Identify [solved] looking for a game, forgot name but remember well


New Member
Nov 8, 2017
hello! i'm looking for this one game i used to play that i can't remember how to find for the life of me.
it was generally barebones in quality, it was open-world, had character customization, slavery, rape, bestiality, general debauchery. i remember it launched really strangely, the best comparison i can think of is running a minecraft server. the game launched in one window and it played in another, i think it was in a console? the graphics were pretty amateur, but you had complete freedom. i think you woke up one day in like, an apocalypse wasteland? there were cities you could go to and do quests at, enemies you could encounter in the world, there were monsters, humans, and half-monsters which were like, feral humans that looked weird. it was a pretty small game.. if anyone has any idea or any suggestions, recommendations, questions, tips to get me in the right direction, please help! thank you