Unity - Something Unlimited [v2.4.6] [Gunsmoke Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is fucking incredible, literally my dream game, you have read all of the good things from the other reviews so i am not going to repeat them, instead, i will say the things that seem off.

    - navigation could be better.
    - a lot of the bodies are the same, i know tat this saves time in art making but it is still annoying and lazy.
    - wonderwoman, my favorite character has an inconsistent body in her art, almost like a different artist did it or maybe hear head was placed on the wrong heroines body.

    also, the animations of what little are in the game are outstanding, unfortunately the devs re very lazy and stopped not even half way through.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game only has one major problem, and it is a truly major one.

    The gameplay loop sucks, it's ok at the start but as you tack on more heroines and things to mange, it becomes this weird repetitive clicking simulator. You click the next day button, then you click on that house talk to that person, click on the other house talk to the other person, click on that button, drag and drop those things, click on that other house, click that button again and then that button and that button and that button again and that button and then drag and drop and then that button again, then click lexcorp tower, go through each heroine you have locked in ur basement, click through their buttons, see if you unlocked a new sex scene, no? just go to the same one that you've seen 10 times by now maybe next time something will be unlocked...

    Then repeat, ad inifinitum.

    So yeah, the gameplay loop really fucking sucks but besides that, the game is actually good and if they just put 2 seconds of thought into making the actual gameplay actually fun, it'd be one of the best hentai games ever.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A bit too grindy for my tastes. The artwork is good, but a single image for most scenes feels like too little even if the text is well written. On that note, the characters are all really well written and feel like they're actually inline with their actual personalities. But the flow between doing all the actions to manage your properties then capture new heroines means I often forget to check in on Lois or the other women in the dungeon. And the repetitive scenes in there to progress their transformation takes a while too.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Alright, so I just played this adult game that's got all these DC superheroines like Wonder Woman and Black Canary. It's pretty cool, I mean, the artwork is top-notch, they really nailed the looks of these characters.

    But you know what really surprised me? The storylines for each heroine are actually really engaging. It's not just about the XXX scenes, although those are there too, but you get to know these characters on a deeper level. It's like they've got their own arcs and struggles, which adds a whole other dimension to the game.

    Now, unlocking those scenes isn't a chore either. I was worried it'd be like, you know, waiting forever or grinding through levels, but it's not. It flows pretty smoothly, and you can just enjoy the ride without feeling like you're constantly working for it.

    One thing though, navigating through the town could be easier. I mean, I get that they want you to explore and all, but a simpler menu or something would've been nice, especially for those who aren't hardcore DC fans.

    Overall, it's a solid game. If you're into superheroes and, uh, other stuff, it's definitely worth checking out.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game, a little too vanilla for my liking but its well made, the grind is intuitive and fun and I can play for several hours.

    By too vanilla I must not much taboo kind, such as incest.

    Imagine if the hero was a young guy living at home with mom and sisters.

    But hey, who am I to judge, very good game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm leaving a good review because I saw a lot of very bad reviews recently. The game has flaws and the direction is a mess to say the least, but what I can say is that it's still a big game, a lot of content, and one of my favorite adult game. It's a must play if you love Sunset art or DC characters and want to have a simple game to unlock good art with some grind and story.

    If you're into different kinks or more polished gameplay, you may not find what you want in it, but you can definitely enjoy the grind if you like the content you get (no pregnant Lex). The gameplay is simple and the first experience is great. It may not appeal for everyone. The way you unlocks some of the content is repetitive, but it's consistent, and also expected considering the many different characters and scenes.

    Now the issue is in the second part of the game where you start to have too much money and have access to the cell content which is basically the end game content since it breaks the core aspect of the bordello gameplay. The new updates are more to give content for the supporters than adding to the main game while I enjoy some of the events especially the first Yatch one. It gives that feeling of a patchwork with different additions that doesn't make the experience as tight like the threat system unexploited or all the different new locations on the map with the going back and forth. It is frustrating for old players and supporters. Another example is how some scenes have animations, some better than others, and most don't.

    But I can't shy the pleasure I had playing it, I can only put a rating at the level of my enjoyment. It could be a lot better but it's still one of my favorite adult game.

    PS: Also I saw reviews mentioning that you can't speed scroll texts but you actually can. It's something like Shift + Space (I don't even remember how I found out myself). There is also a cheat menu if you're tired of the grind.
  7. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6855285

    Fantastic art and setting brought down by tedious gameplay.

    The art looks great, the characters are good and writting is also solid. But the gameplay is just awfully repetative, grindy and straight out uninspired.

    I often find myself returning to this game because of the art but I think im actually done at this point. The gameplay consists of having the girl you capture work at a stripclub and later at a brothel. By when girls work for more than 1 night they get less money and continues to lower to basically zero the longer they work. There is no way to automate this so that they get changed when they are overworked. You have to do this manually - which works early on, but as soon as you have a few girls it gets way too annoying.

    Getting sex-scenes is also annoying and unfortunaly very unipsired. Capture, talk to girl enough times to unlock next step, to next step until next step etc etc. There is no real variation in the sex scenes and from what i can remember every girl (except maybe Harley?) have no real intersted in having sex apart from protagonist demanding it and later tolerating it. Although they get overwhelmed because of the protagonist superior sex skills and massive dick, they dont really seem to enjoy that much.

    There are also some Heist type missions in which you hire villains to steal money and other stuff. There is way too much RNG involved in this. When you actually get to hire better and stronger villains the reward is so minute that you might aswell just skip it. Early on the chance of suceeding is usually around 50 % and then 70%, altough feels more like a 40 % in my experience.

    Unless you really enjoy the art and dont care about the gameplay, i really cant recommend this game.

    Im rating it as a 2 star - altough it is closer to a 2,5/5 or a 5/10.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    It's been 3 years since I've last played this. and I can say I am beyond disappointed. All that really been added are more characters for you to capture, only to give the same dialogue on why they've been captured and why they cant get off. It was fun the first 3 heroines you capture but gets boring after 20. All for them to end up with the exact same events. Visit them 3 times to unlock one fourplay event, with about 4 fourplay events just to end up with having the same sex scenes. The reward is not stimulating.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Really grindy. Falls into many of the common traps and pitfalls of erotic games.

    The art is good. The early characters have animations, but those drop off at a certain point. Game is menu hell, and requires regularly visiting the same girls over and over again in hopes that there is progression. And without a guide, there might be something that you can do to progress things, but you have to do it the 'right way' and you can only visit each girl once each night. And the progress is the same generic handjob-blowjob-othersex-sex-anal route for most girls.

    Tons of girls get added and tons of girls get neglected. The game is unfocused, and I couldn't find a 'skip text' button, which mean I had to constantly click and spam my keys to progress.

    The save is located in the registry, which is manageable but inconvenient. I lost my old save because I didn't know how/where to deal with regedit. There is no way in hell I'm starting over, so I loaded up someone else's save, to check out a few girls in the gallery. It's just not worth the hard drive space it takes up (12gb at this point).
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Revan 12345

    Looking at pictures and animations made by fans, I realized that this game is the most common garbage. Unlike developers, fans have inspiring ideas for scenes and story, regardless of using the same or similar body models. The only salvation is for the fans to continue the game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic game ... it has nostalgia and it has characters you recognize and its definitely going into my bookmark for life. I will definitely play and repeat this over and over and this is a fantastic gem of a game .. I wish for other games, movies, or shows like this and would be down for more.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Incredibly grindy and lack of animations.
    Controls aren't clearly stated and the UI and sandbox is really terrible. Overall its not worth it.

    Terrible save files allocation. Its not even a folder on your harddrive, its in your damn windows registry. Not playing a game that makes simple things like that so complicated.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game overall, lots of freedom, art is incredible and the cast is extensive. As far as parody games go, this one nails it, a great example of what a parody game should be. There seems to be an impossibly large number of scenes to collect, seriously the amount of content is insane.

    Now onto my only real gripe: the grind of this game is rather formulaic and repetitive. The money hustle I do not mind so much but when it comes to unlocking scenes with characters it tends to be; talk 3 times, scene, talk 2 times, scene, talk 3 times, scene, etc.

    However for me to not give this game a 5-star would be criminal and I couldn't really ask for more in the ways of both content and quality.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It's probably been said before but this is quite grindy and all progression is identical. The art is amazing however and this is pretty much the only game of it's type.

    Beware the saves are stored in the registry. The biggest other technical issue is that it lacks many of the options the industry has come to expect such as text scroll speed, auto moving forward, autosaves. It really is from a different time. I lost my entire save reinstalling windows (not reformatting) which is weird but now that I have to redo all that content, the task of skipping every scene is preemptively cramping my fingers.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    played this a year ago and made my cock red and num trying to unlock all the outfits for all the super sluts. took about 2 weeks of on and off playing and now i see its been updated... well my cock migh drop off if i have to go through it all again.
    Fucking amazing game 9.9/10 only two ways it could improve and thats 1, if it finishes. and 2, if i were actualy being sucked off by these women. The art work, world building and mechanics are all top class, cant wait to fnd this game again in 5 years and brake my cock again playing it all night. who knows by then I'll have someone to suck me off as i play <3
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    "Starting with update 2.1.9, we’re going to focus on finishing current character paths – beginning with a focus on Terra. Our goal is to hopefully bring at least one girl’s story and scenes to completion per update...We’re going to do this by suspending animation work until the game is closer to completion. Animations take a LOT of time and effort to get right. We know we’ve created the expectation that most sexual interaction in the cell content is meant to be animated, but it’s just not feasible with the amount of content we have left to go...We are NOT cutting content from the game (permanently)...Right now we don't know if Sunset will be able to fully complete one character per update. We won't have a solid idea of how smoothly these completion updates are going to go until after the yacht event is done and Sunset can start moving in that direction. Once he has a better idea on how much he can deliver per update cycle, we’ll let you know..."

    You need to lead the way when comes to closing the pages on your characters, you've gained a massive amount of suggestions and ideas along the way from suppporters and patrons and now that you are coming to the end you should be able to take the lead, use your imaginations and end the stories well for each character with the massive amount of content that has been already grately influenced by those who support your cause. This has been in the making for quite some time. I've played and given proper support periodically and honestly not as easily impressed as others, your images and story have evetually become dry and unimaginative. You've dragged this on for so long it makes one wonder of it has become more about the financial gain than the respect of your patrons at this point. With the plethora of ideas spewed out all over this story alone, even my limited imagination has conceived of more than a dozen other new story ideas you could run with and make. My opinion, my thoughts, my observations. Giood luck in your future endeavors.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I was really disappointed.

    The game has really faithfull artwort th characters look just like the animated series, so that I really love, there are also a lot of characters so a lot of content.

    But everything is overshadowed by the massive grinding you have to do, there are cheats thankfully but the grind is still too much even then. And the scenes aren´t worth it they just feel boring and are not really exciting.

    There are also no sound effects or music which is never good.

    I also absolutly hate how saving is handelt here, it just feels bad.

    The dialogue is okay but it can get boring really quick.

    If you love DC, and these types of "trainer" games it´s worth trying but I just don´t think it´s good.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    the art work is good, the progression is a bit normal the varriety of stuff is pleasing but the lack of sound is a large turn of also the fack that you can replace the same girls with the same girls and get the boost seems like bug
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a decent game with a good premise, though over shadowed by same grinding aspect for each and every character. Some characters have nice story lines, while others feel lack luster or forced just to have them completed. Replay value once you seen the scenes is low.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent writing and art ruined by a terrible game framework and terrible update shcedule.

    There really isn't that much else to say. If you have enough time, you can playthrough the game once and see every prison cell scene, which is where the best part of this game is. Then you should never touch it again until the devs are able to progress the main story to a resonable conclusion.