Seeking slave management games with more dynamic gameplay loops?


Nov 25, 2017
So I think I've played most of the major visual slave management games out there - Slavemaker, Whoremaster, Jack o Nine Tails, Slave Lords, Overseer, various flavors of SimBro, Brothel King, and some others.

They all share the same problem though... once you figure out the core gameplay loop, the game quickly loses almost all of its flavor as you fall into the same routine for every slave. I think Jack is the perfect example of this - the game seems great at first, almost overwhelming, but then you realize that you can just brute force your way through every slave in the exact same way and at that point the game just becomes repetition by numbers. These games simply aren't dynamic enough in their response to what the player is doing.

Are there any games which overcome this issue? Note that I intentionally left games like Free Cities and Strive for Power off the list as I'm not into purely text-based games.



Sep 12, 2017
Well I hope you are okay with RAGS because Wife Trainer sounds like the game you are looking for. The women aren't slaves exactly but you can do similar things to them that you could in a slave game. Plus all the girls are unique in the game with their own stories, stats and endings. You should totally check it out man!

I hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
Have you tried stationmaster? Its a pretty good 3d game that revolves around slavery tons of variety/choices plus the game just got updated with a ton of new content and many more features are planned for the future