Unity - Completed - Smash Girls [v1.07 + DLC] [18bitStudio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Two handed review: 4.5/5 I play smash competitively and I find the gameplay to be solid. Yes, it's slower but it feels so satisfying landing moves. I find the story to be good and simple. It's told through a visual novel. I love that there are extra stories if you are interested in more.

    One handed revies: 5/5 Beautiful live2d animation. Their either rewards for story mode or they are game overs.
    Likes: Arabi1
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    So how good can you actually smash in this game ?

    The story very bland an forgettable you start as the son of a former mafia boss that is oblivious to all of that and get filled into this role by a talking penguin your mission now seems to get your syndicate back to former strength and defeat goons and waifus from other syndicates to unlock them as playable characters and smash them.

    All the characters are voiced and the sex scenes are lightly animated, the artwork is also very good but lets get into the bad things the combat system

    You have one button to jump, one button for you evasive options (roll, parry, airdodge), one attack button and one special button,
    You get only 2 specials namely neutral and up special. You also only get 3 attacking moves on the ground which are jab, uptilt and you also a dash attack but the dash attack is very weird and inconsistent.
    You can jump and alter your jump height by lightly pressing the button and you can airdodge in different directions or neutral. Airdodging has no endlag and you are not put into freefall afterwards so you wont fall to your death after using it. While on the ground your shield is a parry like in Rivals of Aether and if you use directions while shielding you roll.
    For whatever reason you have 5 aerials (fair, bair, dair, nair, up air) and you also get a fast fall while in the air.
    There are hardly any combos in this game because most of the hits have ridiculous knockback.
    The baseline is okay i would say but the devs messed up at the most crucial point the movement.

    Being on the ground in this game is not optimal, it takes ages before you start walking and you cant really control when your character runs, also if you change directions your whole momentum will stop that's also mostly true for your aerial momentum. Your bair is borderline unusable because you cant do a reverse aerial rush and your fast fall is so fast that you cancel most of your aerials while using it. Fast falling also kind of disables your dair because you of it's speed and it will always trigger when you press down a few frames after you hit your maximum jump height. So falling aerials which are the most prominent tools for comboing in most platform fighter are kind of the table. It is possible to fast fall your aerials but it is kind of iffy and not rewarding at all. You can mostly use rising aerials which also disables your nair against grounded opponents.

    If they didn’t mess up the movement this could have been a fun platform fighter but as it stands your best bet is download a save for the hentai content if you like the preview pictures or mash one button through the game.
    I haven’t played through the whole game but if you somehow struggle defeating any enemy and you want to beat the game yourself pick Mio and spam neutral special
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    CG's - Good + semi-animated
    Story - Decent enough
    UI and Design - Good
    Gameplay - Genuinely upsetting, probably the worst fighting game I've ever played, so painfully slow, no combos, achingly slow, the delay between input registration made me want to hurt myself
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The animated scenes are great and the girls are cute, but the barrier to acquire the CGs (the god awful gameplay) is a bit too high for my tastes. I can give props for trying something new gameplay wise instead of the normal RPGmaker schlopp, but it is far from polished. If you came to fap, grab a completed save file, otherwise be prepared for jank.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I understand that people there don't like it but really the people who want the typical quick game to play in an hour don't understand it. The game has its own taste, it really is something fresh Obviously there are things that could have been better. But like every project it has good and bad points. I hope you give it a chance and try it.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    One of the boring games i played. Where should i start... Combat system is pure trash and super slow. It's boring as hell. I don't know if they can make the combat system more boring. Let's say it's a sex game we should focus on that. Well u can't skip story and it's pure trash by the way also u can't control the sex scenes even in gallery. Game is not hard it's just boring. It goes soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SLOW. Also sex scenes are not that bad but thx to slowness it's so boring either. U can't control the sex and the speed of scenes. Is there anything good? Well Surprisingly UI is pretty good and character models are not bad. If they can fix a couple basic things this game could be 4 star but with this SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNESS it's not even worth 1 star