Seeking Slow Courtship and Foreplay/Teasing/Sexual Tension


New Member
Jan 5, 2018
I'm looking specifically for games with a slow courtship process, with scenes slowly increasing in their lewdness/teasing and holding that sexual tension instead of rushing straight into sex.

Date Ariane (Web game, 3D models) is a prime example of this type of game, with plenty of courtship and foreplay before even getting to the sexier scenes. Massive bonus points for taking a granular approach to the sex scenes as well, making you work your way down slowly and gentle foreplay being required to remove all the cloth obstacles. Also, most of the other games by this developer have a really engaging courtship process, especially Ariane in Paradise.

Sim Girls (Flash, 2D, anime) is another top-tier example, focusing significantly more on the courtship and slowly increasing relationship status with the girls before sexier and sexier things happen. Of particular note is sexier events being locked behind increased relationship status with the various girls, and the amount of teasing and temptation that happens when you're in the zone between friendship and lovers.

Lab Rats (Ren'Py, 3D models) is a softer example. There are increasing sexy events locked behind increasingly higher levels of the corruption mechanic, which are all excellent. However, its tapered down somewhat by random events that give the opportunity to skip straight to sex.

Rogue-Like: Evolution (Ren'Py, 2D, cartoony) is pretty good. There's a good amount of slow corruption and an excellent sex mechanic that focuses on teasing, denial, and foreplay. Its only held back by some awkward pacing that makes it less suitable for those looking specifically for tension.

Yuri University (Ren'Py, 3D models) has a lot of potential, especially if Yuri is your thing. There's a slow buildup and courtship as you get to know all the girls and the character writing is phenomenally done to keep the game interesting as that happens. The actual culmination of this sexual tension isn't in the game quite yet, but when its complete it will be an absolute gem.

Love & Sex: Second Base by Andrealphus (Ren'Py, 2D, cartoony) certainly has a fun courtship phase and the characters are mostly pretty fun and interesting. The actual sexual tension is missing though, as after a successful date everyone's clothes fly off immediately.

I can't post links yet, but all of these except Sim Girls can be found on this site. Sim Girls can be found on Newgrounds by searching "Sim Girls 6.6" on Google.

Please post suggestions and recommendations down below!
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