
Oct 6, 2017
just want to make sure since I downloaded the compressed one, but there really isn't that many sound effect or any character voice is it?


Jul 17, 2022
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but is there any similar hypnosis/mind control kind of game where the main character is heroine like this one?
I would also like to know, as this is probably my favourite H Game of all time atm. Star Knightess Aura, which isn't complete, is all about changing the MCs mind from within, corrupting her into a vapid, bullying bitch who is fine using her body. Tale of the Undercrust is ALL about hypnosis, and you can even find certain items, in dungeons or around where the bosses are fought, for masturbation via mind control. Of course, theres also combat H scenes and Loss H scenes. It's a genuinely awesome game


Mar 12, 2019
I got to the room where you have to power up elevator I think, the only little problem is fps drops in that location -_-'


Jul 29, 2021
Has anyone been able to get this game to run on linux? I can't for the life of me figure it out.
Yes, its a nwjs engine game. So go here:

Get the tarball for linux, extract it somewhere.
Get the game from the links in this forum, extract it into the same place.
(So that they both share the same parent directory)

Now copy everything from *inside* the extracted nwjs folder into this data folder. E.g.

cp -a nwjs-v0.77.0-linux-x64/* AfterMini-Final/data/ (assuming you're back at the parent directory for both)

Then you can run the game natively on Linux by using: ./nw from within the data folder. This works for MANY RPGM games, not all, but many.

Have fun!


Sep 7, 2017
Yes, its a nwjs engine game. So go here:

Get the tarball for linux, extract it somewhere.
Get the game from the links in this forum, extract it into the same place.
(So that they both share the same parent directory)

Now copy everything from *inside* the extracted nwjs folder into this data folder. E.g.

cp -a nwjs-v0.77.0-linux-x64/* AfterMini-Final/data/ (assuming you're back at the parent directory for both)

Then you can run the game natively on Linux by using: ./nw from within the data folder. This works for MANY RPGM games, not all, but many.

Have fun!
Thank you so much, I never knew about this :)!
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Apr 18, 2023
Here's what i do when i'm trying to figure out something about a game.
1-First i chose for the thread to show me 100 posts per page.
2-Secondly i press CTRL+F and type in the search bar what i'm looking for. In this case i'm looking for a decensor so i type "censor". This way it's more broad and there's a smaller chance ill miss something.
3.You keep pressing Enter and the search function will highlight the word you're looking for. If you can't find it on page 1, you move on to the second page and so on.
4. And would you look at that ? I found my treasure.

I'm writing this post for people who are asking about a decensor. Sometimes you need help and the search function of the Forum isn't what you need.
So to recap.
1. Use the search function that the forum provides.
2.If first option didn't work use CTRL+F.
3. And this one is only for monsters. Read and search manually by yourself.
4. Give up and ask for help or there's no uncensor, you can't avoid NTR and there's no pregnancy.
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