4.30 star(s) 55 Votes


Nov 25, 2019
no fucking options to set the game on windowed mode, it fuckign launches full screen at the wrong monitor and there is no way to move it, god I love patreon games
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Reactions: mercykillme


New Member
Jan 29, 2019
Can you get alternative outfits through a cheat code ? I'm honestly tired of trying to get to the s.l.a.v.e.r. properly to buy out girls in alternative costumes. As people mentioned above, loosing 1 party member on it's own makes the game too difficult to survive to him. Furthermore, you might lack cash.


Feb 15, 2018
Great game but a bit unforgiving and the game has a lot of newbie traps.

- Like the ability to buy skills dilutes the skill pool, so buying more skills actually makes future runs harder, as a lot of skills are just flat out worse than others. Adding some way to restrict what skills we can see will help a lot, IE: we pick 5 skills that can showup in a run, or the ability to increase the number of options we can pick from with choices, or the ability to disable skills from showing up in a run.

I don't really expect you to do a balance pass with every patch, as that'd be an insane amount of work that just gets swept away constantly, so giving players some ability to help balance the game out for themselves will greatly improve the general feel and average play through.

- It'd also be nice if lost runs gave us anything at all. Sometimes you just roll bad skills and killing a boss isn't an option, and it sucks that you're incentivized to just abandon that run and restart, since the only lasting rewards are for clearing minibosses and bosses (shop unlocks and crystals to buy things from shops).

- The revive slaver is useless. If someone has died, the flow of the game means that you've already lost your run. If your warrior is dead, you just do not have the ability to keep your stamina up anymore, so the survivors are effectively ability locked and also on a rapid deathspiral. The singular outlier situation is if you predict that someone is going to die just a few turns before you hit the slaver, and you've been forced on his path anyway instead of a path that is actually going to help you such as the skill vendor or a chest.

- Would it be possible to give us the ability to pick which bosses we want to fight in a run? I know the trend with roguelikes is that everything is always random, but this is a porn game and it'd be kind of nice to be able to pick the content we are working towards seeing rather than hoping that RNG gives us a chance at it. I'm still trying to find the mind controller (mini?) boss. They've just never shown up for me.



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2018
Hey AmyTriangle, you might want to add a cooldown to the stabby lizard bitch. If she reaches the leftmost tile there's literally nothing I can do against her because she does her backstab then instantly gets 4 dodge tokens. It's kind of maddening to have a run brick due to unfair bullshit like that.


New Member
Nov 3, 2021
I never speak up about just general opinions on this site but honestly great work devs, obviously the game could use some balance fine tuning that I haven't really played enough to give deep opinions on but artistically and gameplay wise this is awesome. I see some serious potential with this project so keep up the good work. An addition I'd like to see is a gallery system for seeing every piece of art or animation you've seen so far again but don't worry about other features till you're ready, you're both off to an excellent start.


May 11, 2022
Hey AmyTriangle, you might want to add a cooldown to the stabby lizard bitch. If she reaches the leftmost tile there's literally nothing I can do against her because she does her backstab then instantly gets 4 dodge tokens. It's kind of maddening to have a run brick due to unfair bullshit like that.
A little trick for her actually; she can't refresh her dodge tokens so long as she still has at least one left. So hit her down to 1 token, then leave her for a turn and at the start of your next turn when all 3 party members can act, focus her down and you'll get a couple of good hits in at least. Also, basic attacks in the wrong zone are a good way to burn dodge tokens, since the actual damage of the attack doesn't matter - it also lets you save your gauges for other enemies/when she's out of tokens
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Reactions: s33d0t


Jul 23, 2020
against the slaver enemy if you have 2 heroines fucked and he restrains the last one it's bugged and says select your heroine and you can't do anything other than quit the game
Oct 12, 2018
Gameplay itself is pretty fun, if a bit unbalanced currently as far as things go, suspecting its just due to it being early on in development though. Always love a good rogue-lite, so you won't see me complaining about those elements, though, it definitely does feel it could use some tweaking in places, or at least more ways to get a decent skill from the start of a run, otherwise its gonna be pretty rough going without some decent luck.

Honestly, biggest place the game flubs currently is the actual sexy bits personally. When there is actual images that stand for a bit with said sexual elements, its pretty cool and fun, like with the tentacle restriction animation/still image. Just need more of that really in various ways, or, maybe add sound to the groping and such, and have an option to have those images, or eventual animations stick around a bit longer? Plus, probably some more pronounced or longer lasting game over that isn't just the same screen over and over, particularly for bosses, would be pretty nice.

All in all though, for a first release of the game, its pretty great and has a lot of character. The humor lands well, and the actual ideas behind the game I think are pretty awesome. Just need some better balancing of the roguelite elements itself, some more variety, and perhaps some way to better ease the difficulty curve the more you play as right now, I feel like the more I play the more difficult its getting to an unreal degree, whereas at the start it was pretty darned easy to clear the first couple runs.


Oct 5, 2018
This game is fun if you have AOE abilities. If you don't get a couple though during a run, then this game becomes excrutiatingly frustrating. I'd really recommend upping the base damage the girls each do by at least 5 within their own zone. Honestly, if you add an easier difficulty mode I'd definitely support as this is right up my alley
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Active Member
Feb 10, 2018
Hmm 196MB compressed, 2.56GB after extraction. Might want to look at compressing the in-game assets.


Active Member
Jan 7, 2019
If it's a false positive, why not make an update that doesn't trigger it?
There are people who understand heuristic method and then there is you^^
To put it extremely simple the AV has some sort of signature and if any part of the code of whatever file it scans get's within a certain margin of that signature it will block it and raise the alert.
The trigger code might even be in a unity library function or just after the next update your AV might not even report it anymore because its own virus signature definition has been updated.


May 11, 2022
This game is fun if you have AOE abilities. If you don't get a couple though during a run, then this game becomes excrutiatingly frustrating. I'd really recommend upping the base damage the girls each do by at least 5 within their own zone. Honestly, if you add an easier difficulty mode I'd definitely support as this is right up my alley
I feel like an easy fix for this would be to up the damage multiplier of single target abilities. Like I could see the poison arrow skill being good if it did more than base damage, or even just if the poison did more than 3 at the end of each round. Make the ninja's stun skill deal 250% damage, or make the knight's knockback strike deal 200%. It would make such a huge difference in viability for non-aoe skills.


Oct 9, 2020
Me being late to the party I don't think there's not much I can say except: this is it, this is the first game here where I was so impressed by the idea yet still thought "Why did I not think of that?". Kudos to the dev(s).


Oct 5, 2018
What kind of nsfw content are you going to be adding going forward btw? I have some issues with the porn content already out, but it's a moot point if the art you'll be adding in the future covers it.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2018
Having played through a few times now I can say that thus far my progress is almost entirely dependent on rolling AoE skills early and often. The basic attacks are just too feeble. 25-80 HP worth of enemies appear each turn, but you do on average 35 per turn with basic attacks, assuming you play optimally.

Maybe if the push and pull attacks did damage to both enemies if you push/pull into another enemy? That would make them at least on par with the random crits on the long range attack.


Dec 11, 2019
The entire screen very quickly gets absolutely full of enemies. I don't see how you can make it more than 2 spaces a run.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2018
A little trick for her actually; she can't refresh her dodge tokens so long as she still has at least one left. So hit her down to 1 token, then leave her for a turn and at the start of your next turn when all 3 party members can act, focus her down and you'll get a couple of good hits in at least. Also, basic attacks in the wrong zone are a good way to burn dodge tokens, since the actual damage of the attack doesn't matter - it also lets you save your gauges for other enemies/when she's out of tokens
Yeah I found that out when I thought I got soft locked again. Honestly not really happy with the feedback on that one, and one turn cooldown really doesn't hurt. The fact she gets to remove literally all of my stamina but 1 and get dodge tokens on the very same turn still feels extremely cheap.


Nov 21, 2021
JP Title: どうしてこのゲームの名は長すぎて?って神様に聞きたかったからヘロイン達が塔を上る
4.30 star(s) 55 Votes