Identify [solved] MC kills entire Crew becomes Captain

Mar 20, 2023
MC is dumb kid with no goal but his two childhood friends (sisters) ask him to register them for the license to be part of a spaceship crew so all three of them take the test. MC being so dumb he gets the lowest and is taken in by the shady space crew lead by Cpatin Chad Thundercock. A few scenes later MC kills his entire crew by blasting them out the airlock by accident and the AI makes him captain as per will of Chad the Man(emphasis on man) who kills him gets the ship. MC being the new captain discover a stow away girl from the ship his crew was "helping" robbing. upon exporing the ship engine needs some dildo rods to funtion but it was blasted out of space so MC uses his dick. There was also another girl in the holding cell i think she was alien. You land in a space port which deny you landing but the comms told you you can use the exhuast port which you shove your penis looking ship in the hole and land. In this space port you get a mechanic which you can select the Hot female but it does not matter ugly ass alien dude kills her so he is the only option to be hired. I think you also get a delivery job which later turns out contains one of your childhood friend but you didn't know. Later we meet the other sister saying his sister was kidnapped so you go on a rescue and kill the guy you gave the packed to which apprently was not a slave trader but some guy who rescues slaves. Overall, it was weird space game that was fully of memes. I also remember there is a Female Ice Girl that you melt I think she BJs you and dies (something to do with your sperm she was trying to kill you or something since you threw her into space (she was fuck buddy or girlfriend of former captain). I think something in the lore about sperm being expensive especially the MCs. It was probably renpy really can't remember the title but remember what happens in the game.