
VN - Others - Completed - Sorcery Jokers [3rd Eye]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's good, but... long. And long in a bad way: It keeps tense moments for too much time, with too much frequency. While the story writing is solid, the constant plot twists even let you know that any given fight scene won't end until at least two twists are deployed. And that takes time.

    The writing is solid. The music is good. They use well most writing tricks, and a lot of variety... Although given the sheer length of this work, at some point it goes from use to abuse and you start measuring as "the protagonist wasn't beaten to a pulp yet, so this action scene cannot finish" or "expectations were turned exactly once, the scene cannot finish until they turn my expectations around again".
    Even if they avoid repeating the same trick too much (some tricks, like "sheer luck" and "time manipulation" are only used exactly once; even villains and heroes try to vary their repertorie of tricks to try to keep things interesting), you always know a scene is not yet ending if they still haven't shown you their next trick yet.

    By the way, they kill almost a whole page worth (in sound settings) of characters. They work well with their side characters, and the main cast has an epilogue, but some of the other secondary kinda of... disappear. (What happened to Yumi, anyway?). Those whom got killed ended up having a more satisfactory character development than some of those whom weren't explicitly killed by the authors.

    Characters usually shine... although as others said, Haruto is overshadowed by Senri (who's just much more interesting overall) and the final villain is so... cartoon~ishly evil, up to and including to traditional final villain's gloating, while still basically scoring a victory on everything which matters until the very end (and not due to protagonists incompetence). It was weird seeing someone so intelligent, able to outsmart the extremely smart and capable cast, to be at cartoon levels of evilness.

    So I feel this was good, but they overdid it in several things.

    This is ultimately a kinetic novel, where story is the most important factor, with art and music giving support to it. Which they do well, but still a support role so not really worth of mention. Hence a 4/5... rounded up, I would be leaning towards 3.5/5 otherwise.

    And yes, if you want to fap, go look elsewhere. This one will take a dozen hours for a couple scenes, then another dozen hours for another single scene, then a handful hours for the epilogue where the other 12 out of 15 H scenes are at and can be seen in under a hour. However, there's some fan service in some scenes during the game. Which brings me to the last point:
    The fact Ageha is a pure tease (as only the main cast has H scenes) is... well, I originally didn't expect it to affect negatively the work but here we are.
    Thing is, given how meticulous the story writers are, you would expect her teasing to have some justification or growth, but it has neither, and is kept as a comic relief even in Noah's epilogue ─ and she doesn't even really show up there. So it felt lacking, not because there's no scene with Ageha, but because you expect something from the story writers ─ be it a scene, a justification, or just growth in her character ─ which never happens. Every character had a chance to display some character growth, Ageha included... But in the end of the game she doesn't grow at all, and remains as the not-really-comic relief.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I think the game is fairly well-written. The story does have some twists and mystery elements to it. It's a kinetic novel, so you won't have any say in how the story develops but can choose to see in which order events unveil and from whose perspective but that's it. Don't be fooled by "multiple endings" tag. There's only one ending for the story but there are 4 epilogues (which are mini-endings focusing on the stories of the main characters).
    There are very few H-scenes throughout the game and majority of sex content is in epilogues. If you are looking for a quick fap - look elsewhere. This game is all about the story and not about the sex. There are some characters which look sex-driven but in fact you won't see any sex scenes with them at all.
    As someone who plays H-games for the story, I enjoyed this one. But I guess most people won't. Too much text and not enough sex.

    Story: 4/5
    Characters: 5/5
    Graphics: 5/5
    H-content: 2/5

    Overall, I'd say it's a good game but not a good sex game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Duke Greene

    A solid entry in 3rd Eye's library of chuuni VNs but one that doesn't quite dethrone Shinigami no Testament just yet.

    Sorcery Jokers follows the struggles of the two protagonists, Senri and Haruto, in a world where magic is commonplace. It starts very much as a mystery story: you have strange disappearances and events happening all over the city and you, the player, view that through the eyes of Haruto and Senri.
    The first issue here arises from the dual protagonist hook. Haruto is a seemingly normal high-school student while Senri is an Outcast (unlicensed mage) and something of a criminal. Because of this Senri is always at the heart of the events, making his side of the story a lot more gripping than Haruto's. Still, the first half of the plot is absolutely fantastic and I found myself wanting to skip work just to know the answers to all the questions.

    Unfortunately the second half is somewhat disappointing. Without spoiling anything the VN introduces a very poor plot twist that ends up hurting the setting's potential and villains of varying quality, culminating in a "final boss" so ridiculous and cartoonishly evil I just couldn't take him seriously. It remained enjoyable regardless in a mindless entertainment kind of way but truly doesn't hold a candle to the first half. It doesn't help that Senri is yet again a lot more interesting than Haruto, despite the latter being more relevant than previously.

    On a technical level, Sorcery Jokers is intended to be played at 1080p and the art is drawn at adequate resolution for that. It has an awful lot of effects, especially during battle scenes, and since ShiinaRio is a fairly demanding engine to begin with it's possible for the VN to chug a bit on weaker machines, particularly laptops with integrated graphics.

    This "review" (using the term loosely here) might seem somewhat negative but it was truly an enjoyable read, just one that lost too much steam somewhere along the way to be really great. If you're a fan of chuunige you should give it a try.