[SOLVED] Trying to remember a 2DCG game from a while back...


Jul 31, 2017
This could have been up to a year ago now I'm not even sure, time has kinda lost all meaning lately so maybe even more, but I was going through some old folders and had a memory of one I wanted to check up on but it seems I've lost the folder/name of it so I have no idea if it even still exists.

I'm almost certain I commented in the thread and I couldn't find it looking through all my posts using my profile, which leads me to think the thread may have been deleted; which I find a little odd since most of the time I notice threads simply get marked "abandoned" or whatever.

Anyway, the game itself was definitely 2D artwork, and to my memory it was pretty great art, too. I can't say for CERTAIN that it was RPGM, but that's how I remember the gameplay being like. It definitely had monster girl elements to it, perhaps even like plant related ladies moreso? And you worked your way through forested areas to eventually reach these ladies who were area bosses I guess you could say and I feel like you were actually helping them not just defeating them? The game had like a compendium book where you could see all the characters and information on them too. It was still in its really early stages but had pretty okay content, some good scenes. I seem to remember the girls being pretty busty and curvy and the dev seemed pretty active in the thread outlining future plans for updates etc and I just vividly remember thinking "I need to keep an eye on this one", and then predictably forgot lmao.
In my mind I felt like I remembered a lot more about it but this all sounds really vague now haha, but it's been bugging me.

Aplogies if this is all too vague, I know it's not much.


May 13, 2017
i wanted to help but unfortunately have no idea what game that is... but try to search some tags related to the game and search the RPGM "category" too!! hope you find it :D
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Jul 31, 2017
i wanted to help but unfortunately have no idea what game that is... but try to search some tags related to the game and search the RPGM "category" too!! hope you find it :D
Yeah thanks, I figured it was kidna vague. I've been searching through so many threads I made myself tired lmao. Maybe one day it will crop back up!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
Do you remember anything more about how or what you were helping the area bosses? That part feels like it would be the best lead, and just a little more info there might be able to narrow it down a lot more

Certainly could sound like an interesting game imo, so do be sure to update us if you do ever figure it out
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Jul 31, 2017
Do you remember anything more about how or what you were helping the area bosses? That part feels like it would be the best lead, and just a little more info there might be able to narrow it down a lot more

Certainly could sound like an interesting game imo, so do be sure to update us if you do ever figure it out
I THINK you were maybe cleansing them? I feel like they were corrupted by something and you save them from whatever it was and get your "reward" from each character. I really wish I could be more specific, and actually be 100% sure on the details.

An RPGM-like game with 2D art, dungeons and char infos is Venture Seas, but you didn't post there (or, at least, the query returns no results). :unsure:
Oh I HAVE tried that game before I think, but that wasn't the one I was thinking of!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
Hmm the only thing I can think of ATM would maybe be https://f95zone.to/threads/yorna-monster-girls-secret-v1-3-5-yeehaw-games.13210/ I doesn't quite fit, but it certainly does have monster girls as area bosses, and forest areas, and is made in RPGM (though not 100% stock UI, which could lead to your only maybe on that?). And while i don't think you were like helping or cleansing them per say there were something about using their powers or something (while since I played it and never got too far from some reason, don't even remember why exactly. Have been considering giving it another try at some point though)
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Jul 31, 2017
Hmm the only thing I can think of ATM would maybe be https://f95zone.to/threads/yorna-monster-girls-secret-v1-3-5-yeehaw-games.13210/ I doesn't quite fit, but it certainly does have monster girls as area bosses, and forest areas, and is made in RPGM (though not 100% stock UI, which could lead to your only maybe on that?). And while i don't think you were like helping or cleansing them per say there were something about using their powers or something (while since I played it and never got too far from some reason, don't even remember why exactly. Have been considering giving it another try at some point though)
This game is in my backlog to try eventually so I know it likely isn't that one. But thanks for having a think!

I'm starting to think the thread no longer exists for it, perhaps devlopment was pulled and the creator removed it intentionally. I mostly come to this conclusion because of how certain I am I posted in the thread and yet I couldn't see it in any of my posts haha.
I seem to remember reaching the end of the first build and there being no indication it was actuall over, so I recall backtracking all the way to the start of the game to check for anything I missed and then went all the way back to the last area again too and I remember it being kinda annoying fighting my way back both times haha. I believe I brought it up in the thread to check if I had any content left.

Ah well, it was worth trying to check up on, for me at least, hah!


Jul 31, 2017
Oh my god this is it!! Thank you so much for locating it! I even found the post I made in the thread, so I knew I wasn't crazy! Just for some reason I do not see it on my list of posts.


reminded me of this one especially when you mentioned forested areas and monster girls. sorry if you already knew this wasn't the one.
See above ^_^