
Conversation Conqueror
Feb 22, 2018
Thats a shame. Guess I gotta reset the whole supergirl route to experience it again
Resetting her device won't do that, you'll have to go nuke the entire thing in the registry file. If that's what you were implying


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 22, 2018
Crap. Nuking the registry it is then. Thanks for the info
Nuking the entire registry (file, unless you want your Windows to die) will remove your save. You'll have to open it and search through the ~50k lines where her specific route is and dabble in there


Aug 10, 2018
What came of that one time they took time off to fix the game's base and coding so all future updates would be nice and easy to implement ?


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Goddamn I miss this shit in cartoons
It's still in cartoons, it's just not in cartoons aimed at children. You need to remember that Justice League and Justice League Unlimited were intended for the same audience that watched Batman Beyond. The ten year gap between Batman TAS and JL/JLU lead to an older audience being targeted. Batman was in the 8-11ish range as the core target audience, JL/JLU was aimed more at the 12-14 year old kids. Thus it occasionally had more risque content. The risque stuff is still there you're just not necessarily seeing it because cartoons are nowhere near the force they used to be for children's entertainment.
Oct 15, 2017
The way the delay announcement was worded says to me that they simply didn't create much of the Themyscira content to begin with. If you have issues with the Themyscira content that needs a few more days than anticipated you could just release the rest (roughly) on time and release a patch/hotfix with the rest of the content a week or so later when it is fixed. But instead they say that if it isn't fixed in a few days it'll simply be cut and put in the next update, presumably with some of that updates content cut short because why put in the extra work if you can get away with minimal effort.

It makes no sense if the content is already fully there to not release it with a small delay/hotfix from the rest of that update's content, unless that content doesn't exist to begin with or you already plan on putting less effort into the next one and wanna pad it with content intended for this release.


Jul 5, 2019
The way the delay announcement was worded says to me that they simply didn't create much of the Themyscira content to begin with. If you have issues with the Themyscira content that needs a few more days than anticipated you could just release the rest (roughly) on time and release a patch/hotfix with the rest of the content a week or so later when it is fixed. But instead they say that if it isn't fixed in a few days it'll simply be cut and put in the next update, presumably with some of that updates content cut short because why put in the extra work if you can get away with minimal effort.

It makes no sense if the content is already fully there to not release it with a small delay/hotfix from the rest of that update's content, unless that content doesn't exist to begin with or you already plan on putting less effort into the next one and wanna pad it with content intended for this release.
My thoughts exactly, it's highly likely the Themyscira content he's promised for this update doesn't really even exist, and the 50/50 focus he talked about in his posts was a lie or at the very least there's incredibly little of it to begin with, but Sunset is using the usual excuse of "we've run into problems" so when the update releases and there's barely any Themyscira content in it, he's gonna say that he planned to have more of it in the update but because of issues he's delaying to the next update, when in reality he just simply made very little content to begin with.

The thing is, lying like this is completely unnecessary. He would lose literally nothing by simply being honest and saying "listen, the the focus for this update was on the MB content that has already been drawn on streams last year, the Themyscira content is highly likely coming in the next update, we'll maybe put a little of it in this update , but no promises."

But nope, instead he said the update's focus would be 50/50 split between the Amazons and the MB, then teased the MB for an entire month while repeatedly saying that the Themyscira content is also coming in every update teaser, then when the time comes to actually release the update, suprise suprise, we ran into problems with the Amazons' content, so we're delaying it to the next update (even though if the content you promised actually existed, you wouldn't delay it to the next update, you would just release a hot fix including said content a few days / weeks later).
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