you have to take the ingredient und cut it. Then you can take the next one.
G gurgel99 Newbie Feb 7, 2023 18 13 May 2, 2023 #21 you have to take the ingredient und cut it. Then you can take the next one.
G gurgel99 Newbie Feb 7, 2023 18 13 May 2, 2023 #22 But anyone knows how to get behind the aggressive pumpkin? Succubus tells me "you need to craft better items". But what kind of?
But anyone knows how to get behind the aggressive pumpkin? Succubus tells me "you need to craft better items". But what kind of?
M mojimoji8080 Newbie Feb 28, 2020 61 17 Aug 1, 2023 #24 nanamya said: So, this game complete version was released. Click to expand... where?
N nanamya Newbie Sep 11, 2018 37 11 Dec 9, 2023 #25 It's out on steam, but I guess no one with the files uploaded it anywhere. Reactions: Rosvos86