Furry was originated from disney and pokemon. As of what most of people believe (I believe its true aswell).
Furry isint a mistake, its a blessing.
But everyone does see them differently, something that either makes them disgusted by it or aroused by it.
In the end we all are fucked up in our minds. Its different taste that we preffer.
To simple put, we dont judge or shit talk, we walk away. Everyone has the right to like what they like.
And I do agree, most of times if not every single time, furry game is brought up, art is always gorgeous.
Its only one thing that sadens me, its not always concentrated for both genders.
Thats my only complaint, about furrys from me.
EDIT: Tottaly forgot to answer main question, why furry and gay? Bright men like
hairy muscular partners.
Simple as that. I asked my friends opinion looooong time ago. And it makes sense when you think about it.