Others - Slutmaster [v0.10.6] [Tough Love Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    My score for this game 4.5. Funny parody for *kemons. The game is not overloaded with mechanics, battles are dynamic and have enough pictures in it. I liked the core because it allows for author to add insane quantity
    of sandbox content without stretching the main story. Hope to see the version 10.100.1. GL for author, there is no a lot of games which are not VN or RPG and have interesting and idea in it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    i enjoyed the game with more content coming out in the future. it look really promising, so far.

    scenes and mechanics of the game are good.

    game played is simple but polish with great ui is better than most other games.

    like the art style a lot.

    the characters are ok but seem like the biggest weak point with them seeming one dimensional at time.

    the plot of game is not ground breaking but get job done and is decent overall.

    hope that the developer keep improving this game and hope for more good content in future.

    ( disclaimer i have play tested this but the review is of my own thought and opinion without the developer having any say about my thoughts and the review)
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    -Good tags
    -Movement feels nice
    -Decent CG
    -Relatively high production value
    -Remappable controls with defaults suited to left-handed play

    -Bad writing. It's downright uncanny and riddled with the worst sort of anime clichés. I couldn't stomach more than one interaction with the pink-haired otaku-abortion and her "rawr x3"-speak.
    -Talking to NPCs is more difficult than it should be. You need to be perpendicular to the center of their sprite (i.e. more or less directly north, south, west, or east of them) to talk, but the collision zones seem to be circles, meaning you'll awkwardly slide off the NPC if you approach them from an off-angle.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Review reflects playthrough of version 0.8.6.

    The game still feels quite early in its development but at the same time has a lot of systems functionally implemented and, unlike a lot of "games" on this site is not any kind of VN/KN railroaded experience. The plot is an obvious parody of a very well known gaming franchise and an interesting derivation of the mechanics of that franchise - a relatively simple battle system, a variety of characters, and a journal that helps you stay organized while you "collect" them all.

    It's pretty simple to play but a very welcome break from the dialogue-heavy VNs and RPG/Sim/Management games with very steep time investment requirements to experience the content. There is actual gameplay! The battle system took me a while to learn (in an earlier, less forgiving build) but has since become pretty trivial (learning and equipping certain new moves - think "TMs" - make a huge difference). I am sure that the dev will continue to tweak and refine this system but I already find it a very acceptable content gatekeeper.

    The dialogue knows that it isn't the point of this game and I'm not going to count it as a fault. I'm not going full-on 90's John Carmack and suggesting plot/story are always unimportant elements of a game (or porn, in this case his quote is especially amusing because it's both) but in this case the point really is about mechanics and score and the premise is familiar enough to enable that in an entertaining way so any character dialogue is free to be as wild and humorous as it likes without making the game less enjoyable for me.

    One of the most subjective elements of any erotic game is going to be its erotic elements. I find it sad and, I believe most people will agree, unproductive/troll-like behavior when forum members go around and leave comments or reviews for any game condemning it as a whole based on whether or not it included content that appealed to their personal tastes. There are a lot of games I find extremely distasteful or repulsive on this site but I do not see any point in leaving them toxic comments or devasting reviews. I recognize that some of the content elements I particularly enjoy will be viewed similarly by other forum members.

    That said, I find the female character models very attractive, appreciate the colorful/bizarre/exotic elements in their designs, and find the loop of gradually escalating sex acts culminating in impregnation to be simple but very satisfying. I also appreciate that most of the pairings are at least not blatantly incestuous. It's kind of there but one may fixate on or ignore it as one wishes. The scenes are pretty simple but not at all bad; I think they fit the vibe of the game as being pretty fast-paced.

    I don't think it'll take anyone more than maybe 60-90 minutes to get through the current content but it's a pretty fun/involved experience and I feel like the erotic content vs time/effort invested to unlock that content is VERY favourable relative to most other games.

    Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is still in its development infancy. The concept is simple: a spoof on Pokemon.
    While there are many areas in the game that could be improved, I enjoyed it. The female models are unique and well designed. There is a working combat system that, while simple, has potential for improvement if the developer so chooses. It also didn't make me bang my head on the wall with terrible mechanics like so many games on this site. I didn't notice any bugs. The porn side clearly focuses on the various girls, which I prefer, however the MC is a featureless gray model in many scenes.
    Overall, it has potential and I hope to see more.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This review is for v0.7.1

    Oh boy, there is so much wrong with this game that I genuinely do not know where to begin, all I know is that there needs to be more than one review so the weighted rating isn't as high as it currently is.

    The dialogue is absolutely horrendous, the male character model is for some reason a completely gray/white featureless dude with a needle dick that gets narrower the closer to the base for some reason, the whole screen feels like it is zoomed in way too much, "combat" is repetitive and boring, sex scenes are short and just plain terrible, and honestly I don't think I can think of anything to compliment this game on aside from maybe the fact that it's kinda sorta nice that you can fuck your mom and sister...sorta.

    TLDR: Avoid this at all costs, it feels like playing the discount indian spoof of what could be a game in another reality.

    PS: if the developer reads this, I am sorry that I have to be so viciously savage in this review, but there is a lot that needs to be changed if this game could be considered anything more than an abomination against gamer kind.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    First release: It's a nice game. Not that much content. The different styles in graphics, UI, and fonts kinda don't work well together, there's some design work that needs to be done in that regard to make everything more cohesive. The dialogues are kinda funny. The Pinki Pie type character is annoying, as it is supposed to, leading to the sex scenes being not that interesting (Unless you are into hate fucking). The “sister” is also annoying in her own way, hope the character grows. The thing that surprised me the most is the overworld and combat. It's like the dev put some thought into how the game would be played, something you don't see that often. The combat has potential to be deep and entertaining, for now it's really easy and simple. As a Pokemon parody, the game nails it. The best aspect of the game is how it doesn't take itself serious, making playing it way more fun. I look forward to the finished project.

    v0.6.2: It surprised me how well the save system works. The graphic problems still linger, mainly the difference in resolution that the sprites have. The sex scenes aren't animated. It's not that big of a deal for me, but it would improve drastically my enjoyment of the game. The battle system hasn't changed much since the beginning of the game. The main addition is the Joint item that was only necessary once. All other battles I won with the basic move set. You just get the patience shield up, the attraction shield down, and then compliment to victory. Sometimes when attraction is at 100% the girls don't get tamed in one try as it should ('Cause 100% accuracy should mean an instant tame). I don't know if I got to the end of the content, maybe some way to track that would be cool. The addition of the club and pinkie's scene is nice. Small correction: Pinkie uses the word “Sempai” often when the actual spelling is “Senpai”, perhaps it's intended as a way to represent how bad she is at Japanese. Also, a way of seeing how much confidence the mc has would be cool. Hope the game keeps going, really want to see the end of this.

    v0.8.6: There's been a lot of combat improvements. I love the new moves and where you discover them. It always feels rewarding learning them. The joints now get to be used more often, and there are clearly some strategies you can make, so I feel like the difficulty was just right for me (That means that you may find it kinda hard not everyone played the game 3 times). I love pregnancy, so the last Pinky encounter was cool. I also liked the encounter with the “sister”, even though I don't like that much forcing. The UI design looks way better. It's just good fun. In terms of fights, the scientist was the only one that felt uninteresting after a while. The first time I fought with the scientist it was interesting 'cause of how aggressive she is, but later I understood that she only uses “yawn”. That would be a great combat on its own, the thing is that it repeats not only in the lab but also with the pimp. I only found one typo. Some dialog may be cringe but it's obviously done on purpose, just don't take the game too seriously.