Unity - Something Unlimited [v2.4.5] [Gunsmoke Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Unreal Bober

    Attention comrade !!!!
    Do not try to get past this magnificent game.

    If you're the same as I hate capitalist baboons, but you always want to be one of them for a couple of days.(Of course, only to understand how to deal with them, comrade!)
    This game will give you the opportunity to even catch a few capitalist super pussies so that they live and work for the good of your company.

    Playing for a rich capitalist and partly a bastard and a villain (of course, we know comrade that there are no other rich people), we are trying to seduce everything that comes to our eyes! Usually these are sexy girls in tight sexy costumes.
    Gameplay (what a strange bourgeois word) in this game is simple.
    1. buy a device and catch a super pussy
    2. The next step is the corruption through the improvement of our device (ideally that is how the usual super pussy transforms into the depraved bourgeois ideas super pussy).
    If you wanted to explore all the possibilities of stupefying through the devices (we call them the media), then this game is for you comrade.

    Comrade, well, if you are a fan of all sorts of bourgeois comics, then you can not even miss the opportunity to catch your favorite character. Go ahead! catch the super pussies and turn them into stupefying masses who have become slaves of your capitalist evil genius!

    Below are a few ratings from the communists we all know who played this game.

    Gameplay 7/10 - "the gameplay is not very different yet. There are no mini-games, there is no diversity, but what may be different is still at the development stage." -Vladimir Lenin

    ART 10/10 - "Almost Like Me" - Pablo Picasso!

    Plot 6/10 - "I don’t see the ultimate goal of an antagonist. The plot is banal - there is a villain, simply because he is a villain. Maybe it's because he is a capitalist pig! Then my rating is 10/10" - Freedom to the working class - Karl Marx!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with tons of contents. The style of the artist is a briliant hommage to the original source material which it itself a partly hommage to golden-era Pin-Up art so there's that. The writing is good , funny and sexy on top of a trove of stuff to discover - more than in many H-games even the completed ones. You can spend days in it before unlocking it all. Also the sheer number of CGs is astounding for a 2D project. In comparison Daz graphics are sometimes good especially when the lighting is good, renders look better. But in the end they're just renders and there's close to zero artistic sense - even when the lighting's good. Here the art is top-shelf and the game itself shows that it's seriously taken care of. There's a lot and it's very immersive, fucking A.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The arstyle and the idea behind the gameplay are great.
    The UI and by extension the gameplay are... really bad.
    • So much clicking. There needs to be a centralized control hub, like a laptop, where you can do the most mundane stuff instead of running around the city for every little thing + something like emails with alerts for certain events.
    • Setting up the dancers in the Slam and prostitutes in Bordello is pain in the ass, and you have to do it regularly to avoid penalties. Again a lot of clicking and some bugs where either the heroine buggs out or the slot. It's even worse if you need to swap heroines between facilities. Clickity-click-click, motherfucker.
    • Setting up heists is a pain in the ass too, because you don't see the chance until after you try to confirm it. Clickity-click-click, motherfucker.
    • Hiring villains is weird too because once hired, you can either assign them to one-time heist, after which they are gone or assign them the guard job, and most of the time they will stay there without any further expenses.
    • PDF guide is a pain in the ass. WHY PDF? Why not html?
    Overall, it's a nice idea and art wrapped in the fairly terrible UI, which also ruins gameplay.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Jimm Reaper

    Having fun playing this game. I like the idea of a slow but steady update of the game. It makes me want to see the next update. I really appreciate the talent behind this game. Hope you wont get tired of doing this. Looking forward for the next update.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A good quality nsfw game is what this is and with focus changing from having many characters to completing the story for existing characters, this game is about to get better. The CG and art is great, really gets you going if you know what I mean. The game play is okay although it is very grindy. Other than that great adult game
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the way that creator respect the original cartoon that he write the charactor in game look exactly like in the original cartoon this is the best way to make parody game and It turnout to be really great.
    I give 5 star eventhrough it still have many bug and don't have that much anime but this game still deserve 5 star.
    Hopefully in the future creator will add animation in all of pictures in the game it might look unneccessary but for me it will make this game be the epic and be the game that i will have in my pc forever.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Hi i started playing this game from the version 2.0.4 and i loved this game and from that point i never missed an update.What i love about this game is the fact that is a parody of the DC show "Justice League Unlimited" a nice show that i enjoyed to watching, also another thing that i like about this game is the large amount of girls that are in this game ,not like the other games where are 1-6 girls max in the game, but not this game in this game are 36 girls so far and more are expected and this is just an amazing thing.The protagonist "Lex Luthor" is the best option for this roll and the plot of this game is just great: the comedy,action and the sex scenes are just great.And the greatest thing about this game is the art of this game .

    P.S sorry for any grammatical mistakes english is not my first language
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Easy to understand gives you direction of what you need to do.You never know who will you meet a friend or foe
    Easy do to lot of things to get from it saving your time.
    3.Open world
    Follows your actions and opens new places as you progress with the story one place at time.
    It changes the way things look and feel a lot also helping you progress in the story and does show how much money can change things.
    Just perfect there are so many big and small details in places,clothes,girls,items and so much more. It shows how much the development team spends time on it.
    It shows the creativity of the team and changes things a lot by showing you what can happened if you fail or succeed.
    Something new a lot of things to do in it has a lot of new faces to see surprising you of who will you meet and what will you do in it.
    7.1.Resetting the events
    Perfect idea gives you a chance to play it again or if you missed something or want to see it again.Giving also a chance for the development team to add something new in the older event or even make something better in that old event.
    8.Some events i would like to see
    1.Darkseid event
    2.Crime syndicate event (only for SuperWoman and her working as double agent showing us loyalty or betrayal)
    3.Beach event
    4.Themyscira also known Paradise Island (after this event opens new event or world to visit the Gods of Olympus)
    9.What this game needs more is
    More girls-Goddesses and Milfs plus some good old pregnancy.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing work in the tone of the original Justice League / Justice League Unlimited series that keeps the art-style and in places even improves on it. Every character can be interacted with and exploited in several different ways and there are a lot of them. The game is potentially infinite with a wide roster of heroines and villains to draw from for future uploads. A real treat for the H DC fan.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    dusty stu

    Hook: another brothel / slave manager game. But this one uses popular IP (DC heroes). Surprised they haven't gotten taken down, yet.

    Best: the art and writing. The girls look hot and the animations are pretty decent for a budget. A lot of work went into conversations and plot. Fairly ambitious scope in terms of character progression trees and various plot threads. Only some of them are fully implemented, though.

    Worst: the game play and the grind. Fairly typical brothel manager sim game play. The grind is so bad, a cheat menu is included by default. Need to balance the prices cheaper. Game is incomplete, so about 4 hours in (more if you don't use the cheat codes), the features stop mid-plot-line for a lot of aspects.

    score: 6.8 / 10

    Version: 2.1.777
    Date: 9/17/18

    Edit: reduced the score a bit upon playing a few similiar but overall beter games here on f95. Since reviews are not allowed to reference other games, just check my post history if you're curious.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The art is just superb. It's like I'm watching Justice League but sexier. What animations present are especially fluid and natural. The main thing holding the game back from a perfect score besides the bugs is the U.I. The U.I is actually responsible for most bugs, like when a character icon gets stuck or doesn't want to stick. Resetting the girls in the club/bordello is tedious and should have an option for multiple customizable presets. The menus can also get really frustrating to navigate, especially in the vault where some characters have multiple pages that you have to renavigate just to pick a different scene that was displayed right under the one you just picked. Finally, and this is a complaint that will only be relevant until it's completed, is knowing when a character has no more content. Some girls can be sexed in the bordello, but it's just trial-and-error knowing which ones you can. I can't tell whether I can unlock more scenes with girls by doing different things with them, or if they just don't have any more completed in the current build.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game in my opinion. Loads of content it's all reasonably similar but nontheless very good content. The Art standard is maintained the whole of the way through the game, a few glitches that can mean you get stuck in a menu and can't leave it but do to the autosave feature you can just quick and continue once again at the start of the day. Story is really interesting looking forward to further development of the story.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    with slow updates, horrible bugs, no music hell no sound at all, boring ass grinding just to get a dance out of some of the girls and mayyybbbeee a blowjob and a plot that moves at a snail pace it's hard to recommended even with the good art.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    incredible game. Can't wait for the final version. It has everything, lots of anal....art direction is amazing too.

    The characters have a lot of charisma, so do the different situations they are involved in. When all the scenes and stuff is finally unlocked in the Lex quarters and so on... it is going to be one of the best erotic games ever.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Fapped more times than I can count with this. Seriously, if you've never heard this, you'll love the first few hours you play it. It is a bit grindy though, so there is no shame in just starting with cheats on. Other than that, it's great!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    My god this game is massive!!! excellent work everybody. I can't wait until it's actually fully fleshed out too. I love the unlockables. Just wish there were more. Very excited to see when you can have private room/ exhibition with all the characters as well. Fantastic selection of characters. Keep up the good work!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    this was one of the fist games i played from F95zone and it got me hooked. it is an amazing game. best game based on characters from the dc universe. when i was finished playing earlier versions of the game i was hungry for more. easy to play with great art and story. i rate this as one of the best adult-games i have ever played. game gets into the action pretty soon and it just gets better the more u play as you are able to unlock new characters and places with different scenes. highly recommend to anyone that enjoys DC comics it does justices to the figures and characteristics of the charters it depicts.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't think there is anything about this game that I don't like.

    We got super heroines and vilenesses being mind controlled and fucked, we got a compelling story that feels like an actual arc straight out of the DC universe, we got humor that fits the setting with very little immersion breaking, and we got art that looks like they hired someone who actually worked for DC.

    Maybe the fact that this game is hardly finished might be the one thing, but then again, getting a new update feels like getting your hands on the volume in a comic. (though I've yet to test if progress can be carried over or if you must restart.)

    Thumbs up all around.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game,
    pretty long with a good writing.
    Lex got the perfect diabolic character.
    The heronines are drawn very well and there are many hidden jokes relatedd to the originalDC comic.
    The only thing i wish for, would be more content in every update, but i think i cann say this to every game, even with an 1 gb update.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Great artwork, interesting writing, good progression and development system and, of course, very good characters!
    If it wasn't for the porn, it might even (with a bit more gameplay) be a one-month public transports game.
    The missing star comes from the developers not developing the characters I prefer (of course I couldn't be totally objective :p ) and the outrageous amount of clicks required to get to a room or a scene.