Unity - Completed - Sleep My Sister and her friend [v1.0] [Witch Pantsu]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    This is the second game I've played in the point-and-click genre and I'm having a hard time understanding what's fun about it. The controls are terrible. The gameplay is not intuitive. It's unclear how to progress and unlock new scenes. This game is supposed to be small and simple fun. It's not a puzzle that you'll spend hours and hours solving nonsense.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    no gallery feature and a pleasantly unexpected non-cliché ending. The mechanics are straightforward, allowing players to jump right in without any steep learning curve. (LOL) Despite its brevity, the game manages to provide a good variety of scenes.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Well generic story generic desings and kinda nice art syle, still the animations is goofy, is just so boring to play and a waste of time bad game
    3/10 (sorry for my bad english)
    if is really the complete version this ''game'' sucks
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    [Version: v1.0]
    Status: Dropped
    Final Score: 2,5/5
    1. Story: There is a dumb story of brother and sister that read a hentai story than tries to do it with the sister friends. (3/5)
    2. Originality: There are tons of games like this nowadays. (2/5)
    3. Sound: There are lewd noises. (2/5)
    4. Playability: It's easy to play. But boring as fuck. (1/5)
    5. Performance & Bugs: No bugs whatsoever. (5/5)
    6. +18: The art is kinda cute and good, but also simple. (3/5)
    7. Amount of content: It's a short game,and is just a copy paste of the other game mechanics. The battle here is for the patience. (2/5)
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Some of the characters are cute and some of the poses are nice, but the animations are extremely basic, and this progress bar might make this the worst sleep touch sim I've ever played. Not to say it's the worst ever - there are some I haven't bothered with - but it's the worst I recall playing.
    And you have to do it. You have to cum on each girl before you can put it inside her, then you have to deal with that same slow-ass progress bar again before you can cum, and when you do cum it's not really in her, it's just overlaying a lame jizz effect on the general area of her pussy.

    At least in the second phase for each girl you get the option to go inside her, which fills your cum progress just barely noticeably faster than jacking off over her, but then it starts to wake her up and you have to either stop and wait or - and this is the speedrun strat - switch to masturbation while she goes back to sleep, then switch back to fucking for as long as you dare, then switch back to masturbation, and repeat; even doing this fastest method takes several minutes because of how slow the progress is. Did I mention that the speed at which you move the cursor doesn't seem to affect either the speed of your cum progress nor the girl's wake-up rate, but you have to move it otherwise it just goes down like nothing's happening, and there's no way to change your sensitivity, and the auto button functions like you're doing nothing at all? This is horrible.

    This balance of slow progress plus the threat of failure if you rush it has been done much better in similar games where it actually adds to the excitement, and I don't know what they're doing right, but this game is definitely doing it wrong.

    Other reviewers have said this isn't a problem for them, so it might be dependent on your system in some way - I've seen that before on a game I do like, but that game does many other things so much better than this one - for me, getting to the end of this was physically tiring and totally killed my mood. I like high school aged girls, sleep sex and incest, so I started this game wanting to cum. Now I probably couldn't get hard if I wanted to, and I don't want to.

    This game sucks.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I was personally doubting this game because of the low reviews, but I'm glad I looked at them and played it anyways. I loved the cute art style, the body type of the characters, and also love how this game is not as grindy when compared to some similar games. 10 outa 10.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I think it's pretty good. The gameplay is less grindy than a lot of sleep sex games, which is nice. The story is short and not exactly in-depth, but it's enough to justify the porn imo.
    I like the art, I just wish there wasn't any censorship. Very tired of censored games.
  8. 1.00 star(s)

    any name you wish & !used

    while the character design looks cute the art is rough
    cum looks like rice

    gameplay wise it is not very grindy, progress goes up and sleep goes down when you hold left click, regardless you are moving you mouse or not. so even if you are not actually touching her it still does its thing. moving mouse only make sleep go down faster. there are enough actions to play around by the time you explored all of them the progress should be close to 100 (doesn't take long to fill anyway)

    when sleep is low the eyes open, would have been better to just frown

    story is kind of funny at the start, overview summarized it well
    but after that there is not much

    animation is ok but with ms paint art I finished the game without a nut 1/5
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I quite liked it, mostly.
    I'm a fan of loli, incest, rape, and sleep rape. This had all that so it hit my buttons.

    Decent art.
    Poor animation.
    Repetitive, slow gameplay (biggest issue really).

    I tried it because it was less than 1gb. So I got it while downloading a larger game.
    Took around 10-15 minutes to complete I think, mostly due to slow progress bar per action.

    I think its a decent time waster if you are waiting for something anymore.
    Otherwise, it was needing more.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    IT was short, easy, and the drawings have some "sovl" as you might say, also some hotness, but overall still looks poorly drawn and the animations are just you stiffly moving the mouse in and out. How this made it passed the f95 loli filter i don't know, so two stars for effort.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    It is sadly rather bare bones for a sleeping game

    in chronological order as encountered;
    the girls are more or less static images without any movement
    (but to be fair rather cute)
    the sleepmeter has 3 stages; nothing, eyes wide open and game over, nothing in between and having the girls full on look at you kind of works against the point of the story
    the naughty parts are very, very dull ...you fill the bar, 0-99 no changes, 100 and you can get your dick out ..another 100 later and you can perform one of the most pathetic cumshots ever recorded to history ( the sound effect is very much working against the game here)
    after that girl1 stage 2 starts and its more of the same

    story up the point i reached was rather fun but sadly everything else not so much