I search for a game that have story like this.
You live with your family without father. Your family is Mother, older sister and younger one. You don't have a job (Im not sure), when you talking with you mother a war starts. You got a text massage that says something like this "Turn you TV up". Then you get info about a war. You with family wants to evac and your sister lost something precious to her in the house (a thing from father?). So you run to the house and house breaks when you are in it. Next when you awaken you go to serach for you family. You see a woman and a man in alley that are talking. You can chose to run to them or stealt to them. You take the man out. You chan chose to kill him or leave him alive. If you kill him you also kill the woman and woman daughter shows up there or if you dont kill him woman takes you to her house and try to have sex with you (choice). Next you meet with bandits that are lead by woman. She tricks you into believing that she will help you while she want you to breed an army to rule the word (I think it was something like that). And you can chose to fuck girl or not. If you don't a man will apear and help you run away. I dont know the rest.
Game size was wery big for first relase. Also I remember that you have to a wake your sisters up and you could peek on one of them (choice) and
you needed to help yours sister with taking most useful things before evact (choice).
For any help thanks in advence. Sorry about my broken engrlish.
You live with your family without father. Your family is Mother, older sister and younger one. You don't have a job (Im not sure), when you talking with you mother a war starts. You got a text massage that says something like this "Turn you TV up". Then you get info about a war. You with family wants to evac and your sister lost something precious to her in the house (a thing from father?). So you run to the house and house breaks when you are in it. Next when you awaken you go to serach for you family. You see a woman and a man in alley that are talking. You can chose to run to them or stealt to them. You take the man out. You chan chose to kill him or leave him alive. If you kill him you also kill the woman and woman daughter shows up there or if you dont kill him woman takes you to her house and try to have sex with you (choice). Next you meet with bandits that are lead by woman. She tricks you into believing that she will help you while she want you to breed an army to rule the word (I think it was something like that). And you can chose to fuck girl or not. If you don't a man will apear and help you run away. I dont know the rest.
Game size was wery big for first relase. Also I remember that you have to a wake your sisters up and you could peek on one of them (choice) and
you needed to help yours sister with taking most useful things before evact (choice).
For any help thanks in advence. Sorry about my broken engrlish.