VN - Ren'Py - Sofia's Dark Fantasies [Beta v1.05 + Special] [Greuceanu Heavy Industries]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders are pretty good I'd say it's the best I've ever seen so far. i wish the developer good luck in his next updates and im looking forward to it
    Here's my honest ratings about the game.
    Graphics =11/10
    Character design= 9/10
    Sound design =8/10
    Story = 8/10
    Enviroment=6/10(It needs better HDRI backgrounds and better assets)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm really liking this use of AI enhancement and think there's a lot of potential here, so I'll def be keeping a look.

    At the moment the story and pace is kind of off, which is understandable since it's early days, so hopefully it will improve in the future.

    Finally, the male characters are ugly ass dudes, which is a creative choice I'm personally not into. That's my 2 cents.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, I will admit the dev is talented. The renders are really good as is the lighting, staging and blocking. Plus the women are hot. It's always fun to see arrogant women knocked down a few pegs especially by a few nasty old guys, but that's as far as it goes. I would expect more of the same moving forward.

    The story, however, is just non-existent and it rambles along, not making much sense. You kind of piece together a general outline but the sex app comes out of nowhere and did not seem to fit with the Sofia character.

    IDK... it's actually not a bad start and I know there is an audience out who does not care about story/plot etc so I am sure this will do fine. Just don't expect too much.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Aleks Mark

    Using the example of this game, I am once again convinced that luxurious graphics and wonderful character costumes are not a guarantee of a successful project. In this case, it’s a set of very beautiful pictures and that’s it. The fantasy ended there. For now, the name dark nightmares against the backdrop of gray reality is more suitable. I respect the author’s opinion and wish him success, but I think if he doesn’t finalize the concept, the probability of success is small :)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has so much potential : Story is great, model for FMC and other girl are great, and render are top quality. The corruption grow slowly but nicely, it would be bad if it was too fast, the speed here is good. There is a lot of variety, and again, the use of AI to just add small detail on already good quality 3D render give them an unique and better look than in most games here. Can't wait to see more of the story !
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Carnal Studio

    The game has probably the greatest renders in all of AVN world, never seen AI and Daz used this well together, it makes every image as if it's a real scene from a movie.

    The story is amazing, the game feels so smooth and it makes you wonder what's about to happen next, which is a writer's dream and I envy your talent in that regard.

    I have just one little tiny problem with the ugly male figures :D I think some handsome guys would have made more sensual sense, but it is a personal choice and everything else is perfect with this game, especially after the new update, it has become infinitely even better <3
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Sofia's Dark Fantasies [EA v1.05 Beta]


    The MC looks really sexy, and it's impressive that you can craft a face with AI, and have fairly decent facial expressions.
    It's really a breath of fresh air not to see the same basic models all over again.
    The other character faces are well done also, although there are too many ugly guys imo.

    Other than the models, there's sadly nothing else I can say positively about.
    The story is really boring and has the MC narrate her daydreams that basically consist of lazy porn tropes, like dreaming about having sex with the repairman.
    Her scenes are not animated and are mostly presented with a few pics, which looks incredibly dull.
    The writing is pretty dull and adds no emotion.
    I will keep following the progress of this game and will update the rating if it improves.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Even though it is only getting started, this new project has the aspirations and goals that many aspiring artists in this genre have when they decide to take the risk and create an AVN.

    We're already observing something fresh and encouraging. With the use of AI technology to improve images, new ground is being explored, and as a result, we are seeing a developer that actively interacts with the community.

    I'll be watching the game's progress, especially the meitle to enjoy, since the art of the game is already outstanding and there are a lot of potential.

    It's been a nice start, and I believe many of us are hoping the developer luck with this game.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I was pondering if I should give this game 2 or 3 stars. Went with 3 in the end.
    1 star is for the idea of combining 3d rendering with AI to enhance the experience.
    1 star is for how pretty the female characters are (AI enhancing does wonders with that).
    It's clear that the developer/developers care about about this. There was one thing that impressed me, at some point her pants get ripped and they really look ripped. They even have rip marks on the edges of the rip.

    Now for the bad:
    I don't like extremely big breasts women (especially when they look like bad implants) but that could be my preference.
    The AI need some more work. While the MC is very pretty in a few renders:
    1. She always has way too much makeup. At times this is a turn-off for me.
    2. Some angles aren't too good with the AI yet and she looks bad like the most plastic bimbo alive.
    3. Her breasts are terrible. If the idea was big low quality implants that look nothing like real breasts, the purpose was achieved but I hope that wasn't the purpose.
    4. She always looks photoshopped. You can see more skin details on a homeless guy that you see on the MC.
    Because of the makeup thing, I find all other female characters prettier than 90% of the MC renders. They all look like models but have menial jobs which is not that credible (although for LA maybe it is so).
    The lighting is not good, I expect also a result of the AI, needs some more work.
    Sometimes the proportions are waaay off but not always somehow. There is a scene when the MC goes to sleep and she looks too big for her bed. Made me think of the Goldilocks story where she tries the bed that is too small.
    Some of the expressions are not good. They also don't match the story. One scene it says she rolls her eyes subtly and she looks like she is throwing the biggest fit ever. Nothing subtle about her there.
    A lot of poses look very stiff, especially during the "sex scenes".

    This was about the graphics, now to the story:
    I've seen mentioned in other reviews and I realized how right they were. I felt completely disconnected from her story and towards the end just skipped to see if anything interesting happens anymore and I didn't know why. It's because it feels like we get a narrator story about Sofia (the MC). and it's not really a story either, more like a summary of what she does, what she feels (sometimes). It also feels weird that it has the feeling that the story follows her throughout the whole day but that's clearly not true. She does very little for that to be her whole day but if it's not I wonder why we get some of the mundane and uneventful moments included.
    She at some point runs home, scared by a guy that was watching her. The guy casually walks after her and he completely keeps up. Never misses a bit.
    Again about the running (it happens a lot) she runs at some point I would say fast but with the size of her breasts, running in any way would surely not be the preferred way to keep in shape.
    She puts on "comfortable" lingerie to go to sleep alone. Hint: it's not something anyone would consider comfortable.
    She has makeup at all times (sometimes very extreme). When waking up, when taking a shower, when getting out of the shower.
    She has a 50 year old husband that looks at least 70. Moreover she sleep alone and he doesn't give any signs of even sleeping in the same house as her. Completely unclear what that is all about.
    Any "interesting" content is through her fantasies. This feels like a cheap copout to show stuff before she gets corrupted enough. Although from the way she imagines things, she is already kind of corrupted, it's just that she's not met yet the rapists she fantasizes about.

    TLDR this game has potential (at least in terms of graphics) but the story needs a lot of improvement as it reads as a 16 year old teenager's fantasy.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    fantasies, reality. fantasies become reality ...
    renders and animations are great
    writing style is great but details of story could be better
    i wish don't make her tits bigger than this in futures updates ! and be consistent on releasing updates
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Alright, so...

    - Solid graphics
    - Pretty MC
    - Good English
    - Somewhat promising story

    - Certain assets are low-res and scale is off at times (size of Sofia's bed f.e)
    - Writing seems a little uninspired, most dialogue starts with "Sofia this..Sofia that."
    - Story pacing...GOOD LORD

    That last point is my biggest gripe with the game so far. The pacing is ridiculous. And I'm not talking about corruption or progress in general. This game made me feel like I'm speedrunning it. Sofia wakes up, Sofia on a run, Sofia back home, Sofia goes to bed, Sofia in her office, Sofia getting coffee, Sofia back home, bed, office, run.. BANG BANG BANG. Like good lord, relax. The music only accentuates this feeling. Everything is WAY too fast. Writing speedrun, render speedrun, everything speedrun.

    I've never played a game that had me feel like I'm under pressure for no reason. It's like the game is trying to tell me that I have no time left. We need to go. NOW. GO GO GO. Lmao

    The dev REALLY needs to tone it down in my opinion.

    Anyway, this game could be something to look forward to. But for now, I'll have to give it only 3 stars. Best of luck for the future development!
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6356557

    This new project , whilst in its infancy, has the hopes and dreams many new talents into this genre has when they decide to take the plunge and make an AVN.

    Already were seeing something new and positive . New grounds are being trodden , with the enhancements to visuals using the emerging new tech of AI and with this were seeing a devleoper that is actually engaging with thecommunity.

    Its pleasant to see they are taking feedback and critique well and answering questions about this title . Its also great to see them quell any misconceptions with a recent post about the AI work , with a comparison shot netween DAZ and the additional work they have put into the renders with their AI tools

    As we see from it were getting some really great detailed characters , and its looking good for them fresh out of the gate with this title.

    It may be a really fun title to enjoy

    I think lots of us wish the dev well with this game , its been a good start.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    MC have the most beautiful face of all AVN right now and the other girl are stunning too thanks to devs and daz

    MC represent how beautiful women crave for money by the old guy but all of that I really hate this type of guys and what this gold digging world has become
    ** But that's the way the story will go because the story is about golddigger.

    MC body feel weird and unreal too like golddigger in real world that gone through a lot of plastic surgery would be no attraction to that

    There are no good looking men in the AVN but it's understandable

    Story is just follow the narrator it's not feel like you go through MC story it's just feel like you watch some documentary

    2 star for beautiful MC and another beautiful women
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Top class renders
    Decent scenario
    Gorgeous female
    The developer is showing interest to make it even better
    First release is satisfying enough

    Maybe you could make her husband in the script a little older, not mid 50s
    I would love to see some lesbo action in next releases
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This is my point of view for this Game....
    -Long playing time
    -Fantastic Rendering
    -Never know what happens next
    -Different Characters
    -Story keeps you awaiting the next turn.
    -very hard to predict what happens next.

    Too much fantasies,no action in real life.

    The Game is damn hot with no bullshit Gameplay, and a lot and weird characters and a Beautiful Female MC, joined support right away after playing the Game, hope there will be more Hot Content....Love it.
    To much fantasies for my taste, can't live in Dreamland all the time.

    Worthy of a Continuation.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the finest game for me
    First of all the renders are one of the best i've ever seen ( in some few of them maybe the expressions need fixing, but that don't bother me at all )
    Sofia is obsoletely gorgeous and all the insta model scenario works for me ..
    I like all the creeps i see so far in the game, i'm a huge fan of very attractive woman vs ugly mam
    Her lifestyle, the Lamborghini she is driving, the SUV her husband has ....all this is a huge plus from my POV, the sex scenes that are basically fantasies ( at least till this point ) all good
    Another huge plus is the release itself , it big enough with the right amount of sex scenes and the right number of renders.
    It is a very good first start, a solid release, not just a promo.....
    I will give this guy 5 starts and i'm looking forward for the next release....
    PS - need more promotion, by uploading only here on f95 nothing will happen, create a subscribestar too, a discord server and start spamming the internet
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I had a quick look at the game and I can see only a beautiful MC. Her face expressions need a lot work. Her husband is in his 50s and he looks at least in his 70s. At the moment we can see only unrealistic fantasy scenes with despicable characters which add nothing to story development. A total rework is absolutely necessary.
    Likes: ihl86
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Early Access 1.0
    My opinion is pretty much the same as what "Lasersriot" wrote below. I realize this story is very new but there should be a bit of immersion, yet I felt none. I felt detached from the game in every aspect.

    In it's current state the game deserves 2 stars...and I hope the dev will take the negative reviews into consideration to improve the game going forward.

    I would like to THANK the developer for his creation. Creating these types of games isn't easy and takes a tremendous amount of time and effort to produce.
    Likes: ihl86
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm not very good at analyzing but here we go

    To begin with, I must say that the main character is one of the most beautiful characters in any game I've ever played, but I must say that her white hair makes her more attractive.

    Maybe many people will criticize me, but it would be interesting to add them in the future, but topics like ''humilation, prostitution, etc.'' but if they don't, there's no problem. The game already has excellent art, the possibilities are great, so I'll follow the development, particularly me. I'm attracted to more obscure female protagonist games (gore, rape, to be more specific) but games like these I like too :) I hope it becomes a great game
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    MC is very sexy: I add 1 star. Else is disaster.
    1) This is not a female protagonist. This is narrator protagonist. Narrator preventing me feel like Sophia. Instead, I'm looking at her through some dude's eyes. That's an immediate reject. Dropd away.
    2) There is no plot. It's just a set of primitive situations from cheap 80's deuchland porn. Random stories about a TV repairman, a plumber, a car washman. There is a lack of emotionality. Typical teenage boy's work.
    3) There is no shadow in the frame. There is no dynamic range. Transition from shaded areas to light areas. Therefore, there is no sense of volume. That is why even a sexy MC model does not cause delight, because it seems flat. The author tried to compensate it by volumes of the model's shapes, but it doesn't work that way. The shape is created by light and shadow, which are not present here.
    4) The 'menu of choices' looks like typical superstitions about 'MILF' of a 13 yo boy. He divides women into two types - whores and nuns. Because his mum, of course, is a nun. The player is not encouraged to choose guys based on his feelings. Instead, it is asked to choose an action based on the narrator's opinion. This is disgusting.

    Summary: This is an extremely disappointing experience for those looking for an immersive experience into the world and emotions of a Woman. Another pseudo-feminine game. Deception.