RPGM - Completed - Complete - Slave Princess Knight Layla [v1.0.20] [Ressentiment]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Donny Ranistvenich

    Super in-depth prostitution system. Doing H scenes increases your power, and the game difficulty is balanced so that is actually helpful. I imagine a 'virgin' run is actually quite difficult because of this.

    You must complete day quests in time to save your mother. The difficulty on normal is actually balanced to not make this super easy. Slutting it up at night makes it much easier, but given what we are playing game for that's fine.

    Heaps of H content, progression, pregnancy, that progresses along as heroines are corrupted, and you keep getting more characters as you progress quest.

    Overall this game decided to make H content a primary and rewarding part of advancing gameplay / quest and it didn't skimp. You could come up with some negatives, but is far and above more effort than majority of RPGM slop out there.

    Pity it's not allowed on F95.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    H-content: Sex improves your attributes rather than being detrimental thanks to the succubus. Therefore no need to force yourself to get defeated to get the sex scenes. The animation is decent. Good pregnancy system. You assign the female cast to different slots to corrupt them in different ways each night and get the corresponding bonuses (the bonuses isn't that much different so no need to force yourself to min-max, just go for the plot you desire). Didn't care for the gay stuff but good that you can half skip it with the speed dialogue button. There is a variety of stuff like incest,NTR, corruption all done well. But no monster/tentacle rape. The futanari part unforunately has not really been developed with actual scenes between the female cast and sadly there are balls, which hide the pussy (fortunately censored so even if you get turned off by them it isn't that big of a deal).

    Story: Story is simple to follow and not overly complicated that overshadows the actual "plot" you care about. It is dumb as the princess along with her supposedly genius prince brother clearly asked to be defeated and raped. But then again, you don't play this game for that kind of plot.

    Gameplay: Things get reset between missions like a rogue game except for the SP upgrades (there is lore explanation as to why). The combat is intriguing and you do have to think about how to level up, the team combination, and the execution order of the skills on the highest difficulty.

    Therefore all together I give this max score.