route. During 2 hours span I've had to restart at least three times losing some progress on the way.

    I would recommend this "game" for people that haven't felt miserable in long time and are eager to change it.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    The mini-games are rather half-hearted and grindy.

    Decent plotline.

    Lots of unique frames but all quick drawings.

    All in all, it's ok to try it if you haven't played games of similar styles before. Otherwise, there are better ones out there.