Try to rise up relationship with sister to max and on saturday or sunday go to her room about 4pm she might complain about her boyfriend and then beat himYeah, I can't find her boyfriend, all I got was she reunited with boyfriedn after some time and that's it, no more being able to fuck her...
You need to do that to continue her quest. She will be mad for a while but that's okay. Keep giving her magazines. She'll eventually come talk to you about her boyfriend. Beat him up and you should be goHey can someone explain what it means by blackmail the sister. Just finished the special picnic and want to make sure I don't mess anything up
What month are you inModified version is bugged. Can't see sis in shower after certain point, nor does mom date ever happen
For the Bad Guy aka, Brick, this part of a post from the first page,Need more hint on elsa, I cant find the bad guy to arrange a hero show.
beating up gopniks in the park 5-7 days in a row till you get a approached by a guy called brick
That's it with the swinger's content. No, you can't do more with Antonia because you became her bitch ( You should stick with that option If you choose the other option, you'll just be posing with underwear.)So I did the first swinger date with Sveta, how do I unlock the others?
Also, is there any more content with Antonia besides licking her every Monday/Wednesday/Friday?
october, also i got mom, the bad dialogue said to meet her at noon when she is there at around 21 00.What month are you in
Also Perfumes raise your sisters level back up as wellRaise relation and slutiness via normal means. Good measure to know when you reached a good point is if she allows you to touch and lick her tits at her room during the weekends. When you reach this points start taking her to Sunday picnics. Keep doing so till you get the option "special" picnic. Do that. Go to the sister during the weekend, play with her tits and blackmail her (drops relation to lowest level). Keep gifting magazines for some time till you get an event with her and her boyfriend, kick hiss ass. This is SUPPOSED to raise the relation back to top, but when I played 0.9 it did not happen. So you either get the sister as your fuck toy right after that, or will need to spend some time raising relation until you can fuck her again. Regardless, she's yours.
You can convince your sister to help you with the exams at the uni. After being in really good relation with her, ask for her help during a picnic. On the day of the exam you can see the event, her fucking the teacher for you to get the passing grade.
If you're talking about the date with mom, it happens at 19:00 and even with the cheat file you still have to play through the story it just takes less time than starting at neutral. You're not going to immediately hit every quest line when you startoctober, also i got mom, the bad dialogue said to meet her at noon when she is there at around 21 00.
Sister still seems bugged, I am using the cheat file, and I can't access the boyfriend part...
I pretty much got everything else worth seeing by the look of the pics folder.
Good game, wayyyyyyyyy too much grind, like, way too much even with the cheat file, Seeing as how its translated, I forgive the text. But ya, I would love more point and click adventure porn games.