VN Ren'Py Some ren py Games doesn't work on my pc any more .

Jan 12, 2021
I v tried to play . This games trail park mom , and family affair . but they won t work because of something . All the other games work normly . I don t know what to do ?
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Reactions: KaminariNexus


Engaged Member
Respected User
Sep 26, 2018
family affair
I have windows 10 pro 64 bit and I have just download family affair and it runs fine for me both 32/64 bit exe
so I have have no clue why it's not working for you

so you might have to wait until they update to the next version cause their was renpy update to fix this problem
  • Heart
Jan 12, 2021
I have windows 10 pro 64 bit and I have just download family affair and it runs fine for me both 32/64 bit exe
so I have have no clue why it's not working for you

so you might have to wait until they update to the next version cause their was renpy update to fix this problem
Hope . so . But this probleme Is commons with the ren py new version Players I guess there s no specific solution for it . It s only with games that it s have 2 exe. launching
renpygame32.exe .
  • Like
Reactions: KaminariNexus
Jan 12, 2021
Thu Mar 25 20:01:00 2021

Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.14s
Early init took 0.00s
Loader init took 0.21s
Loading error handling took 0.05s
Loading script took 0.63s
Loading save slot metadata. took 0.01s
Loading persistent took 0.00s
Importing _renpysteam: ImportError('No module named _renpysteam',)
Set script version to: (7, 3, 5)
Running init code took 0.25s
Loading analysis data took 0.04s
Analyze and compile ATL took 0.05s
Index archives took 0.00s
Dump and make backups. took 0.00s
Cleaning cache took 0.00s
Making clean stores took 0.00s
Initial gc. took 0.09s
DPI scale factor: 1.000000
Creating interface object took 0.00s
Cleaning stores took 0.00s
Init translation took 0.13s
Build styles took 0.01s
Load screen analysis took 0.03s
Analyze screens took 0.00s
Save screen analysis took 0.00s
Prepare screens took 0.10s
Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s
Save bytecode. took 0.00s
Running _start took 0.00s
Performance test:
Interface start took 0.16s

primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
swap interval: 1 frames
Using GL DLL.
Windowed mode.
Exception: glActiveTexture not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glActiveTexture not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glAttachShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glAttachShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBeginQuery not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBeginQuery not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBeginTransformFeedback not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBeginTransformFeedback not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindAttribLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindAttribLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindBuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindBuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindBufferBase not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindBufferBase not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindBufferRange not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindBufferRange not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindFramebuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindFramebuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindRenderbuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindRenderbuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindVertexArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindVertexArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendColor not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendColor not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendEquation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendEquation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendEquationSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendEquationSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendFuncSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendFuncSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlitFramebuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlitFramebuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBufferData not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBufferData not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBufferSubData not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBufferSubData not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCheckFramebufferStatus not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCheckFramebufferStatus not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferfi not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferfi not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferfv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferfv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompileShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompileShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexImage2D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexImage2D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexSubImage2D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexSubImage2D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexSubImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexSubImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCopyTexSubImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCopyTexSubImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCreateProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCreateProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCreateShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCreateShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteBuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteBuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteFramebuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteFramebuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteQueries not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteQueries not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteRenderbuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteRenderbuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteVertexArrays not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteVertexArrays not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDetachShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDetachShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDisableVertexAttribArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDisableVertexAttribArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDrawBuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDrawBuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDrawRangeElements not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDrawRangeElements not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glEnableVertexAttribArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glEnableVertexAttribArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glEndQuery not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glEndQuery not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glEndTransformFeedback not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glEndTransformFeedback not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFlushMappedBufferRange not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFlushMappedBufferRange not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFramebufferRenderbuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFramebufferRenderbuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFramebufferTexture2D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFramebufferTexture2D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFramebufferTextureLayer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFramebufferTextureLayer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenBuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenBuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenFramebuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenFramebuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenQueries not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenQueries not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenRenderbuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenRenderbuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenVertexArrays not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenVertexArrays not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenerateMipmap not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenerateMipmap not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetActiveAttrib not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetActiveAttrib not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetActiveUniform not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetActiveUniform not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetAttachedShaders not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetAttachedShaders not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetAttribLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetAttribLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetBufferParameteriv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetBufferParameteriv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetBufferPointerv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetBufferPointerv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetFragDataLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetFragDataLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetIntegeri_v not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetIntegeri_v not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetProgramInfoLog not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetProgramInfoLog not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetProgramiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetProgramiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetQueryObjectuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetQueryObjectuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetQueryiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetQueryiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetRenderbufferParameteriv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetRenderbufferParameteriv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetShaderInfoLog not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetShaderInfoLog not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetShaderSource not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetShaderSource not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetShaderiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetShaderiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetStringi not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetStringi not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetTransformFeedbackVarying not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetTransformFeedbackVarying not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformfv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformfv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribIiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribIiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribIuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribIuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribPointerv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribPointerv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribfv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribfv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsBuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsBuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsFramebuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsFramebuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsQuery not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsQuery not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsRenderbuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsRenderbuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsVertexArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsVertexArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glLinkProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glLinkProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glMapBufferRange not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glMapBufferRange not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glRenderbufferStorage not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glRenderbufferStorage not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glRenderbufferStorageMultisample not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glRenderbufferStorageMultisample not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glSampleCoverage not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glSampleCoverage not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glShaderSource not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glShaderSource not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glStencilFuncSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glStencilFuncSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glStencilMaskSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glStencilMaskSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glStencilOpSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glStencilOpSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glTexImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glTexImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glTexSubImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glTexSubImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glTransformFeedbackVaryings not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glTransformFeedbackVaryings not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix2x3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix2x3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix2x4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix2x4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix3x2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix3x2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix3x4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix3x4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix4x2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix4x2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix4x3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix4x3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUnmapBuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUnmapBuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUseProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUseProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glValidateProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glValidateProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib1f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib1f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib1fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib1fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib2f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib2f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib3f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib3f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib4f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib4f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribIPointer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribIPointer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribPointer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribPointer not found.',) in '' ignored
Vendor: 'Microsoft Corporation'
Renderer: 'GDI Generic'
Version: '1.1.0'
Display Info: None
Number of texture units: 0
Using shader environment.
here s the log
Jan 12, 2021
Thu Mar 25 20:01:00 2021

Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.14s
Early init took 0.00s
Loader init took 0.21s
Loading error handling took 0.05s
Loading script took 0.63s
Loading save slot metadata. took 0.01s
Loading persistent took 0.00s
Importing _renpysteam: ImportError('No module named _renpysteam',)
Set script version to: (7, 3, 5)
Running init code took 0.25s
Loading analysis data took 0.04s
Analyze and compile ATL took 0.05s
Index archives took 0.00s
Dump and make backups. took 0.00s
Cleaning cache took 0.00s
Making clean stores took 0.00s
Initial gc. took 0.09s
DPI scale factor: 1.000000
Creating interface object took 0.00s
Cleaning stores took 0.00s
Init translation took 0.13s
Build styles took 0.01s
Load screen analysis took 0.03s
Analyze screens took 0.00s
Save screen analysis took 0.00s
Prepare screens took 0.10s
Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s
Save bytecode. took 0.00s
Running _start took 0.00s
Performance test:
Interface start took 0.16s

primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
swap interval: 1 frames
Using GL DLL.
Windowed mode.
Exception: glActiveTexture not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glActiveTexture not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glAttachShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glAttachShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBeginQuery not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBeginQuery not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBeginTransformFeedback not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBeginTransformFeedback not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindAttribLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindAttribLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindBuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindBuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindBufferBase not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindBufferBase not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindBufferRange not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindBufferRange not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindFramebuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindFramebuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindRenderbuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindRenderbuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindVertexArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindVertexArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendColor not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendColor not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendEquation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendEquation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendEquationSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendEquationSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendFuncSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendFuncSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlitFramebuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlitFramebuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBufferData not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBufferData not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBufferSubData not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBufferSubData not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCheckFramebufferStatus not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCheckFramebufferStatus not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferfi not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferfi not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferfv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferfv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompileShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompileShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexImage2D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexImage2D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexSubImage2D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexSubImage2D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexSubImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexSubImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCopyTexSubImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCopyTexSubImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCreateProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCreateProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCreateShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCreateShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteBuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteBuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteFramebuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteFramebuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteQueries not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteQueries not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteRenderbuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteRenderbuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteVertexArrays not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteVertexArrays not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDetachShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDetachShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDisableVertexAttribArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDisableVertexAttribArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDrawBuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDrawBuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDrawRangeElements not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDrawRangeElements not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glEnableVertexAttribArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glEnableVertexAttribArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glEndQuery not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glEndQuery not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glEndTransformFeedback not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glEndTransformFeedback not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFlushMappedBufferRange not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFlushMappedBufferRange not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFramebufferRenderbuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFramebufferRenderbuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFramebufferTexture2D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFramebufferTexture2D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFramebufferTextureLayer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFramebufferTextureLayer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenBuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenBuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenFramebuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenFramebuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenQueries not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenQueries not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenRenderbuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenRenderbuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenVertexArrays not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenVertexArrays not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenerateMipmap not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenerateMipmap not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetActiveAttrib not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetActiveAttrib not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetActiveUniform not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetActiveUniform not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetAttachedShaders not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetAttachedShaders not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetAttribLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetAttribLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetBufferParameteriv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetBufferParameteriv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetBufferPointerv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetBufferPointerv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetFragDataLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetFragDataLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetIntegeri_v not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetIntegeri_v not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetProgramInfoLog not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetProgramInfoLog not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetProgramiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetProgramiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetQueryObjectuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetQueryObjectuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetQueryiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetQueryiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetRenderbufferParameteriv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetRenderbufferParameteriv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetShaderInfoLog not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetShaderInfoLog not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetShaderSource not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetShaderSource not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetShaderiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetShaderiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetStringi not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetStringi not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetTransformFeedbackVarying not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetTransformFeedbackVarying not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformfv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformfv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribIiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribIiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribIuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribIuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribPointerv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribPointerv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribfv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribfv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsBuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsBuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsFramebuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsFramebuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsQuery not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsQuery not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsRenderbuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsRenderbuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsVertexArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsVertexArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glLinkProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glLinkProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glMapBufferRange not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glMapBufferRange not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glRenderbufferStorage not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glRenderbufferStorage not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glRenderbufferStorageMultisample not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glRenderbufferStorageMultisample not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glSampleCoverage not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glSampleCoverage not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glShaderSource not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glShaderSource not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glStencilFuncSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glStencilFuncSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glStencilMaskSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glStencilMaskSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glStencilOpSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glStencilOpSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glTexImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glTexImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glTexSubImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glTexSubImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glTransformFeedbackVaryings not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glTransformFeedbackVaryings not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix2x3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix2x3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix2x4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix2x4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix3x2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix3x2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix3x4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix3x4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix4x2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix4x2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix4x3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix4x3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUnmapBuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUnmapBuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUseProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUseProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glValidateProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glValidateProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib1f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib1f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib1fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib1fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib2f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib2f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib3f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib3f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib4f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib4f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribIPointer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribIPointer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribPointer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribPointer not found.',) in '' ignored
Vendor: 'Microsoft Corporation'
Renderer: 'GDI Generic'
Version: '1.1.0'
Display Info: None
Number of texture units: 0
Using shader environment.
here s the log


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2018
Thu Mar 25 20:01:00 2021

Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.14s
Early init took 0.00s
Loader init took 0.21s
Loading error handling took 0.05s
Loading script took 0.63s
Loading save slot metadata. took 0.01s
Loading persistent took 0.00s
Importing _renpysteam: ImportError('No module named _renpysteam',)
Set script version to: (7, 3, 5)
Running init code took 0.25s
Loading analysis data took 0.04s
Analyze and compile ATL took 0.05s
Index archives took 0.00s
Dump and make backups. took 0.00s
Cleaning cache took 0.00s
Making clean stores took 0.00s
Initial gc. took 0.09s
DPI scale factor: 1.000000
Creating interface object took 0.00s
Cleaning stores took 0.00s
Init translation took 0.13s
Build styles took 0.01s
Load screen analysis took 0.03s
Analyze screens took 0.00s
Save screen analysis took 0.00s
Prepare screens took 0.10s
Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s
Save bytecode. took 0.00s
Running _start took 0.00s
Performance test:
Interface start took 0.16s

primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
swap interval: 1 frames
Using GL DLL.
Windowed mode.
Exception: glActiveTexture not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glActiveTexture not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glAttachShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glAttachShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBeginQuery not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBeginQuery not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBeginTransformFeedback not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBeginTransformFeedback not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindAttribLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindAttribLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindBuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindBuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindBufferBase not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindBufferBase not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindBufferRange not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindBufferRange not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindFramebuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindFramebuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindRenderbuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindRenderbuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindVertexArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindVertexArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendColor not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendColor not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendEquation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendEquation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendEquationSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendEquationSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendFuncSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendFuncSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlitFramebuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlitFramebuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBufferData not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBufferData not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBufferSubData not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBufferSubData not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCheckFramebufferStatus not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCheckFramebufferStatus not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferfi not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferfi not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferfv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferfv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompileShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompileShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexImage2D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexImage2D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexSubImage2D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexSubImage2D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexSubImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexSubImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCopyTexSubImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCopyTexSubImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCreateProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCreateProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCreateShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCreateShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteBuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteBuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteFramebuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteFramebuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteQueries not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteQueries not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteRenderbuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteRenderbuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteVertexArrays not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteVertexArrays not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDetachShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDetachShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDisableVertexAttribArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDisableVertexAttribArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDrawBuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDrawBuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDrawRangeElements not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDrawRangeElements not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glEnableVertexAttribArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glEnableVertexAttribArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glEndQuery not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glEndQuery not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glEndTransformFeedback not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glEndTransformFeedback not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFlushMappedBufferRange not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFlushMappedBufferRange not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFramebufferRenderbuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFramebufferRenderbuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFramebufferTexture2D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFramebufferTexture2D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFramebufferTextureLayer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFramebufferTextureLayer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenBuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenBuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenFramebuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenFramebuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenQueries not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenQueries not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenRenderbuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenRenderbuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenVertexArrays not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenVertexArrays not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenerateMipmap not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenerateMipmap not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetActiveAttrib not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetActiveAttrib not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetActiveUniform not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetActiveUniform not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetAttachedShaders not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetAttachedShaders not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetAttribLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetAttribLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetBufferParameteriv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetBufferParameteriv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetBufferPointerv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetBufferPointerv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetFragDataLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetFragDataLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetIntegeri_v not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetIntegeri_v not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetProgramInfoLog not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetProgramInfoLog not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetProgramiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetProgramiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetQueryObjectuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetQueryObjectuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetQueryiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetQueryiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetRenderbufferParameteriv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetRenderbufferParameteriv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetShaderInfoLog not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetShaderInfoLog not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetShaderSource not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetShaderSource not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetShaderiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetShaderiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetStringi not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetStringi not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetTransformFeedbackVarying not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetTransformFeedbackVarying not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformfv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformfv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribIiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribIiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribIuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribIuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribPointerv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribPointerv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribfv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribfv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsBuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsBuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsFramebuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsFramebuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsQuery not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsQuery not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsRenderbuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsRenderbuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsVertexArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsVertexArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glLinkProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glLinkProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glMapBufferRange not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glMapBufferRange not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glRenderbufferStorage not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glRenderbufferStorage not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glRenderbufferStorageMultisample not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glRenderbufferStorageMultisample not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glSampleCoverage not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glSampleCoverage not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glShaderSource not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glShaderSource not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glStencilFuncSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glStencilFuncSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glStencilMaskSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glStencilMaskSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glStencilOpSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glStencilOpSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glTexImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glTexImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glTexSubImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glTexSubImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glTransformFeedbackVaryings not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glTransformFeedbackVaryings not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix2x3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix2x3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix2x4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix2x4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix3x2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix3x2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix3x4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix3x4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix4x2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix4x2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix4x3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix4x3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUnmapBuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUnmapBuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUseProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUseProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glValidateProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glValidateProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib1f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib1f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib1fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib1fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib2f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib2f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib3f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib3f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib4f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib4f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribIPointer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribIPointer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribPointer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribPointer not found.',) in '' ignored
Vendor: 'Microsoft Corporation'
Renderer: 'GDI Generic'
Version: '1.1.0'
Display Info: None
Number of texture units: 0
Using shader environment.
here s the log
Thu Mar 25 20:01:00 2021

Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.14s
Early init took 0.00s
Loader init took 0.21s
Loading error handling took 0.05s
Loading script took 0.63s
Loading save slot metadata. took 0.01s
Loading persistent took 0.00s
Importing _renpysteam: ImportError('No module named _renpysteam',)
Set script version to: (7, 3, 5)
Running init code took 0.25s
Loading analysis data took 0.04s
Analyze and compile ATL took 0.05s
Index archives took 0.00s
Dump and make backups. took 0.00s
Cleaning cache took 0.00s
Making clean stores took 0.00s
Initial gc. took 0.09s
DPI scale factor: 1.000000
Creating interface object took 0.00s
Cleaning stores took 0.00s
Init translation took 0.13s
Build styles took 0.01s
Load screen analysis took 0.03s
Analyze screens took 0.00s
Save screen analysis took 0.00s
Prepare screens took 0.10s
Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s
Save bytecode. took 0.00s
Running _start took 0.00s
Performance test:
Interface start took 0.16s

primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
swap interval: 1 frames
Using GL DLL.
Windowed mode.
Exception: glActiveTexture not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glActiveTexture not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glAttachShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glAttachShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBeginQuery not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBeginQuery not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBeginTransformFeedback not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBeginTransformFeedback not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindAttribLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindAttribLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindBuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindBuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindBufferBase not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindBufferBase not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindBufferRange not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindBufferRange not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindFramebuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindFramebuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindRenderbuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindRenderbuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBindVertexArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBindVertexArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendColor not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendColor not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendEquation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendEquation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendEquationSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendEquationSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlendFuncSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlendFuncSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBlitFramebuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBlitFramebuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBufferData not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBufferData not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glBufferSubData not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glBufferSubData not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCheckFramebufferStatus not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCheckFramebufferStatus not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferfi not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferfi not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferfv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferfv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glClearBufferuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glClearBufferuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompileShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompileShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexImage2D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexImage2D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexSubImage2D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexSubImage2D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCompressedTexSubImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCompressedTexSubImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCopyTexSubImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCopyTexSubImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCreateProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCreateProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glCreateShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glCreateShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteBuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteBuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteFramebuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteFramebuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteQueries not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteQueries not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteRenderbuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteRenderbuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDeleteVertexArrays not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDeleteVertexArrays not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDetachShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDetachShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDisableVertexAttribArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDisableVertexAttribArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDrawBuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDrawBuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glDrawRangeElements not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glDrawRangeElements not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glEnableVertexAttribArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glEnableVertexAttribArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glEndQuery not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glEndQuery not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glEndTransformFeedback not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glEndTransformFeedback not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFlushMappedBufferRange not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFlushMappedBufferRange not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFramebufferRenderbuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFramebufferRenderbuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFramebufferTexture2D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFramebufferTexture2D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glFramebufferTextureLayer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glFramebufferTextureLayer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenBuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenBuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenFramebuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenFramebuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenQueries not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenQueries not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenRenderbuffers not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenRenderbuffers not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenVertexArrays not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenVertexArrays not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGenerateMipmap not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGenerateMipmap not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetActiveAttrib not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetActiveAttrib not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetActiveUniform not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetActiveUniform not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetAttachedShaders not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetAttachedShaders not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetAttribLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetAttribLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetBufferParameteriv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetBufferParameteriv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetBufferPointerv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetBufferPointerv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetFragDataLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetFragDataLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetIntegeri_v not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetIntegeri_v not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetProgramInfoLog not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetProgramInfoLog not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetProgramiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetProgramiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetQueryObjectuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetQueryObjectuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetQueryiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetQueryiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetRenderbufferParameteriv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetRenderbufferParameteriv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetShaderInfoLog not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetShaderInfoLog not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetShaderSource not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetShaderSource not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetShaderiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetShaderiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetStringi not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetStringi not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetTransformFeedbackVarying not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetTransformFeedbackVarying not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformLocation not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformLocation not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformfv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformfv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetUniformuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetUniformuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribIiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribIiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribIuiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribIuiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribPointerv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribPointerv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribfv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribfv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glGetVertexAttribiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glGetVertexAttribiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsBuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsBuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsFramebuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsFramebuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsQuery not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsQuery not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsRenderbuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsRenderbuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsShader not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsShader not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glIsVertexArray not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glIsVertexArray not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glLinkProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glLinkProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glMapBufferRange not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glMapBufferRange not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glRenderbufferStorage not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glRenderbufferStorage not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glRenderbufferStorageMultisample not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glRenderbufferStorageMultisample not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glSampleCoverage not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glSampleCoverage not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glShaderSource not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glShaderSource not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glStencilFuncSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glStencilFuncSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glStencilMaskSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glStencilMaskSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glStencilOpSeparate not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glStencilOpSeparate not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glTexImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glTexImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glTexSubImage3D not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glTexSubImage3D not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glTransformFeedbackVaryings not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glTransformFeedbackVaryings not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform1uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform1uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform2uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform2uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform3uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform3uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniform4uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniform4uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix2x3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix2x3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix2x4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix2x4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix3x2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix3x2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix3x4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix3x4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix4x2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix4x2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUniformMatrix4x3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUniformMatrix4x3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUnmapBuffer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUnmapBuffer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glUseProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glUseProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glValidateProgram not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glValidateProgram not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib1f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib1f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib1fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib1fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib2f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib2f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib2fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib2fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib3f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib3f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib3fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib3fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib4f not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib4f not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttrib4fv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttrib4fv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4i not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4i not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4iv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4iv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4ui not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4ui not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribI4uiv not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribI4uiv not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribIPointer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribIPointer not found.',) in '' ignored
Exception: glVertexAttribPointer not found.
Exception Exception: Exception('glVertexAttribPointer not found.',) in '' ignored
Vendor: 'Microsoft Corporation'
Renderer: 'GDI Generic'
Version: '1.1.0'
Display Info: None
Number of texture units: 0
Using shader environment.
here s the log
Try using a Spoiler next time, nobody wants to trawl through a wall of text.(y)

Penfold Mole

Engaged Member
Respected User
May 22, 2017
No it's a video card problem, you need to update your drivers and should work!
Correct, it is a graphics card problem, at least for those who get lines
Using GL DLL.
Windowed mode.
Exception: glWhatever not found or not supported
in the log.txt or tracelog.txt

and the game window freezes, throws an error, stays blank or doesn't open at all.

All of you should try to update your graphics card drivers to the latest version.
And in case it already is the latest version or the latest version doesn't help, then:
  1. Hold the SHIFT key while starting the game and keep holding it until Ren'Py's graphics configuration window opens;
  2. Select "Force ANGLE Renderer" instead of the "Automatically Choose" in the Renderer section top left of the window;
  3. Click "Quit";
  4. Try to start the game again.
Jan 12, 2021
Correct, it is a graphics card problem, at least for those who get lines

in the log.txt or tracelog.txt

and the game window freezes, throws an error, stays blank or doesn't open at all.

All of you should try to update your graphics card drivers to the latest version.
And in case it already is the latest version or the latest version doesn't help, then:
  1. Hold the SHIFT key while starting the game and keep holding it until Ren'Py's graphics configuration window opens;
  2. Select "Force ANGLE Renderer" instead of the "Automatically Choose" in the Renderer section top left of the window;
  3. Click "Quit";
  4. Try to start the game again.
I ll give iy a try thx for your time


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2019
Been having a problem with Love & Sex: Second Base on my laptop for the last couple of months.
Clicking it, it loads for a couple of seconds and then nothing.
You can see the entire log:

You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

And yes, thats the entire log.

I've tried updating my drivers.
I've tried turning off my firewall and letting the program through as a recognised program.
I've tried using the Renpy launcher.

Nothing works. Its the only Renpy game I have a problem with. Tried A House in the Rift, Harem Hotel and at least half a dozen other games, they all work fine, no problem whatsoever.

I've tried the game on my desktop, it works there perfectly, but long term play isn't feasible. So, any help?


New Member
Mar 30, 2021
I dont know why all the new renpy games that made the new version of ren py engine don t work no matter what . but the rest work .
dude is this why milfy city is not working? i just downloaded it a couple of hours ago and from the moment i downloaded it I tried to find ways to run milfy city. cuz it aint displaying sht. i really wanted to play it tho. also do i need a launcher of some sort to play Milfy city? i downloaded a "ren py" launcher earlier but i dont know how to use it. It only showed me that i could make novel games at it. if you reply thank you so much;.


New Member
May 3, 2020
Same problem here but worse, started 3 days ago : not a single game works anymore^^ All I have is a black screen when the game starts then freeze and I have to shut it down. I tried before updating my drivers = nope, drivers up to date = nope, Antivirus = nope, 32/64 launcher = nope. I tried every settings when you do a "shift" start = still nope.
Win 64 and GC drivers up to date, no more idea. Probably a Nvidia issue I guess I'll wait.
(apologies for angrish if any)