- Nov 25, 2019
- 143
- 451
no fucking options to set the game on windowed mode, it fuckign launches full screen at the wrong monitor and there is no way to move it, god I love patreon games
A little trick for her actually; she can't refresh her dodge tokens so long as she still has at least one left. So hit her down to 1 token, then leave her for a turn and at the start of your next turn when all 3 party members can act, focus her down and you'll get a couple of good hits in at least. Also, basic attacks in the wrong zone are a good way to burn dodge tokens, since the actual damage of the attack doesn't matter - it also lets you save your gauges for other enemies/when she's out of tokensHey AmyTriangle, you might want to add a cooldown to the stabby lizard bitch. If she reaches the leftmost tile there's literally nothing I can do against her because she does her backstab then instantly gets 4 dodge tokens. It's kind of maddening to have a run brick due to unfair bullshit like that.
There are people who understand heuristic method and then there is you^^If it's a false positive, why not make an update that doesn't trigger it?
I feel like an easy fix for this would be to up the damage multiplier of single target abilities. Like I could see the poison arrow skill being good if it did more than base damage, or even just if the poison did more than 3 at the end of each round. Make the ninja's stun skill deal 250% damage, or make the knight's knockback strike deal 200%. It would make such a huge difference in viability for non-aoe skills.This game is fun if you have AOE abilities. If you don't get a couple though during a run, then this game becomes excrutiatingly frustrating. I'd really recommend upping the base damage the girls each do by at least 5 within their own zone. Honestly, if you add an easier difficulty mode I'd definitely support as this is right up my alley
Yeah I found that out when I thought I got soft locked again. Honestly not really happy with the feedback on that one, and one turn cooldown really doesn't hurt. The fact she gets to remove literally all of my stamina but 1 and get dodge tokens on the very same turn still feels extremely cheap.A little trick for her actually; she can't refresh her dodge tokens so long as she still has at least one left. So hit her down to 1 token, then leave her for a turn and at the start of your next turn when all 3 party members can act, focus her down and you'll get a couple of good hits in at least. Also, basic attacks in the wrong zone are a good way to burn dodge tokens, since the actual damage of the attack doesn't matter - it also lets you save your gauges for other enemies/when she's out of tokens