Ren'Py - Abandoned - Sophie [v0.1] [Tasty Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good start and great renders, and Sophie is so lovely! The writing is also very good, and realistic in the relationship between the main characters, something that I think is rare in adult games. And interesting drama already unfolding and a travel, to get closer with the characters.

    A short introduction that many of us hoped a lot would lead to something great, but sadly at the time of this review its another game that's been abandoned, and we fans can only hope Tasty will return to work more on this, because its definitely a game I think could be an amazing game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Only version 0.1 but off to a good start with excellent graphics, great English grammar, and very good story line. Sophie herself is absolutely gorgeous! Text in text box needs to be much larger. Can't wait to see how this game progresses!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.1...

    Originally Reviewed on 12/14/2017

    Well, tried out this demo/introduction, and so far I'm impressed... It has a similar theme to some other stories (the overused Family Sex stuff) with the protagonist being the father with a daughter going on a vacation after finding out that the marriage isn't working out so well... But perhaps it'll have some more creative fervor compared to others that have come before it, without going too overboard on the drama...

    The visuals are absolutely fantastic for the characters, and the backdrops are not bad either... Only qualm I had was the clothing shop backgrounds, as the visual for it in this VN is so over used, I've seen it in lots of other VN's... I'ld like to see more original backdrops for clothing stores, as this one comes from the same source as all the others... The fade outs and waking up visuals, were done with perfection...

    The script is based on the father-daughter theme, which does get a bit overused... But I was glad that this VN is not hyper-focusing on erotic scenes... It looks like it has the potential to play out as a nice love story without too much overly done drama, and the pacing of the story is pretty good, thus far... I would say it even has the potential to be on par with some of the great VN's like DMD and others... There was one mistake made when the protagonist first gets a choice to knock or just walk in, if you choose knock that first time, later on at the clothing store the text acts like you walked in and warns about not wanting to anger her again, which didn't happen because I chose Knock... So there is a little bit of a continuity bug that needs fixing...

    Overall, even though this VN is really early into it's development, it's really good, albeit short... I love the fact that it doesn't start off with a bunch of erotic choices, and instead ops for a deeper story with good narrative without getting swept away with all that erotic nonsense right in the beginning... That, to me, shows lots of potential for being a really good visual novel... I will definitely be re-visiting this one a bit down the road, and hope it stands the test of time while being developed...
  4. 2.00 star(s)



    Art 6/10: Pretty standard daz models, i was going to put a 5/10 cause some weird pose and sometimes the eyes that looks into the vastity of the universe but the night scenes show some actual skills especially in the lights department.

    Story 2/10: The story is a copy of a copy of a copy, and the conversations are lackluster at best, that bend to the weird. the few choices you can make are forced and don't blend with the story. (i don't have to tell you that is the first game and all can be forgive, i understand that the dev want to keep things simple... but damn)

    Sound 0/10: no sound or music

    overall 4/10: *yawn* boooring *yawn*, if you read my reviews you already know that i value story above else and there is nothing of the such here.Like I said, i know it's the first work of the dev and he is learning, the daz skill are good and if he learn how to write a story, he can be someone to look out for but for now, I think that the only reason to follow is to guide him/her/it to a better story.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Gary Bertrand

    I like it but its a hell of a lot like dating my Daughter but has a lot of promise in it i will keep a close eye on this one so far looks great.. the daughter is nice looking and her tits are not over sized like most are there just a nice size to cup with and she has nice hair al ot better then most..