Something has happened to CONSOLE access (shft,o) no longer opens

Aug 13, 2017
just happened recently between win updates so unlikely that but suddenly its as if shft,o no longer gets identified even though most other keyboard strokes function on the games including esc tab and such.

tried to access console on numerous games where it worked just fine days ago but none work now so this seems to be a universal problem with Renpy and the system.
using Nvidia card the drivers had not changed but were reinstalled between for another reason
although that same set of drivers were reinstalled before and this did not occur then.

anyone have the same or may know of a fix?
Aug 13, 2017
I've already unlocked the console via note pad ++ they all worked until two days ago its why I checked several games where access to the console worked just the other day but no longer does
Aug 13, 2017
unrenbat does not work either. the console still wont open I'm thinking it may relate to NVIDIA's game streaming system which has its own hotkeys to record and stream which automatically starts up the second you enter a game in fullscreen.
will try and find a way to disable the damn thing since it really shouldn't auto-run
Aug 13, 2017
SOLVED: turns out the left shift button has been turned off somehow (still trying to find where) but right shift works as normal