It's definitely a game; let's get into it.
The Pros:
- The game itself follows a fairly standard RPGmaker plot; nothing too special but nothing too average, either.
- The game has voice-acting for Luna. Voice-acting is always a plus.
- The game isn't too terribly long. You could probably beat it in one sitting if you're good.
- With that said, the battle system is simple, too, and doesn't try to over-complicate things. It's just your average rpgmaker system.
- Gallery unlocks after you beat the game.
- The mini-quests you do to get money aren't dreadfully long and are kept pretty simple. They're nothing too difficult though nothing too easy.
- The upgrade system is... for the most part useless as long as you just remember to buy new stuff whenever you can.
- Grinding weighs down in more ways than one. You grind for money through the mini-quests, you grind for experience, you grind for a certain material to upgrade a certain object but you genuinely need RNGesus to hold your hand through it because omfg. You don't have to be, like, level 30 to beat the game since I've heard some were level 23 or around that area, but as long as you clear an area on your first go, you basically end up hitting the level cap anyway.
- The fights are just. fights. It's not like I actively hope for the usual h-game fighting mechanics, but it sort of felt like something was missing. The fights themselves aren't hard either, especially if you get a certain spell, but... they're just kinda there? If a fight is difficult it's because there are multiple enemies you have to deal with at once and the game will randomly screw you over. With that said, I guess I should be relieved there aren't h-mechanics in the fights because it could really make things annoying if you have to fight a bunch of enemies, though it just feels sort of empty.
- The gacha system is... for the most part useless. There are like 3 cards that are somewhat worth it, but outside of them there aren't really many memorable or useful cards.
- The skills you unlock on your own are... very few and far between. It feels sort of underwhelming, and sometimes less is more, but I really can't remember using them that much outside of the really broken spell and the spells that attack everything.
The game is just... a game I guess. Very average; nothing really sticks out too much and it's just your run-of-the-mill fantasy rpgmaker game. I have things to say about the sequel, too, but that'll be in that game's review section.