RPGM - Completed - Solo leeching~35-Year-Old Magician Journey [Steam] [UncleOji]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a textbook perfectly serviceable H game.

    It's got simple RPG Maker gameplay you've seen hundreds of times, but it's a mix of 2 flavors of it and doesn't make you grind forever or wall you with difficulty so it's fine for setting the stage.

    There are a lot of scenes and CGs with nice art, but the way you get them is really formulaic and the buildup is more left to the game mechanics than the scenes themselves which doesn't always work. Still, the sheer amount of scenes and the pace at which they're meted out does the job well.

    Kind of teetering between 3 and 4 stars but the art quantity/quality and good QoL in the gameplay pushes it over the edge.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Initial thoughts were very good. Super nice art. However as the game progressed i was a bit meh with it. The art is great and the main character looks amazing but something is just meh with the rest. Lack of scenes perhaps, missed opportunities with combat to make it feel like there is a point to keep fighting. Just think i maybe got a bit to high of expectations from the artwork. For me simple things as the combat harassment system when there isnt a difference on orc, wolf or shark thingy is a bit meh. Good game with great content but lacking considering the quality of the main character. Give it a go, you'll probably enjoy most of it but for me its a pretty forgettable.

    Has super potential to be improved upon if a sequel is ever made, the art is there.

  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is rather lacking in content compared to what it could have. There were many times that I thought the scenes would change when she got lewd enough but there just aren't that many scenes. A lot of monster scenes though if you're into that. I wouldn't have minded they reuse cg sometimes if they had just added more scenes. Also the ending sucks. Poorly written story too though if that matters to you.

    All in all if you're just looking for a quick fap I guess you could unlock the gallery and have your fun, cause the art is good.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Well-made game, but a little grindy at the last stretch. English translation done well, but the writing isn't that interesting. It is very easy to complete. Some nice art.

    One thing that kept bugging me is how the game reused animations without even minor changes to dialogue or sprite, so all the monsters had human penises. It also meant going back and triggering early-game cutscenes would not update the dialogue to match the perversion level.

    It was also a bit confusing to keep giving the quest to "kill monsters" but the actual quest is to defeat the boss, the monsters are infinite.

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  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This RPGM game suffers exactly the same terrible issue of this genre. The story is doesn't matter at all, including battle system (mostly its pretty solid in this games, but not important part of it), only H-scenes matters. No matter how hard you work on story or battle sys there is just ZERO point because you here only for SEX. And even that h-scenes suffers a lack of animation and most of times have terribe and poitless censorship.

    So in this game there is no point to jump in to. Art done pretty much good, but censored and doesn't have any animated scenes. The battle system is good, but again not important side of game and can't hold you. The story? Are you serios? Can ANYONE even rememver main character's name? I bet you didn't. And the main reason why there is no hope for improvement - this game is already completed.

    My opinion - this game is not worth it, forget about it and live without hasitation.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, a couple hours of gameplay without combat, art is good and and the mc is hot. worth playing if you have a bit of time.
    There is only 2 endings, one of which is a virgin ending which is considered the true ending. but you don't need to replay the game for it
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is prime example how you should make h-game.

    It's based on RPGM principles, so turn-based combat everyone either loves or hates but also everyone knows well. It's simple and spiced a bit with ero content as well. Nothing overcomplicated in terms of equipement requirements, builds, magic etc. You don't have to grind as well or, at least, I didn't feel need for it.

    Very nice. Just look at those honkers. Massive badonkers. Serious set of dohoonkabhankoloos. I didn't like some CGIs but overall it's bonkhonagahoogs/10 and of quality I don't usually expect from ero games but really appreciate it when it happens.

    Muh corruption aspect:
    It progresses slowly but surely, nothing is hiden behind twelve triggers and twenty-something flags and four events so heroine doesn't go from (story-wise) pure maiden into end-game massive cock hungry dick munching semen slurping slut just because developer didn't think through his own design.
    Therefore: it's simple, it works, it gets me hard.

    Time limit:
    30 in-game days but don't worry about it, it's 3x more than you'll ever need. And there is no super sicrit ending when you exceed it, just old plain message that you failed and option to repeat last 20 days with small penalty.

    So no super sicrit ending with time aspect so we need to collect 1000ml of semen. Also last boss prompts us with this condition, really convenient.
    Endings! Two of them, again, nothing overcomplicated. In one you keep your virginity intact, in one you don't. "But maaan, I don't know if I get my cherry popped by this or that monster, do I have to save before each type just to know?" Well yeah, you could, that's thinking man solution. But you could also not to worry and...

    ... use ingame cheat system. It's in your house and it also serve as a gallery. Very popular concept in japanese games and I thank them for that. No need to spam f95 threads with "save? full save?" every 10 posts. Who am I kidding, of course people will beg for saves even when you could have everything unlocked whenever you want. To know that simple piece information you would need to launch the game and who the fuck have time for that anyway?

    Overall score: good game out of 10, would recommend it.
    Simple, great looking, it's not long, gets its point across (and by its point I mean my dick and by across I mean very happy) and you won't need to make spider web out of saves just to get multiple endings CGIs.
    If you want to start with japanese h-games you could do it with this title.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    A quick game that never manages to be more than the sum of its parts. The combat is uninspired, but mercifully quick. The scenes are decent, but few. The in-combat scenes take forever to unlock, and are all the same no matter what you're actually fighting.

    On the plus side, the game wastes little of your time. It'll barely take two hours to see everything, and unlocking the final gallery will reveal you didn't miss anything. An incredibly mediocre project that is safe to skip.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this game, basic mechanics, decent story and the mc is just so fucking hot.
    This game has a few side events, defeat events and status events, the only problem is its quite short, this game is very similar to old school female MC corruption games.
    The only negative besides it being a short game is some of the levels are a bit tedious.
    And just to be transparent, i feel like i liked this game more than I should have because of the artsyle and MC.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun succubus/lewd crest corruption game where MC has to go get a certain amount of semen by deadline. Deadline is extremely generous and grind is very minimal. A fun corruption experience but nothing else stands out about it, plot is insanely simple. A little annoyed that the virgin run had no special ending or atleast it didnt seem to be, so don't bother.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Playing as an older woman was really refreshing. Combat is easy, but there's a small grind, so you can comfortably beat the bosses. The H scenes are good, but there's not a lot of variety, only 1 per enemy. Overall, really good game, I got hooked and beat it in a day.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game, good art, nice mecanics and a good corruption path.

    The only downside of this game is that it is too short in content, like 2 hours if you go fast, and a little more if you take the time to read and look at the nice artwork
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a nice enough RPGM game with some minor battle-fuck elements. This early middle-aged broad gets sex cursed by some... monster and has to gather cum to stop the curse and prevent herself from turning into a succubus(... I think, I haven't really been paying attention to the plot). So she has to collect it from events, monsters, items, etc until the metaphorical bucket is full. There is a daytime mechanic that advances in real time. During the day you fight enemies normally one by one. During the night you stun enemies and gather sperm. There are 8-9 different enemy types, some sex-negative prudish bosses, a couple of events and 2-3 endings? Don't know how many, I got ending 2 and don't care to look for the rest.

    The game is very short and I completed it in about 2 hours, there is some minor grinding to level up and gather the liter of cum you need to improve your health . Skipping fights is going to make you face the bosses under-leveled but it might be possible to defeat them anyway. I killed at least two bosses while being low-level compared to the boss. The game tells you a level recommendation before you have to face off against the puritan bosses. The game is easy, I was never in danger of losing a fight. There are about 10-12 extra scenes other than the mobs if I remember correctly.

    You're on a timer of 30 days before... something happens. I wasn't paying attention to the plot, alright? I completed the game by day 20 and felt like I could have done it even faster. This is a really small game you can finish in a single sitting if you don't have anything better to do. I don't know why they even included a timer as a game-play mechanic. It seems unnecessary, just change the plot to her needing to collect semen as a spell component for the curse removal.

    While the game is very small, the few areas that exist feel well-made. There are very few items to buy and you get maybe 8-9 skills in total. You'll be level 9 max by the end of the game. The more semen you collect and the more you fuck, the lewder you get, which unlocks more scenes. Once you've had enough stuffings in a hole, you unlock the ability to invite enemies with that 'hole' in combat which performs a small scene and rewards you extra sperm. This only stuns the enemy though, so you still need to bonk them dead before combat ends. You only ever fight one enemy at a time which means that you cannot have a combat gang-bang, which is sad, very sad. You only get the ability to invite once the enemy has groped you, then ejaculated on you, as Tits McGee loses her mind when smelling cum due to the curse (I think? But yeah, you have to get the enemy to touch her titties or whatever, and then cover her in semen before you can battle-fuck. Thank the developer it goes really fast though, but prepare to defend a lot if you want dick.)

    The game keeps track of your virginity. I don't understand why antithetical game-play elements like these are used. It's a porn game, the whole point of the genre is for people to get fucked. Keeping your virginity is like going on a vacation trip and then staying in the hotel browsing Reddit. It's fundamentally incompatible with the very purpose why we play these games. Anyway, by the time you're 35 years old (see game title) keeping your virginity isn't that important any more and I'm really glad the heroine got to experience the wonderful joys of giving hand-jobs to goblins and bug dicks in the ass.

    The game is good, the heroine is very sexy and I liked her scenes. I just wish there were more of ... everything! More enemies, quests, scenes, more poses in combat, more direct battle fucking, instead of having to go through the covered-by-cum dance all the time. 4 banged werewolves out of 5. I played the translated version by lusciousboy01 so I didn't encounter any bread, bread bread.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Translation: Bread.

    Story: She gets cursed with a succubus curse and has to go get semen to break it, but everyone else who has tried just became a slave to pleasure beforehand. it's pretty bog standard setup for a corruption game, but the game lacks any real corruption. Also said curse doesn't even give you a lewd crest, smh.

    Art: Holy shit an adult woman. Multiple even! There aren't many H-Scenes, but the ones that are have pretty good CGs.

    Gameplay: There's a day/night cycle. During the day it's a bog standard RPGM game. You mash enter until you run into the boss and then mash enter while occasionally pressing down to hit heal instead. There's some sexual harassment attacks, but nothing too in depth. No GOR scenes either which on the one hand is nice, but on the other means there's no scenes for the boss fights. During the night it becomes a scene hunting game, walk around town and find some, or go back to the dungeon and paralyze them so you can suck out their semen. Except usually you fuck up the paralyze and get fucked instead.

    If this was longer and had more variety I'd give it a 4/5, but we didn't get that game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Short, simple with every corruption curse and monster fucking trope under the sun. I am rating it 'Good' cause that's exactly the theme I like! I just wish it were longer lol and more variants of sex scenes. A storyline is barely existent.

    The MC is hot and rocks a sexy leotard and for once a full grown female.

    Sex scenes are alright if you can squint through the MTL. Eventually after enough lewdness she can initiate sex in battle regardless of the night time in heat curse.

    Don't be put put off by the 30 days to complete every event scheme. I unlocked everything and still had half the time limit to go, as well.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome. One of those hidden gems you find not so often! The gameplay is a standard rpg during the day, and a standard run and shoot during the night. There is no different ending if you go the "virgin" path, just a sense of self accomplishment XD. But the game give you a limited numbers of days to complete it, but you got a lot of time: I took my time and enjoyed the game, but still didn't use even half of the time. Good kinks, Really nice protagonists (we need to protect innocent Milfs), awesome experience!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Maybe this game is not really long. But I think, not all games must be 10 hours long to be able to enjoy it. Some games try to artificially extend gaming time, and by doing so they add an unnecessary grind or make repetitive content

    But here I really enjoy playing, and can only recommend :)
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Oversimplistic and very short.

    No indepth combat, just the usual plain spam attack.

    sex animations are reused to death

    Really not much to do but grinding some xp until the last mission and performing the very few hentai scene by unlocking the right level of corruption which is quite fast.

    The only good thing is the graphic style with some sexy scene.


    don't bother if you are experienced with hrpg
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Run-of-the-mill rpgm turn based. Though the binding spell is interesting.

    What plot?

    Very pretty.

    Well its short hentai game and it does it job. Very poorly. The scenes does look pretty but feels generic. Plus MTL isn't making it any better. Could have more potential with clothing and roaming around in bukkake but unfortunately it isn't there. Feels like an unfinished game tbh.

    Didn't cum. Disappointed. 2/5. The art saved it from 1/5.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a short game, you can definitely finish this in under two hours once you get to the level that gives you the double strike skill (irrc. 6) and just spam it until you reach the final boss.

    MTL Wise I got jebaited by the understandable texts but make no mistake, this is an absolutely horrible translation without any editing at all with all the "bread bread bread" and plot that could've been interesting at all if it was readable

    This is a basic find the scenes thing with no GOR scenes and all of them either happen on the battle, during nighttime at either both the enemy areas and town areas.

    The art definitely carried this whole game. Here's to hoping that someone edits this garbage MTL to make shit understandable