Yes, basically the "Tar" appear every area I go, about 80% of the encounter on every map... Park, North district etc.Did more than one tar char appear at the same time? If yes you found a mean little bug
And no at this moment you can t get the two clerks... or can you... hmm...
The polish nanites are useless for now but I have a small massage fetish so they will have some use later on
But I manage to capture some of them, by repeatedly spam in&out until the character shows names like JOGGER instead of TAR. The scene inside the house of North & South Area is working fine.
Some of them like "mysterious girl" cannot be capture, Clerk at Gunshop will head shot me, Clerk at Toy shop will KO me with her Police friends...
And currently I managed to captured about 30 C-Class & 20 B-Class. I have purchased all the gears from the weapon shop.
Overall is great