You dont, they change the lust/week.How do you put your workers to work?
i troubleshooted this, if you use the dress roxanne gives you then the other 2 items dont work, if you change the dress for something of the same fem, dont matter the dress task stop working, but; the underwear tasks start working. You end triggering the bad end anyway
Oh shit you are right. I thought it was the same game ngl. But since the other is abandoned, I think its free gameThis game is like 99% stolen from Dopefish and his game Whoremaker! SHameless DEV! He copied the gameplay, the mechanics, and the ideas. EVERYTHING.
if you would have read the dev notes :This game is like 99% stolen from Dopefish and his game Whoremaker! SHameless DEV! He copied the gameplay, the mechanics, and the ideas. EVERYTHING.
Ah, so if you write a 1000-chapter novel, then stop; I'm free to essentially take your entire story, tweak it just a little, change a few names and locations, add a few generic twists, and then reword it as my own story?if you would have read the dev notes :
A brothel-style management game heavily inspired by Whoremaker, however with a much heavier focus on MTF content and a few other unique takes on the idea.
Dopefish ABANDONED IT .........there is nothing shameless here it was a direct product the story has changed a bit but the mechanics are still sort of the same instead of giving money as payment you give lust essence from the fucking and feed the succubus
personally i am happy the game has been taken over rather than abandoned
WM technically isn't abandoned, it's on hiatus. He promised an update this year at the start of the month.if you would have read the dev notes :
A brothel-style management game heavily inspired by Whoremaker, however with a much heavier focus on MTF content and a few other unique takes on the idea.
Dopefish ABANDONED IT .........there is nothing shameless here it was a direct product the story has changed a bit but the mechanics are still sort of the same instead of giving money as payment you give lust essence from the fucking and feed the succubus
personally i am happy the game has been taken over rather than abandoned
What're you talking about? Why so hateful about making content. SM is its own story with Japanese orientation rather than white. This game is honestly just another brothel sim but instead of a role reversal turning you white its asian. And hell Dopefish is a colossal procrastinator. It took Fromsoft less time to release dlc for Elden ring than it took him to release an update. It is labelled as abandoned because he is genuinely lazy at this point. And if that is the case let this Lazuli cook. I'd rather get updates for a new game than sit here in agony for what is it now, a year and two months? Three? Promises, promises. Dopefish is lying to your faces. You're applying copyright logic to people whose only interest is making you nut and be happy. I'm gonna be a damn skeleton by the time Dopefish releases another update. Lazuli literally just put on a thanos gauntlet and said 'fine, I'll do it myself' I mean good god if someone tries to improve the windmill. "Oh no that's patented, we cant improve that." Okay. Fine - lets take your logic for a run. Go find me the guy that invented paper. No using paper in anything until we have exclusive permission to transform it. If it says abandoned as far as I'm concerned who tf cares.Ah, so if you write a 1000-chapter novel, then stop; I'm free to essentially take your entire story, tweak it just a little, change a few names and locations, add a few generic twists, and then reword it as my own story?
If you create a game for many years and then stop, I'm free to take everything and use it immediately for profit, hey it's been abandoned. So I might as well take over Perverted Education, ToT, I mean they are abandoned so what's wrong?
Oh, there is this house that hasn't been used for 2 years. I just take it! Legally it's mine now!
Also you haven't used your bike for 3 years, and it's been in your backyard the entire time. I'll just take it.
Obviously, a child notices the flaws in your pathetic attempt at defending him. Also does that mean I can just create my own vision of this game now? How about we have 10 people create a game using this idea? Your squatter logic is pathetic!
I wouldn't have a problem if he didn't copy the EXACT MECHANICS, the EXACT GAMEPLAY, THE ENTIRE THING. It's good to be inspired by something, but just stealing/copying the exact thing, without changing it is downright evil and scummy.
If he had Dopefishe's APPROVAL! I wouldn't say anything. He obviously hasn't, he is a fucking thief, he should rot. I refuse to support this game, I will tell everyone about it. Simple as that.
Dopefish could always return in a few months, or even a few years. Is he going to stop developing his game, then? I doubt it!