RPGM - SlaveGirls Rising [v1.3.8e] [KavenBach]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great! It isn't perfect, but i gave it 5 stars due to if you get used to the graphics you will love the story, the writing and worldbuilding is all i wanted from a Game Over Rape game, even has vore and clever situations like being fucked until you are cursed to be trapped as a statue, stuck in an eternal orgasm. Honestly highly recommend to anyone that loves getting Game overs and lewd situations, you will get used to the art ^-^
  2. 3.00 star(s)



    honestly the game could be so good. but it isn't.

    the graphics are absolutely terrible. the best art you see all game is the main picture for the game where medusa holds her.

    the problem is, there is no movement anywhere, not even shaking effect. just that still picture for anything. everything is drawn in paint(no joke). very badly. like if i started to make a game, this is how i would draw it exactly. and i nearly failed high school due to art class (got mark2 in the end. mark 1 is fail mark 5 is best)

    but since the mainline story was quite creative and interestingi thought halfway i would still give it 5/5 despite the worst drawing ive ever witnessed in any H-game ever.

    but around halfway the grind is crazy. and very boring. and luck based. you can easily die any time if you miss some hits (random) or you lose some turns (random) in a row due to enemy debuffs or your own debuffs i dont want to spoil.

    i think i killed more than 500monsters. not sure. i was resilient up to a point. and you have to kill them cuz you will be underleveled and will suffer even more. then after i killed all those mobs and im relatively strong, i got to another medusa type (it's like now the 4th type with all being different color... that's it. "stronger" but everything same except color) which is all luck based. it gives you a debuff where you die in 3 turns. she can keep applying it to you, you can keep removing it. you need like 7-8turn to kill her if you could freely attack her. but most of your turns will be applying buffs to yourself and removing debuffs then healing. but all very luck based. if you miss 1-2 turns (can happen with relatively high chance) you die and gameover.

    and this is after hours and hours and days of grind. of the same enemy.

    and NO H-animation at all. only some enemies have some extremely basic sex art about them. even that has no consequence. you are a slave so you get raped all the time anyway.

    honestly i should give this garbage game 1 or 2 rating, but i really really liked the main story cuz it's unique. you expect what the game will be then it throws you a curveball. then another one. so it starts to get interesting but the grind is unplayable. the art is unfappable. so here we are. a creative person making a game in the worst possible way so nobody can enjoy it. might as well written a book about a story, more people would have enjoyed it than this garbage. oh and did i mention no skip button? you have to spam space/enter to continue the dialogue, which sometimes you have to watch A LOT of again, if you failed a boss.

    i still give it 3 just for the story.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Excellent ideas with acceptable graphics completely ruined by unbearable dialog.

    I hate games where you need to sit around tapping space for minutes on end just to see something happen. The combat with the giant rat dragged on. There are no options to change the screen size so you're playing with the resolution of a post card, there is a weird overlay of a naked woman for some reason and enemy healthbars aren't showing.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The author has made noticeable improvements compared to the previous installment in the series. Both in terms of their custom art and in terms of game programming with every chapter more often than not throwing a new sort of challenge or mechanic for the player to learn and beat.

    The game is quite long as well with new content being added each chapter, as stated before, and keeping the enemy and bad end variety fresh. (even at its current stage in development there is quite alot in terms of things to do and see).

    What may be a turn off to many folks is its linear story telling and game play, only allowing some spots in the game with what I would consider wiggle room. But this in no way should be seen as a negative, as it allows the author to focus on the story and characters. Which I must say, is a strong point with well written characters and a story that is...while needing a suspension of disbelief (this is an h-game after all), keeps me invested and even encouraged me to push through some odd patches of the game I may have found a little grindy.

    All in all, the game shows great promise in the future and is one I would highly recommend. Or at the very least, keep an eye on.

    tl:dr; A game with custom artwork, gameplay mechanic variety, and characters you can actually come to enjoy and care for. On top of the developer noticeably improving over time in art, programing, and story telling.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    1) The game is really sick. Heavy gore, vore, stone transformation, brainwashing, fuck to death, etc.
    2) CGs are only pixel fuck ranging generally from very bad to not-so-bad.
    3) Text-heavy without an option to skip.
    4) Difficulties for the sake of difficulties--in gameplay, battles and story.
    5) The story itself is rather blatant and predictable. Another Chosen One :sick:
    6) The battles are extremely dangerous and tiring. Luckily, two thirds of the battles can be skipped by running away.
    7) Grinding to get to a healspot and back (especially in the midgame as of 1.2.3 version).
    8) Primitive battle system, where a player needs to pray RNGesus so the heroine is not stunlocked by the enemies.
    9) Almost zero lesbian content in the women-bloated world. One and a half text scene for 20 hours of gameplay.
    10) Bugs, most notably in the escort quest by the end of 1.2.3 version. (still, 10/10 at the second attempt! suck it!)

    HOWEVER, after managing to keep your gag reflex and rage down, the game gives an imperceptible feeling of an old-school JRPG with unique characters, NPCs' small talks, storytelling naïvety, deus ex machina, and so on...
    In my opinion, this would have been a masterpiece if all slavery, sex and gore have been changed into something PG13.
    Looking forward to the completed version of this game (in several years, though:()

    Wishing you to stay diligent, and good luck!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Surprised by this one, and was thinking hard how much stars to give. There's some evident flaws but there's also some rough gems in the package as well.

    Other review mentioned the art style, to me this is always a developing choice and a taste more so. I don't think it is bad at all.

    I like the premise a lot, a band of women have to stand strong and together to fight the monsters to go out of gauntlet. The monsters both eat them and rape them, if they are unsuccessful. I like original ideas and this' definitely one of them.

    The combat system on the other hand isn't something I liked. I thought the fights lasted for too long, the healing potions were far and in between, and besides the MC, the rest of the girls felt useless on about the same level whether they had a proper weapon and an armor, or were nude hitting the monster with a fist.

    Lastly I'd prefer if there were in between animations, having to lose to open and trigger them weren't always easy, and the combat itself felt a bit repetitive.

    In short: I really like the idea and the premise of the game, I picked up and liked some humor as well, the animation quality and style to me is okay and pretty good. I don't like the combat system as it's slow and tedious, and more lewd scenes during the fights would be better then having them hidden behind losing the battle everytime.

    Would have given this 3.5 but as I can only give full stars, then 3.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    tl;dr at end of post

    OK, this is actually better than the previous game by the same author. The artwork has progressed from 'goddamn awful' to 'not great'. The basic theme is 'game over vore' / 'game over rape' and there is a lot of content.

    The gameplay is decent, but this brings me to my first gripe. There is no 'submit' option or 'self destruct' skill. This means if you want to see a particular ending you have to work hard to die from it. Take the Ratite. Basically rapey rat furs. They have very poor attacks and if you want to see their game over you will have to spend a long time of turn after turn of doing pointless things while they slowly wear you down.

    Are we having fun yet?

    There is a fixed maximum XP you can gain playing the game, and it's quite possible to avoid some of the fights. However, some of the fights are quite challenging. So if you skipped earlier battles you may find yourself stuck unable to progress past a certain point. On the other hand if you get all the XP you will find it harder to see the game overs.

    tl;dr Surprisingly decent, if flawed, game over vore / rape game.